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1、计算机复试英语自我介绍篇一:计算机面试英文自我介绍 1. 自我介绍: XX好,我叫储鹏飞,江苏海安人,现在是河海大学计算机专业大四学生。很荣幸能够来公司面试。 我想从兴趣爱好、在校表现、以及.实践这三个方面介绍自己: 我是一个性格开朗的人,一个笑话可以让我笑上老半天,有的时候同学说我有点神经质,我觉得我天生就是一个乐天派。我热爱体育运动,平时喜欢打打篮球,乒乓球。同时我也是我们班篮球队的一员,虽然我的个子没有什么优势!可能是我性格外向的原因,有时觉得自己有点浮躁,所以时常会找些文艺,时间管理方面的书看,通过这些书丰富了我的大学生活。 大学里,我积极参加社团活动,先后担任了学院院报编辑部部长和校

2、心协活动部部长。任职期间,我努力做好本职工作。我的努力也得到了学校的肯定,大一时我被评为学生会优秀干事,大二时被评为优秀学生干部。 大学期间,我还利用假期的时间参加.实践活动,大一在联通公司江宁分公司的实习,大二“失地对农民生活的影响”的调查,大三在无锡建筑工地的实习,而目前我是在IBM-ETP实训。这样的实践经历,使我积累了不少.经验,也让我学到了许多学校里无法学到的东西。同样,我坚信付出终有回报:大一的联通实习中,我被评为优秀个人。大二我们作为校级团队,我们的调查报告被评为优秀报告。 今天我是应聘公司的xx职位,我相信如果我能够成功应聘,大学四年的经历,社团活动,.实践,使我在团队合作能力

3、,组织沟通能力的提高,一定会给我今后的工作带来很大的帮助。谢谢! Good afternoon, Sir, My name is Chu Pengfei, I am a student of Hohai University . My major is computer science and technology. Its really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview.I am very glad to make a simple self-introduction. I want to device my sel

4、f-introduction into three parts : personality , performance in college and social practice I am a very outgoing person , a joke can make me laugh wildly. Sometimes my classmates said I was a fool man ,but I think I am a born optimist. I love sports, such as basketball, table tennis. At the same time

5、 , I am a member of our class basketball team. Sometimes I realize my fickleness because of my outgoing personality . So I often read some time management and art books to make myself to think more about people and things. During my college time , as a principal of colleges newspaper ,I work hard .A

6、t the same time, My work has also been recognition of the school ,I was awarded outstanding student During the freshman year to third grade , I have also used the summer vacation time to do some social practice. Such as worked in Unicom company .Do some research about the impact on the lives of the

7、lost land farmers, I was awarded outstanding individuals in practice. And our report of research was a good practice report. In the end ,I believe that if I succeed in employment, a four-year experience, community activities, social practice, all these improve my ability .Ability of team work, organ

8、izational communication capabilities will help me to face the challenge in the future. 职业发展规划: 五年计划: 根据我的专业背景,以及兴趣爱好,我想在一家软件开发公司开始我的职业生涯。 我的五年计划大体上分为三个部分: 1-2年,踏踏实实的从一个程序员做起,练好基本功,掌握软件开发基本技术篇二:2021计算机研究生复试英文自我介绍 Dear professors: Good afternoon! My name is Zhu ZhengHui graduated from Shandong Univers

9、ity, my major is Software Engineering. During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, I had won scholarship of my university, and Im good at hands-on, I had participated in foundation of science and technology i

10、nnovation for the Shandong universitys students. The foundation I worked on is a Remote ordering system based on Data Mining. and all my program design courses grades are excellent. On the other hand, I have took part in many social activities which were supported by my university, and one of them h

11、ad received the recognition award, which was carried out in shanghai and I fall in love with this city at once. Personally, I am peaceful and very easy-going men, having a strong sense of cooperation and enjoying a good relationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books. Music

12、and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sport interest, I love football and Ping-Pong. Playing those games bring me a lot of happiness and passions All in all, Shanghai University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I b

13、elieve that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into shanghai university and I do hope that. Thanks for your time! I choice shanghai university for the following reasons: Firstly, I love shanghai, not only Shanghai is one of the biggest and the most Developed city, which is modern and Open

14、ing, but also, its climate and living style is similar to my hometown Wuhu, after having studied in Jinan for four year, I do hope go back to the southern area. Shanghai is a perfect city for my further study. Secondly, Shanghai University is a good university of the national project 211. Now, its b

15、ecome more and more famous home and abroad, which is known for its vigorous international exchanges and cooperation. So I think here will be many opportunities for me. Finally, The Computer Science Department of shanghai University is outstanding, where are many professors I admire. Immersed in the

16、distinguished heritage and pioneering track record in a leading global city, Shanghai University is situated in the heart of Shanghai. We combine educational achievement with forward-looking courses, attuned to the latest city developments in science, technology and culture. Shanghai University is a member universit


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