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1、(完整word版)人体解剖学中英名词对照表人体解剖学英汉名词对照表注:用星号(*)标注的名词为最常用的词汇,必须熟记掌握。一、总 论(一)解剖学分类 (Classification of Anatomy)anatomy 解剖学human anatomy, anthropotomy 人类解剖学systematic anatomy 系统解剖学 regional (topographic) anatomy, topology 局部解剖学 gross (macroscopic) anatomy 大体解剖学,巨视解剖学microscopic anatomy 显微解剖学macromicroscopic a

2、natomy 巨微解剖学sectional anatomy 断面解剖学pathological (morbid) anatomy 病理解剖学neuroanatomy 神经解剖学chemical neuroanatomy 化学解剖学developmental anatomy 发生(或发育)histologic anatomy 组织解剖学 histology 组织学embryology 胚胎学anthropology 人类学(二)一般解剖学术语 (General Anatomical Terms)dissection,dissect (v.) 解剖,解剖标本normality, normal (a

3、.) 正常abnormality , abnormal 异常variation 变异deformity, malformation 畸形specimen 标本model 模型(三)方位术语 (Positional Terms)1. anatomical position 解剖学姿势 2. 方位术语 (terms of direction) superior, upper 上 inferior, lower 下 anterior 前侧posterior 后侧ventral (dorsal) 腹(背)侧medial (lateral) 内(外)侧 intermediate 中间internal,

4、interior, inner, inside 内external, exterior, outer, outside 外 superficial 浅 deep, profound 深 proximal (distal) 近(远)侧 ulnar (radial) 尺(桡)侧 tibial (fibular) 胫(腓)侧palmar 掌侧plantar 足底 left 左right 右middle 中median 正中3. 轴和面 (Axes and Planes)axis (pl. axes),axial (a。) 轴vertical (perpendicular) axis, longitu

5、dinal axis 垂直轴, 纵轴coronal (frontal) axis 冠(额)状轴 sagittal axis 矢状轴plane (平)面horizontal (transverse) plane 水平面,横平面 coronal (frontal) plane 冠(额)状面sagittal plane 矢状面median sagittal plane 正中矢状面transverse section 横切面longitudinal section 纵切面(四)人体的分部和分区(Toponym and Zonation of the Human body)1. 头 (Head)head

6、头(的)Skull,craniun,cranial (a.) 颅front, frontal, region 额区perietal region 顶区occiput, occipital region 枕区Face, facial (a。) 面orbit, orbital region 眶区nose, nasal region 鼻区mouth, oral region 口区chin, mental region 颌区ear, auditory region 耳区2。 颈 (Neck)neck, collum, cervical & jugular (a.) 颈anterior region o

7、f neck, anterior of neck 颈前区carotid triangle 颈动脉三角muscular triangle 肌三角,肩胛舌骨肌气管三角sternocleidomastoid region 胸锁乳突肌区supraclavicular triangle 锁骨上三角posterior region of neck, nuchal region 颈后区,项区nape, nucha, nuchal (a。) 项root of neck 颈根部 3。 躯干 (Trunk)trunk, truncus 躯干Median anterior line 前正中线 sternal lin

8、e 胸骨线parasternal line 胸骨旁线midclavicular line 锁骨中线anterior (posterior) axillary line 腋前(后)线midaxillary line 腋中线scapular line 肩胛线median posterior line 后正中线Back, dorsal 背vertebral region 脊柱区sacral region 骶区scapular region 肩胛下区lumbar region 腰Chest, thorax, thoracic (a。) 胸sternal region 胸骨(前)区infraclavic

9、ular fossa 锁骨下窝Abdomen, abdominal (a。) 腹Hypochondriac 季肋区epigastric region 腹上区lateral region of abdomem 腹外侧区umbilical region 脐区inguinal region, iliac region, 腹股沟区,髂区inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角,海氏三角pubic region, hypogastric region 耻区,腹下区Pelvis,pelvic(a. ) 盆部Perineum,perineal (a.) 会阴anal region 肛区urogenit

10、al region 尿生殖区4。 四肢 (Limbs)limbs, extremities 四肢Upper limbs (extremities) 上肢Shoulder 肩axilla, axillary region 腋区Free upper limb 自由上肢arm,brachial (a.) 臂anterior (posterior ) brachial region 臂前(后)区elbow, cubital, (a。) 肘forearm, antebrachial (a.) 前臂anterior (posterior ) antebrachial region 前臂前(后)区hand,

11、 manual (a。) 手wrist, carpal (a.) 腕palm, palmar, metacarpal (a.) 掌back (palm) of hand 手背(掌)finger, digital (a.) 手指thumb 拇指index finger 示指middle finger 中指ring finger 环指little finger 小指Lower limb 下肢hip, coxal (a。) 髋buttock, gluteal region 臀区Free lower limb 自由下肢anterior (posterior) region of thigh 股前(后)

12、区femoral triangle 股三角medial region of thigh 股内侧区knee, geniculate (a。) 膝anterior (posterior) region of knee 膝前(后)区leg, crural (a。) 小腿anterior (posterior) crural region 小腿前(后)区foot, pedal (a.) 足dorsum of foot 足背sole, planta (pl。 plantae) 足底toes 足趾great toe 足母趾二、各章解剖学词汇 (一) 运动系统 (Locomotor System)1骨 学

13、(Osteology )(1)概述osteology 骨学 bone,bony 骨skeleton,skletal (a.) 骨骼long (short,flat) bone 长(短,扁)骨irregular bone 不规则骨pneumatic bone 含气骨sesamoid bone 籽骨,shaft,diaphysis 骨干,骨体bony(osseous)substance 骨质compact(spongy)bone 骨密(松)质trabeculae 骨小梁periosteum (外)膜endosteum 骨内膜medullary 髓腔red(yellow)bone marrow 红(

14、黄)骨髓(2)中轴骨骼(Axial Skeleton)躯干骨(Bones of Trunk) Vertebral(spinel)column 脊柱* vertebral canal 椎管intervertebral foramen 椎间孔cervical (thoracic, lumbar, sacral)curvature 颈(胸,腰,骶)曲vertebra ( pl。 vertebrae) 椎骨vertebral body (arch) 椎体(弓)pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板 vertebral fora

15、men 椎孔spinous process 棘突transverse process 横突superior (inferior) articular process 上(下)关节突cervical vertebrae 颈椎atlas 寰椎axis 枢椎prominent vertebrae 隆椎thoracic vertebrae胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎sacrum,sacral bone 骶骨coccyx 尾骨thoracic cavity 胸腔superior (inferior) aperture of thorax 胸廓上下口costal arch 肋弓intercostals space 肋间隙infrasternal angle 胸骨下角* ribs ,costa(costae)



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