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1、水泥砼道路面层施工方案砼路面的施工工艺流程如下:上基础验为合格?室内外试验完毕?安装模板?砼拌和?砼运输入仓?平板、插入式振动器振捣?初平?微振动梁振岛?二次找平?真空吸水?表面处理磨浆?推光?压痕?养护?锯缝?嵌缝等. 一、模板工程 1、安装 模板采用钢槽钢,高度同路面结构层同高,采用人工安装。砼路面两侧模板安装好坏,直接影响平整度,模板安装不牢(包括基础和加固支撑)在振岛时容易变样,特别是用振动梁振平时,两侧模板的高程是控制砼面形状的主要因素,两侧模板牢固,横坡合格率高、平整,纵向模板接头处要平顺,不变形,纵向平整度质量好,直顺度好。所以说模板安装质量是保证路面平整度第一因素。 2、模板的

2、拆除 模板拆除的时限应根据路面结构物的结构类型确定,须待到规范规定的砼强度值后方可拆模。 木模板拆除应使用专用工具,按各类模板结构支撑所确定的程序小心仔细地进行,避免对模板及砼面的损伤. 拆除后的模板应分别堆放,予以标识,并加以维护保养,以备再用. 二、钢筋工程 本工程钢筋主要是传力杆和角隅钢筋,量少,结构简单,加工方便.方便采用厂加工,运到现场人工安装。 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass gas, timel

3、y reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work。 Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money. During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to each half o

4、ut half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task

5、of investigating。 The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cycle of rem

6、ediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number。 The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an indepth, meticulous work, the quality and quantity of

7、the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 1、钢筋的进场及检验 钢筋应根据施工详图及进度计划要求组织钢筋进场。进场后堆放在钢筋堆放场,并予以标识。钢筋应有出厂合格证,进场后应按规范要求取样复检,合格后方可使用到本工程上。 2、钢筋加工 钢筋加工集中在工地钢筋加工厂内进行。 1)钢筋除锈、调直 钢筋下料加工前应先进行除锈、调直处理。清除钢筋表面的油渍、漆污和浮皮、铁锈等,并用钢筋调直机将弯曲的钢筋调直,钢筋除锈主要结合钢筋调直一起进行,在钢筋调直过程中除锈,必要时辅以机械、手工除锈。 2)钢筋配料 钢筋加工前仔细阅读施工详图和设计修

8、改通知,结合浇筑部位的分层分块,兼顾砼入仓方式,并根据钢筋运输、安装方法及所采用的接头形式,分解制定钢筋下料加工单. 3)钢筋切断 主要采用钢筋切断机切断钢筋。切断时将同规格钢筋按不同长度长短搭配,统筹排料,一般应先断长料,后断短料,减少短头,减少损耗。断料时在工作台上标出尺寸刻线并设置控制断料尺寸用的挡板,避免用短尺量长料. 4)钢筋弯曲成型 利用钢筋弯曲机按要求弯曲成型。 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should promptly pass

9、gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work。 Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task. Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money。 During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and institutions to e

10、ach half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses。 Area should take the initiative to assume

11、 the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as soon as possible to organize a dragnet investigation, find out the existing problem of regional location and scale, in accordance with the size of the problem and arrangement of the cy

12、cle of remediation and the city, the establishment of key problem ledger, discharge schedule, a pin number。 The township, streets and villages, the community would like to play the main role, fulfill its responsibility to reveal all the details, launch an in-depth, meticulous work, the quality and q

13、uantity of the completion of a comprehensive remediation tasks. 5)钢筋焊接 加工场内钢筋采用闪光对焊机进行连续闪光焊.应合理选择焊接参数,以获得良好的对焊接头. 6)钢筋代换 一般应避免钢筋代换,必须进行钢筋代换时,征得监理工程师同意,可按规范规定进行钢筋等强度、等面积或变形控制代换。 3、钢筋安装 1)准备工作 钢筋绑扎安装前先核对成品钢筋的钢号、直径、形状、尺寸和数量等,并准备好铁丝、绑扎工具及控制砼保护层的预制垫块。 2)钢筋安装方法 主要采用现场手工绑扎即散装法。 3)钢筋绑扎安装 分为铺料、划线、绑扎、连接及仓位清理五

14、个工序.根据测量放样点在模板基础上划出钢筋位置线,籍以进行钢筋绑扎或连接。钢筋保护层用同标号的水泥砂浆预制垫块控制,垫块预埋铁丝与钢筋扎紧. 4)钢筋连接 钢筋现场连接主要采用手工电弧焊,施焊前,先进行钢筋定位,保证两钢筋的轴线在一条直线上。施焊时,引弧由一端开始,在搭接钢筋端头上收弧,弧坑应填满。其焊缝长度不小于搭接长度,搭接长度应符合规范规定,焊缝高度及宽度也应满足规范要求. 三、砼原材料的要求 Functions of the regulation in the presence of the cross overlapping, departments, units should pr

15、omptly pass gas, timely reporting, never shuffle disputes over trifles, affect the work. Department of municipal and district and the units are to joint task。 Package linked to true packets, not only to the idea, way, also output, money。 During the comprehensive improvement, various organs and insti

16、tutions to each half out half day time, the organization of cadresWorkers to joint area to carry out compulsory labor, to help the old people clean up garbage, remediation of environmental remediation, demonstration masses, close relations between cadres and the masses. Area should take the initiative to assume the task of investigating. The county to apanage management responsibility, within the jurisdiction of the work as s



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