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1、不定式省略to的几种情况及练习题 一、使役动词与to的省略 当不定式用于let, make, have等使役动词后作宾语补足语,不定式必须省略to。如:Let me have another cup of tea.给我再来一杯茶。She had him dig away the snow.她让他把雪挖走。They made him tell them everything.他们强迫他把一切全告诉他们。但是,当使役动词用于被动语态时,其后的不定式则必须要带to。如:他被迫一天工作20小时。误:He was made work twenty hours a day.正:He was made to

2、 work twenty hours a day.注意,表示使役意义的let和have很少用于被动语态。另外注意,force, oblige等虽然也表示“使”,但它们后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须带to。如:They forced her to sign the paper.他们强迫她在文件上签字。The law obliged parents to send their children to school.法律要求父母送子女上学。二、感觉动词与to的省略 当不定式用于表示感觉的动词feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch, look at, listen

3、 to等作宾语补足语时,不定式必须省略to。如:We all felt the house shake.我们都感觉这房子在震动。I heard him go down the stairs.我听见他下楼了。Did you notice her leave the house?她离开屋子你注意到了吗?I watched her get into the car.我看着她上了车。但是,当feel后用作宾语补足语的不定式为to be时,则不能省略to。如:They all felt the plan to be unwise.他们都认为这个计划不明智。注意,当这些动词变为被动语态时,不定式前的to不

4、能省略。如:They were heard to break a glass in the next door.听见他们在隔壁打破了一个玻璃杯子。另外,若用作宾语补足语的不定式为完成式,则通常应带 to。如:I noticed her to have come early.我注意到她来得很早。三、介词except / but与to的省略 当不定式用作介词except或except的宾语时,该不定式有时带 to,有时不带 to,情形比较复杂,大致原则是:其前有do,不定式不带 to;其前没有 do,不定式通常带 to。如:He likes nothing except to watch TV.除

5、了看电视外,他什么都不喜欢。It had no effect except to make him angry.除惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。Theres little we can do except wait.除了等待我们没有什么办法。I could do nothing except agree.我除了同意,没有别的办法。 四、help与to的省略 当动词help后跟一个不定式用作宾语或宾语补足语时,不定式可以不带to,也可以不带to。如:Can you help (to) carry this table upstairs?你能帮忙把桌子搬到楼上去吗?I have lost my wa

6、tch. Will you help me (to) look for it?我把表丢了,你能不能帮我找一下?但是,当help用于被动语态时,其后不定式必须带to。如:Millie was helped to overcome her fear of flying.米利被帮助克服了她的飞行恐惧。另外,当不定式为否定式时,其中的to通常不宜省略。如:How can I help my children not to worry about their exams?我怎样才能帮助我的孩子们不为他们的考试着急呢?五、固定搭配与to的省略 1、Why not.? = Why dont you.? 习惯

7、上接动词原形,不能接带to不定式或现在分词,主要用于表示同意、赞成、劝诱等,其意为“为什么不呢”。 如:Why not go with him? = Why dont you go with him? 为什么不和他一起去呢? 2、 had better.,最好做某事,如:You had better stay here. 你最好呆在这里。 3、“would rather+动词原形”意为“宁愿做某事”。如:Wed rather stay at home.我们宁愿呆在家里。I would rather not tell him.我宁愿不告诉他。 4、prefer+不定式+rather than+动

8、词原形,其意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一事”。如:I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我宁愿走着去,而不愿坐公共汽车去。He prefers to read rather than watch television.他喜欢 读书而不喜欢看电视。但,prefer+动名词+to+动名词,其意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一事”。如:He prefers swimming to riding as a sport.作为一项运动项 目,他更喜欢游泳而不是骑马。注:这类结构的 prefer前有时也可用 would, should等。如:We would pr

9、efer playing outdoors to watching television.我们宁愿在外面玩而不愿看电视。 习惯上只接动名词(V+ING)作宾语的动词 常用动词有:admit承认、advise建议、allow允许、appreciate感激、avoid避免、consider考虑 delay推迟、deny否认、discuss讨论、dislike不喜欢、enjoy喜爱、escape逃脱、excuse原谅、 fancy设想、finish完成、forbid禁止、forgive原谅、give up放弃、imagine想像、keep保持、mention提及、mind介意、miss没赶上、par

10、don原谅、permit允许、practise练习、prevent阻止、 prohibit禁止、put off推迟、report报告、risk冒险、stop停止、suggest建议、understand理解等,这些动词后面常接动名词作宾语。 另在一些固定搭配中也常接动名词作宾语。如:1、insist on doing坚持要做某事。如: He insisted on doing it by himself. 他坚持要一个人做。2、have difficulty /trouble (in) doing sth. 相当,意为“在做某事方面有困难、麻烦”。如:She has difficulty/tr

11、ouble (in) learning maths well. 她学好数学有困难。3、be busy (in) doing sth. 忙于做某事。如:They are busy (in) doing with the trouble. 他们正在忙于处理那个问题。【典型用法实例】I advise waiting a few more days.我建议再等几天。They avoided mentioning that name.他们避免提到那个名字。He denied having been there.他否认到过那里。He disliked being laughed at.他不喜欢别人笑他。I

12、ve enjoyed seeing you and talking about old times.我见到你一起谈往事非常高兴。We dont allow (permit) smoking on this plane.在这架飞机上我们不允许抽烟。I admit breaking the window.我承认窗子是我打破的。Try to imagine being on the moon.设法想像你是在月球上。He made a New Years resolution to give up smoking.他下了新年决心要戒烟。They risked losing everything.他们冒

13、失去一切的危险。He tried to escape being punished.他设法逃避惩罚。You shouldnt keep thinking about it.你不应老想着这事。Would you mind going with her?你可否同她一起去? I cant understand neglecting children like that.对孩子那样毫不经心,我不能理解。We only missed seeing each other by five minutes.我们只因差五分钟而未能见面。I suggest doing it in a different way.

14、我建议以另一种方法做这事。I put off writing from day to day.我日复一日地推迟写它。【几点用法说明】(1) 有的动词后接动名词作宾语时通常带有逻辑主语:The rain prevented his coming.下雨使他不能来。Excuse my opening your letter by mistake.原谅我不慎把你的信拆开。(2) 有的动词(如advise, allow, forbid, permit等)后虽然不能直接跟不定式作宾语,但可接不定式作宾语补足语:He advised buying a computer.他建议买台电脑。He advised

15、her to buy a computer.他建议她买台电脑。(3) 有些动词(如consider, understand, discuss等)虽不接不定式作宾语,却可接“疑问词+不定式”作宾语:Have you considered how to get there?你是否考虑过如何到那儿去?She doesnt understand how to look after him.她不知道应如何照顾他。We discussed what to do and where we should go.我们讨论了该怎么办及到哪里去。习惯上接不定式作宾语的动词 通常只接不定式(而不是动名词)作宾语的动词有:afford负担得起、agree同意、arrange安排、 ask要求、care想要、choose决定、decide决定、demand要求、determine决心、expect期待、fail未能、help帮助、hesitate犹豫、hope希望、long渴望、manage设法、offer主动提出、plan计划、prepare准备、pretend假装、promise答应、refuse拒绝、wa



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