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1、 英语口语900句文本:离婚我们常常吵架。We fight a lot.Do you two fight? (你们吵架吗?)Yes, we fight a lot. (嗯,我们常吵架。)我不再爱我的妻子了。I don”t love my wife any more.我老婆有外遇。My wife”s cheating on me. *cheat on.“在男女关系上表现的不忠”。My wife”s a two-timer.My wife”s secretly dating someone else.My wife”s having an affair.我们感情不和。We had a fallin

2、g-out. *falling-out“感情不和”、“失和”。We had a big disagreement. (我们之间意见分歧很大。)We don”t get along anymore. (我们再也不能在一起了。)我已经转变心愿了。I”ve changed my mind.I”ve reconsidered. (我想重新考虑。)你变了。You have changed.You”re not the same as before. (你和以前不一样了。)你现在是不是和谁交往呢?Are you seeing someone now?Are you seeing someone now?

3、(你现在是不是和谁交往呢?)Actually, no. (没有,谁也没有。)我和妻子没什么共同语言。I don”t see eye to eye with my wife. *see eye to eye with.“和意见全都”。How”s married life? (婚后生活怎么样?)I don”t see eye to eye with my wife. (我和妻子没什么共同语言。)我们俩合不来了。We just don”t get along.我想我很了解你。I thought I knew you.我和我的秘书有了婚外情。I had an affair with my secret

4、ary.和你在一起没意思。I don”t enjoy being with you.We don”t have any fun anymore.我们离婚吧。Let”s get divorced. *divorce“离婚”。I don”t love you anymore. (我不再爱你了。)Let”s get divorced. (我们离婚吧。)现在我和我妻子分居了。I”m separated from my wife. *separate“夫妻分居”。We are living separately now.我不能失去你。I can”t get over losing you. *get o

5、ver“(从疾病、苦痛中)恢复,重新站起”。I can”t recover from breaking up with you. (我无法承受和你的分手。)I can”t forget you. (我无法遗忘你。)和你分手是我的苦痛。Breaking up is hard to do. *break up“朋友、夫妻间的分手”。make up (和好,言归于好)请不要伤我的心。Don”t break my heart. *break one”s heart“使万分苦痛,让对方因失恋而苦痛”。I want to break up. (我想和你分手。)Don”t break my heart. (请不要伤我的心。)Don”t make me sad.我们争辩了好几个小时。We argued for hours. *argue“是用理论来说服对方”或“各自坚持自己的主见而争辩不休”。


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