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1、人际侵犯动机量表(TRIM-18)1.量表来源McCullough(1998, 2006)等人编制,用于测量人际宽恕,适用于大学生及成年人。2. 量表简介2.1维度及题量回避分量表包含7个条目,主要测量个体回避侵犯者的动机;报复分量表包含5个条 目,主要测量个体寻求报复的动机;仁慈分量表包含6个条目,主要测量个体宽恕他人的动 机。仁慈的得分水平越高,报复和回避维度的得分越低,代表人际宽恕水平越高。备注:前面12道题是M 1998年编制的,后面6道题目是后面新加的,在2006年这 篇文章中找到了 18条目量表2.2计分方式采用5点计分(1=完全不同意,5=完全同意),反向计分即分量表题目分布详见

2、量表。2.3适用人群大学生,施测的被试年龄范围为18-45岁,但平均年龄为19.31岁。参考文献;张珊珊,唐辉,刘艳艳,&吕少博.(2015).冒犯严重性与人际宽恕的关系:愤怒沉思的中介作用.中国临床心理学杂志23(4).(翻译参考杨满云.(2018).人际冒犯受害大学生宽恕的特点及变化轨迹研究octoral dissertation).McCullough ME, Rachal KC, Sandage SJ, et al. Interpersonal forgiving in close relationships: II.Theoretical elaboration and measur

3、ement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998, 75(6): 1586-1603McCullough ME, Root LM, Cohen AD. Writing about the benefits of an interpersonal transgression facilitates forgiveness.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2006, 74(5): 887-897(量表来源)附:人际宽恕量表(张超翻译版)说明:每个人都曾经经历过来自他人或大

4、或小的伤害(可能是心理方面,也可能是生理 方面),请花3-4分钟的时间回忆一下。回忆内容包括:在你走过的日子里,对你有过冒犯 的人,并试着想象出那个人的外貌,同时尽量回忆你们之间当时所发生事件的经过。下面题目是我们在受到他人伤害后的想法,请想象若该情景发生时你会如何反应,请在 合适选项的数字上打“”。【1=完全不符合,2=不符合,3=不太符合,4=不确定,5=基本符合,6=符合,7=完全符合】1. 我回避他/她2. 我希望他/她受到应得的惩罚3. 即使他/她的行为伤害了我,我依然祝福他/她4. 我要想办法远离他/她5. 我要他/她为此付出代价6. 我不计前嫌,尽量和他/她和睦相处7. 我尽量和

5、他/她保持距离8. 我要对他/她以牙还牙9. 尽管他/她做的不对,我仍和他/她保持良好的关系10. 我假装他/她不存在,不在我周围11. 我希望他/她碰上倒霉的事12. 虽然他/她伤害了我,我也试图忘记伤害并和他/她恢复关系13. 我觉得难以热情对待他/她14. 我希望看到他/她受伤和痛苦的样子15. 我宽恕了他/她对我的所作所为16. 我和他/她断绝关系17. 我已经不再感到愤怒,能够像往常一样和他/她保持健康关系18. 我不信任他/她报复:2、5、8、11、14、18 回避:1、4、7、10、13、16仁慈:3、6、9、12、15、17报复、回避和仁慈动机三个维度,共计18个项目。将回避动

6、机和报复动机反向计分与仁慈 动机得分相加后的平均分即为个体的人际宽恕水平。问卷采用1-5级计分,得分越高表明宽 恕水平越高人际侵犯动机量表原版(18条目)For the questions on this page, please indicate your current thoughts and feelings about the person who recently hurt you. Use the following scale to indicate your agreement with each of the questions.1. Ill make him/her pa

7、y. 2. I am trying to keep as much distance between us as possible. (A)3. Even though his/her actions hurt me, I have goodwill for him/her.4. I wish that something bad would happen to him/her. 5. I am living as if he/she doesnt exist, isnt around. (A)6. I want us to bury the hatchet and move forward

8、with our relationship.7. I dont trust him/her. (A)8. Despite what he/she did, I want us to have a positive relationship again.9. I want him/her to get what he/she deserves. 10. I am finding it difficult to act warmly toward him/her. (A)11. I am avoiding him/her. (A)12. Although he/she hurt me, I am

9、putting the hurts aside so we could resume our relationship.13. Im going to get even. 14. I forgive him/her for what he/she did to me.15. I cut off the relationship with him/her. (A)16. I have released my anger so I can work on restoring our relationship to health.17. I want to see him/her hurt and

10、miserable. 18. I withdraw from him/her. (A)(A)表示回避分量表的题目;表示报复分量表;其余的表示仁慈分量表番羽译:Items were rated on a 5-point scale (1 strongly disagree, 2 disagree, 3 neutral, 4 agree, and 5 strongly agree).Coefficients are loadings from the structure matrix resulting from principal components analyses using oblim in rotation with Kaiser normalization. Loadings indicate the correlations of the individual items with the two correlated factors (r .45). Factor 1 accounted for 53.1% of total item variance, and Factor 2 accounted for an additional 12.1% of total item variance



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