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1、让我们用心沟通 兆文教育牛津版初一初二介词短语汇集一、at相关的短语1/at the top-right corner在右上角2/at school在学校3/be good at=be clever at擅长于什么事情(后面加名词或动名词)4/at midnight在午夜5/at the beginning/end of在的开头/结尾6/at work在工作7/at breakfast在吃早餐时8/arrive at+place(小地方,如机场)到达小地方arrive in+大地方(如城市)9/at a desk在桌子旁10/stare at盯着某人,与pear的发音一样的双元音/ ste /

2、11/at the same time同时12/at night在晚上13/at last 最终14/at university在大学15/at that time在那时候16/aim at瞄准,目的在于He aimed at being a successful singer他的目标就是成为一个成功的歌手17/at first首先18/at the back of 在的后面19/at break在休息时20/at a distance在稍远处21/keep sb at a distance疏远某人22/knock at/on the door敲门23/at the age of在几岁的时候2

3、4/at the time of在的时候25/at the moment=at present现在26/shout at sb朝某人吼叫/au/27/make oneself at home不比拘谨28/laugh at嘲笑29/at least至少30/at ones best在某人在最佳状态31/at worst往最坏处说,充其量He will have to pay a fine at worst在最坏的情况下,他得交罚款32/at most至多33/be angry about/at sth因某事生气对比:be angry with sb生某人的气34/at a time每次,一次Li

4、steners can only ask one question at a time听众一次只能问一个问题35/at one time曾经,一度36/at times有时候37/look at看二、in相关的短语1/in the middle在中间2/be in glasses=wear glasses戴着眼镜3/in the world在世界上4/in autumn/winter在秋天/冬天5/be interested in +sth (doing sth)对某事有兴趣6/in my own car用我自己的车,在我自己的车里面7/in an hour or two用一两个小时8/spe

5、nd(in)doing sth,花费做某事9/be in charge of管理,主语是人Be in the charge of,管理,主语是物,翻译为“被管理”10/in+衣着,in blue dress穿着蓝色衣服The girl in blue dress is my elder sister,那个穿着蓝色裙子的女孩是我的姐姐11/in handcuffs带手铐12/in time及时对比on time准时13/in a hurry匆忙地=hurriedly14/in the future在未来,相对长远一点的时间In future在以后,相当于from now on15/in the

6、past在过去16/in a second很快地=in a moment=in a minute17/take part in参加18/in the end最最后对比,at the end of这里有一个of19/do well in=be good at20/in ones life在某人的一生之中21/in ones opinion在某人看来22/in ones study在某人的研究中23/in shape and size在形状和大小方面24/be in trouble遇到困难25/in a valley在山谷中26/get in到达,进入27/in peace和平地=peaceful

7、ly28/in fact事实上=as a matter of fact29/in pieces破碎地30/in space 在宇宙中31/in front of在(之外)的前面,如站在小车前面In the front of在(里面)的前面,如教室前面(靠近黑板的地方)32/in an hour在一个小时之后,常常用于一般将来时态in one weeks time在一周时间之后33/in the daytime在白天34/in secret=secretly秘密地35/in order of按照的顺序36/believe in信赖某人Believe in oneself信赖某人自己36 in p

8、lace of=instead of取代37/succeed in doing sth成功做成某事38/in the distance在远方39/in addition to, 除了还In addition to swimming, I have other hobbies such as playing football,除了游泳外,我还有其他兴趣如踢足球,这里的in addition to可以换为besides,但是不能换为except或except forThey are all there except me他们都在那里,除了我40/trade in出售,经营41/put in pri

9、son关进监狱42/be dressed in sth某人穿着什么43/in return作为回报I gave him money in return我给他付钱作为回报44/in no time=right away立刻,马上45/in the shape of以的形状46/join in加入某人的活动或正在进行的事,常用于join sb in (doing)sth47/hand in上交48/hand in hand手拉手49/give in (to)屈服50/letin吸收51/in danger处于危险之中52/in the form of以的形式53/in order to do为了做

10、什么54/in ones 30s,在某人30多岁的时候55/in ones life在某人的一生中56/stay in hospital住院57/in a way在某种程度上58/in this/that way以这种/那种方式59/in ones way挡某人的道60/in existence存在的61/in trouble有麻烦62/get in trouble with犯事落到某人/某个法律,单位手里63/in good condition处于良好状态64/in reply作为答复65/in exchange for sth交换某物I gave him a pen in exchange

11、 for a ruler66/keep in contact with sb与某人保持联系67/in all总共You just made two mistakes in all你刚刚总共犯了两个错误68/encourage sb in (doing) sth=encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事69/in need有需要70/in need有需要,在危难中,在穷困中She is in need of a rest她需要休息三、on相关的短语1/ be keen on热衷于2/on the left/right在左边/右边3/put on穿上4/on the way (t

12、o)在去的路上5/work on忙于,努力于6/spendon sth花费在某个东西上面7/on weekends在周末8/on weekdays从周一到周五9/go on继续Go on doing继续做同一件事Go on to do继续做下一件事10/pull on匆匆穿上衣服11/on ones own靠某人自己12/on the side of在一边13/on time准时14/on earth在地球上15/be based on以为基础,取材于16/land on登陆,降落于17/on other planet在其它星球18/play jokes on sb开某人的玩笑19/play

13、a trick on sb捉弄某人20/get on搭上(火车等),过日子,成功,相处Get on well (with sb)与相处融洽21/knock on the door22/depend on=be dependent on依赖于23/on ones own独立地,自主地24/on wheels25/on sale正在出售26/on earth在地球上,到底what is your plan on earth?你的计划到底是什么?27/make a deep impression on sb给某人留下深刻的印象Her kindness made a deep impression o

14、n me28/keep (on) doing sth.反复做某事The child keeps on asking his mother the same question29/my thought on the book我对于那本书的看法,相当于about30/argue with sb. On/about sth与某人就某事而争论I argued with my elder brother on the housework我因为家务事和我的哥哥吵架了31/later on 后来32/agree on关于某个方面达成一致33/insist on+n/doing坚持事情34/decide on sth就而作出决定What date did you decide on?你们决定选哪天?35/sb. + spend+ 时间/金钱 +on sth. / (in) doing sth某人花费多长时间/多少金钱在某事/做某事上面,in可以省略,on不能省略36/and so on,等等37/turn on打开38/focus ones attention on sth集中注意力在某个方面39/put on weight增加体重,发胖40/passon to将传递给其他人She can pass the important informa



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