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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes 教学设计方案一、概述 本课是人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes Warming Up和Reading: A Night The Earth Didnt Sleep的1-2课时。 本课围绕地震话题,让学生想象地震发生的情景,描述、讨论与地震有关的话题:地震的前兆,地震时的应急逃生,地震后如何科学救人。阅读部分报道了唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的危害及损失和震后的救援情况。 本课学习由that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句的运用。二、教学目标分析1. Control the words

2、 and expressions about the earthquakes;2. Know more about Basic knowledge of earthquakes by showing the pictures and video; 3. Know how to protect oneself and help the others in disasters;4. Realize that something can be done to minimize or avoid the damage caused by the earthquake;5. Learn somethin

3、g about the natural disasters and Tangshan Earthquake;6. Control the using of the attributive clause.三、学习者特征分析 初中阶段学生在地理和科学学科已学习过有关自然灾害的内容,因此他们对地震等自然灾害方面的知识有一定的认识和了解,只是在英语表达上有的学生存在一定的困难; 学生具备基本的自主学习英语的能力,思维较活跃,能积极参与讨论,且部分学生口语表达能力较强; 学生熟练计算机的操作,已具有基本的网上搜索、阅读、整理资料的能力,因此他们能利用网络,根据自己的能力,选择相关信息,分工合作,搜集有关

4、自然灾害,尤其是地震的信息。四、教学策略选择与设计 学生通过网络上网,自主查阅相关资料,筛选信息,并对信息进行整理和重组,以书面或口头交流的形式,实现相关知识的建构; 通过介绍相关信息资料,拓展学生的阅读能力,培养学生的阅读技能,同时培养学生听、说、读、写的能力。五、教学资源与工具设计 人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准实验教科书,英语必修1; 本课件配套的网络课件,相关地震等灾害图片,相关地震的视频; 网络教室。六、教学过程 Period 1Pre-task:1. Ask the Ss to surf the internet and get the information about the

5、natural disasters, especially the earthquakes. 2. Learn the new words by themselves before class. StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAims1. Lead-in: the natural disasters1.Show the pictures of the natural disasters: earthquake, typhoon, flood, drought, etc.2.Ask Ss to talk about what they kn

6、ow about them.Ss discuss and answer the question: Which of the following may cause people the greatest damage?用自然界中真实的自然灾害的图片引入与本话题有关的知识的了解,激发学生的学习兴趣。2. Warming Up1.Show the pictures of the city of San Francisco and new Tangshan.Ask Ss to imagine there has been a big earthquake, describe what might

7、happen to all the things in the photos.2. Show the picture of San Francisco earthquake and Tangshan earthquake.1.Describe to your partner what might happen to all the things in the photos.building, roads, bridges cracks, cut across houses, roads and canals, fall down, lie in ruins, destroy2. Contras

8、t to the scene of San Francisco earthquake and Tangshan earthquake.通过图片的展示和视频的播放,对比两个城市现在和地震时的情景,让学生了解到地震的危害,引入本单元的话题的教学。Related information about earthquake (pictures, video, etc) Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Can you describe what it was like?Describe what the earthquake was like.Earthq

9、uakes can damage buildings, bridges, dams, and other structures, as well as many natural features.让学生有选择地寻找相关地震的信息,为后面的自主活动做准备。3. DiscussionIf there is an earthquake coming right now and right here, what should we do to save ourselves?Talk about how to escape from an earthquake.If you are sleeping i

10、n your bedroom, you should get up and ran out of the house with your family.If you are outside, you should keep away from power lines, trees, cars and buildings.学生自主活动:了解在地震中处于各种情况下如何应急逃生。学生把学到知识迁移到实际生活中。4.TasksTask 1: Listening taskPlay the audio-Listening Task, workbook.Finish off the exercises on

11、 Page 66, workbook.(Handout)任务型活动,让学生自主活动,制定出在地震中该如何逃生的计划。Task 2: Make an Earthquake PlanAsk Ss to make their own earthquake plan.Ss Make an earthquake plan:(Handout)1. run out of the house2. hide under something like a table3. drop to the floor, cover the head and neck with the arms.4. Keep away fr

12、om power lines, trees, cars and buildings.5. Task 3: Collect a personal earthquake bag1.Image the room begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Why?2.You are to choose eight things to put into your personal earthquake bag. Make a lis

13、t.(Handout)Possible items for the personal earthquake bagbottle of watercandlesmoneyclothesimportant papersknifefood and sweetstorch lightmedicineidentify cardcomputermapDiscuss your choices. Present your list to the class and give your reasons for each choice.任务型活动学生自主活动,选择地震逃生时的必带品。Period 25. Pre-

14、reading1. DiscussionShow the picture on page 25, ask Ss:What do you think may happen before an earthquake?Ss may answer:Animals run around. /The well water bursts forth./ There is bright light in the sky./ The well rises and falls.根据图片显示的各种迹象,结合网上搜集的相关信息,学生自由讨论。2. Background about Tangshan Earthquak

15、e.1) Ask the Ss to surf the internet and get the information about Tangshan Earthquake.2) Play video about Tangshan Earthquake. Let students feel the damage of Tangshan Earthquake.The damage (pictures):people killed or injured, nearly everything destroyed, animals died Fast Facts about Tangshan EarthquakeStruck at 3:42 a.m. on July 28, 1976 7.8 magnitude Epicenter was 11 km (7 mi) below the city of Tangshan 242,419 people killed 12.8 percent of the city of Tangsha


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