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1、新手上路,对深海微风,windjoy的资料重新整理了一下,(因为有一段话和windjoy理解好像不一样,黑体字注明),贴出来看看,希望NN指正。先谢谢了。 PS:非常佩服和感谢小安,无私地把自己宝贵地经验分享,他的方法的确很有用! There is a good way to improve reading, try to get my post and try to practice hard on the second round review, you can get a framework of RC and you will hardly do wrong on some quest

2、ion types, and then again the third round review will help you to practice what you learned from the second round, do not ignore this round, because when I finally take test, I have no tip for any question types. The tips I summarized are all translated into a feeling, I can easily correctly choose

3、the answer according to my feelings, you have to practice to get those tips all translated into a habit. 有一种提高阅读能力的好办法,尝试得到我的帖子,并在第二轮复习中练习,你可以得到RC的框架,这样你在一些题型上就不大会出错。接着,第三轮复习将帮助你练习你在第二轮复习中学到的东西,不要忽视这一轮学习。因为当我最终参加考试时,对各种题型的考试技巧我没有什么技巧,我总结的技巧都已经被转化为自己做题的感觉了,也就无技巧可言了。我能够根据自己的感觉轻易选出正确答案。记住:你必须不断练习来得到那些技

4、巧并把他们都转化为自己做题的习惯。 Before you practice, try to think why those answers are wrong?, Is there anything common in the wrong answers?, And in the right answers? Try to comprehend what is related and what is unrelated,do not easily judge, try to comprehend what is related and what is unrelated? What is re

5、lated and what is unrelated information (choice), that is a very important rule to quickly rule out some wrong choices and the next is what is conform to the author, what is conform to the authors attitude, and what is not (also choices). 在你练习前,尝试去思考那些选项为什么不正确。错误的选项之间是否有共性的东西。同样正确选项之间是否也有?尝试理解什么是相关的

6、选项,什么是无关选项。判断是否相关要看:是否和作者的态度相符。绝不要轻易做判断!这是把错误选项迅速排除的一条非常重要的规则。 If you see, try to read the passage again for the attitude info, this is a great rule to rule out some wrong choices, the attitude thing and I can tell you that, I did all the RC infer question without relocate because I can easily rule

7、out wrong answers, memorize the pattern, and try to practice. Without practice, you can get nothing. But it is the goal; you should do something before hand. First, categorize all the RC questions You should guarantee 100% right on main idea type questions, try to collect all detail questions, I mea

8、n those with line number or key words, try to get these right answer back to the passage. You will see some question rules. I do not want to tell you because you can get the rules by yourself, if I tell you the detailed rule, you will not certainly get what I mean. 如果你明白了,下一步就是:尝试重新读一下段落来得到关于作者的态度的信

9、息。作者的态度也是迅速排除错误选项的一个重要法则,知道它,我做推断的题目可以根本不用重新查找出处,因为我能够很容易地排除错误选项。记住这个模式,并试着练习。没有练习,你什么都得不到!不过,这是一个目标,你应该先做一些预备工作。首先,把所有RC的问题分类。你必须确保“主旨”类题100正确。接着,努力收集所有关于细节的问题,即那些有行号或中心词的问题。尝试把正确答案放回原来段落,你就可以发现一些出题的规律。我并不想告诉你那些规律是什么,因为你可以自己找出他们。如果我告诉你那些详细的规律,你就不会真正完全理解我所表达的意思。而且不同的人见解都不同。 Then collect the structur

10、e type, and promise yourself you can do 90% right or higher, it is just easy like main idea and attitude thing. Do you know why you should get question types apart? First, you can get suttle feelings about how to make a question Second, you can get info about how to prepare to do those questions whe

11、n you are reading the passage, it is very important to get the question right, you will see when you finished summarizing, you can easily tell that oh, I think ETS will make a question in here, when you are reading the passage, when you know there is a structure type questions, you will think follow

12、ing questions when reading: 1. why the author write this paragraph? 2. What he want to tell us? 3. Is there any change in attitude? 4. What is the function of the detail in this paragraph? 5. What may be the relation between this paragraph and the whole passage? That is very important! Not everyone

13、do that when reading, so they have to relocate info and it cost precious time, you should analyze the question like what can I get the answer when I read, it is equal to what part of passage I should read carefully when I read, I get all passages reread and underlined what part is the key to questio

14、n. I mean on the passage using fluerecent pen, it is very clear. 接下来收集结构型问题。然后对自己承诺你要有能力做到90正确或更高,这就像“主旨”或“态度”题一样简单。而需要把这些问题归类的原因是:首先,这样你对如何出题能有真实的感觉。其次,你在阅读段落时就能得到关于如何准备做那些问题的信息,这对正确回答问题很重要。你会发现,当你完成归纳时,你在阅读时就能很容易就指出:嘿,我觉得ets会在这里出题。当你知道这里可能会出一个结构类问题时,你阅读时你就会思考以下问题。 1。作者为什么写这段话。2。作者想告诉我们什么东西3。作者的态度是

15、否有变化4。这段话提出的细节有什么作用5。这段话和整个段落的联系是什么。以上几点非常重要,并不是所有人做阅读时都这样做,所以他们必须回读原文的信息。而这,浪费了宝贵的做题时间。你必须分析这些问题,比如:哪一段是我应该仔细阅读的?我所有段落都会重读一下,并用荧光笔在问题下画线,指出哪里是解答问题的答案。这,只是第一步。 Second: try to get all infer question collected, try to contrast the answer and the original text and try to get what is wrong about the wro

16、ng questions。Why they are all wrong, do not stop on why they are all wrong when you can get some feeling like too extreme, you should think hard on how to quickly rule out some of them, that is the related/unrelated stuff. And the attitude stuff, which I mentioned above, the infer questions are very important if you want to get higher scores such as 730+. You should categorize on subject matter, y



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