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1、高中英语阅读理解全攻略一、 推断题:1. 解推断题应注意:(1)不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点 (2)推理的根据来自于上下文2. 推断题的常见形式:(1) The paragraph following the passage will most probably be _. (2) It can be inferred from the text that _.(3) From the text we know that _. (4) The story implies that _.(5) The writers attitude towardis _.3. 解推断题的方法:根据词义关系推

2、断具体细节例1:One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches and two spiders.” “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised. “Well,” replied the man, “Im moving out of my apartment and the landlord insis

3、ts that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.”(1) The passage suggests that when the writer moved in to the house, it was _. A. very cleanB. just cleaned by the landlordC. tidy and comfortableD. dirty and full of insects例2:Some people are never right. They never have

4、good luck. They usually do the wrong thing and say the wrong thing. And even if what they say or do is OK, they as a rule say it or do it at the wrong time. So these people always have problems. They often break dishes. They sometimes miss buses and airplanes.Mr. Neff is different. He is always righ

5、t. He is never wrong. He usually has good luck. He seldom has problems. He never breaks dishes. He never misses buses or airplanes. Even if he does miss them, it is always the fault of the buses or air planes. Mr. Neff knows almost everything. He doesnt ask questions;he answers questions. He never s

6、ays, “I dont know.”(2) Which of the following best describes the writers attitude towards Mr Neff? A. He finds Mr Neff hard to understand B. He thinks Mr Neff wonderful C. He feels pity for Mr Neff D. He does not like Mr Neff二、事实题:在阅读理解题中,又有相当一部分属于事实或细节题。下面仅就这类题作简要说明:1. 直接事实题:在解答这类问题时要求学生抓住题干文字信息,采用

7、针对性方法进行阅读,因为这类题的答案在文章中可以直接找到。例3:This huge dam was called Boulder Dam when it was finished in 1936. Later it was renamed Hoover Dam in honor of a president of the United States. Hoover Dam, one of the highest dams in the world, is situated between the states of Arizona and Nevada.(3) Hoover Dam lies

8、_.A. between Arizona and Nevada B. in the Black Canyon C. between New York and San Francisco D. both A and B2. 间接事实题:解此类题需要结合上下文提供的语境和信息进行简单的概括和判断。例4:Invited by Mr. Ye Huixian, host of the well-received TV programme “Stars Tonight”, Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991, appeared as the guest hostess on t

9、he Shanghai TV screen last Sunday. Born in Shanghai and taken to Hong Kong when she was only six years old, Luo Lin has never dreamed of being Miss Asia. Her childhood dream was to be an airhostess. Before she took part in the competition, she had been an airhostess in Cathay Airline for seven years

10、. However, it still took her three months to learn the art of walking on the stage, dancing, singing, making-up and other proper manners, designed by the Asia TV Station.(4) Which of the following is NOT true? A. Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai.B. Luo Lin moved to Hongkong with her parents. C. Luo L

11、in won the title of Miss Asia in 1991. D. Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to be Miss Asia.3. 词义理解题:做此类题时,学生应尽可能地利用生词所在的上下文来猜测词义,即利用我们所熟悉的词或短语和上下文中的已知部分进行逻辑上的推理,有时还需依靠常识和经验。例5:Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices handed down from father to son of old country customs.

12、All this is very difficult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed here to separate good plants from wild grass. The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness and how

13、often scientific discoveries of what had existed in this area long age.(5) In the last paragraph the phrase “this wide, confused wilderness” refers to _. A. personal experience B. wild weeds among good plants C. the information from the parents D. the vast store of traditional practices快读训练(六)(A)O.

14、Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Porter. He was born in North Carolina in 1862. As a young boy he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for very long, but he managed to teach himself everything he needed to know. When he was

15、 about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas, where he tried different jobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. When some money went missing from the bank, O. Henry was believed to have stolen it. Because of that, he was sent to prison. During the three years in prison, he learned to write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and continued writing. He wrote mostly about New York and the life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because simple as the tales were, they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the re


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