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1、 Book III (Unit One) Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 骆静华Part I Cultural background1 About the Author- Elwyn Brooks(E.B.)White (1899-1985) is a leading American essayist and literary stylist of his time. White was known for his crisp, graceful, relaxed style. Whites stories ranged from satir

2、e to childrens fiction. While he often wrote from the perspective of slightly ironic onlooker, he also was a sensitive spokesman for the freedom of the individual. Among his most enduring essays is One More to the Lake. E.B. White began his writing career as a reporter and he ended it as one of the

3、most celebrated childrens authors of his time. He created Stuart Little (1945),Charlottes Web (1952) and The Trumpet of the Swan (1970), all considered childrens classics. E.B. White won many awards for his writing, including a special Pulitzer Prize in 1978. He also held honorary degrees from 7 Ame

4、rican colleges and universities.作者简介E.B.怀特(18991985)是美国当代著名散文家、文体评论家,其文风活泼、优雅、随意。他的小说既有讽刺作品,也有儿童作品。他常常以旁观者的眼光进行创造,略带讽刺,同时他也是个感觉敏锐的个人自由的代言人。他最经久不衰的作品之一是林湖重游。怀特开始他的写作生涯时是一名记者,最后成了当代最著名的儿童作家之一。他创造了小老鼠斯图尔特(1945)(后被拍成电影,译作精灵鼠小弟),夏洛的网(1952)和1952和天鹅的喇叭(1970)都是经典儿童著作。E.B.怀特的作品曾获多种奖项,其中包括1978年的普利策奖。他还拥有美国七所大

5、学的荣誉学位。2 Americans attitude towards change (美国人对变化的态度)Americans might be one of the nations that are most accustomed to change, who believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. Traditions can be a guide, but they are not inherently superior. New is better and a b

6、etter way can always be found ; things can always be improved upon, so life entrails change. Just as Charles Darwin said, “it is neither the strongest or most intelligent of a species that will survive, it is those who are most adaptable to change”. This belief in the march of progress and the pursu

7、it of perfection leads to Americans positive attitude toward change, and results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.美国人大概是最能够适应变化的民族之一,他们相信没有人静止不动,不进则退。传统可以用来做向导,但其本身没有内在的优越性。新生事物更加优秀,新的方法也总能找到,事物总是可以得到不断的完善,因此生活需要变化。正如查理达尔文所说:“能够生存下来的物种不是最强壮,最聪慧的,而是最能适应变化的。“

8、这种进步意识和追求完美的信念使得美国人对变化采取一种积极的态度,并造就了一个致力于研究,试验和开拓进取的国家。3.Fahrenheit scale and Celsius scale:(华氏温标和摄氏温标) Fahrenheit scale was first established by the German physicist Gabriet Fahrenheit in 1715. On his scale, water freezes at 32F and boils at 212F. Celsius scale was first established by the Swedish

9、scientist Anders Celsius in 1742. On his scale, water freezes at 0C and boils at 100C. 华氏度是由德国物理学家加布利华伦海1715年设计的。按照该温标。水的冰点为32华氏度,沸点为212华度。摄氏度是由瑞典科学家安德斯于1742年发明的。按照该温标,水的冰点0摄氏度,沸点为100摄氏度。4.Ivy League(常春藤联合会) It consists of eight famous colleges and universities in the United States, such as Harvard

10、University in Cambridge Massachusetts; Brown University in Providence Rhode Island; Columbia University in New York City; Cornell University in Ithaca, New York; Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire; University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia; Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey; an

11、d Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. 由美国哈府佛大学(马萨诸萨州坎布里奇市)、布朗大学(罗德岛普罗维登斯)、哥伦比亚大学(纽约):康奈尔大学(纽约州艾萨卡);达特茅斯学院(新罕布什尔州汉诺威);宾夕法尼亚大学(费城);普林斯顿大学(新泽西州普林斯顿);耶鲁大学(康涅狄格州纽黑文)八所名牌大学和学院组成。5Individual Retirement Account (IRA)个人退休金帐户 A US government plan that allows people to put part of their income into spec

12、ial bank accounts. No tax has to be paid on this money until they retire. 美国政府所实施的养老计划,该计划允许人们将他们的部分收入存入特殊的银行帐户中,这部分钱免受任何税金,直到他们退休为止。Part IIStructural Analysis (结构分析)Part One (Paras 1-3) At the very beginning, the essay points out where the authors interest lieswrite and live on a farm, and then he

13、evaluates the life there as self-reliant and satisfying.这部分主要讲述了作者眼中的乡村生活,这是一种自力更生而又令人满意的生活。Part Two (Paras 4-7) Show in details the scene of his family working hard self-reliantly on the farm all the year round. When he keeps writing and his wife and children integrate study with the farm life, a h

14、appy and fulfilling family life indeed.作者在这部分中阐述了乡村的生活虽然美好,但有时也非常艰辛。Part Three (Paras 8-11) Stress that despite the unfavorable economic condition after the authors resigning, the quality of their life has been enhanced because of the spiritual richness.这部分作者着重介绍了自己一家的经济状况,辞去工作以后,作者的收入大不如以前,但全家还是精打细

15、算度过难关。Part Four (Paras 12-15) A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy and a spirit of self-reliance.He also stresses that they didnt move to the farm primarily for the money, but for the promotion of life quality and the pursuit of happiness out of change.最后部分作者对乡村生活的感悟和总结,正是充沛的体力和忍耐孤独的坚强意志使得全家乡村的生活多姿多彩。Task I Language Points1 (L.3) (1)be in sbs league or be in the same league with sb.= be at the same level of class/category of excellence 与某人同类型(或级别) e.g. He was bored because she obviously wasnt in his league. 他感到厌烦,因为她显然和自己不是同一类型的人


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