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1、1995年8月TOFEL听力原文1. Do you want to go on a trip with us to Florida this spring?It will cost about $300 a person.What can be inferred about the man?2. My watch stopped again. And I just got a new battery. Why dont you take it to Smiths Jewelry. They can check it for you. And theyre pretty reasonable.W

2、hat does the man mean? 3. Were going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday.Its all the same to me. What does the man mean? 4. We plan to go to the beach after class. Want to come?Id love to. But Prof. Jones wants to speak with me.What will the woman probably do?5. Janet sounded worried about

3、her grades.But shes getting As & Bs, isnt she?What does the man imply about Janet?6. You look great since youve been taking those exercises classes.Thanks. Ive never felt better in my life.What does the man imply?7. I had a hard time getting through this novel.I know how you feel. Who can remember t

4、he names of 35 different characters.What does the woman imply?8. Thats a long line. Do you think therell be any tickets left?I doubt it. Guess well wind up going to the second show.What does the woman mean?9. This course in much too hard for me. Sorry you decided to take it, huh?What does the man as

5、k the woman?10. Are you going home for winter vacation?Id agreed to stay on here as a research assistant.What can be inferred about the woman?11. Hello!Hello! This is Dr, Greys office. Were calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow.Oh, thanks. Its a good thing t

6、hat you called. I thought it was 4:15 today.What does the man mean?12. How wonderful you won the scholarship. Can you believe it?No. Its almost too good to be true.What does the man mean? 13. Excuse me. Prof. Davidson. But I was hoping to talk to you about my class project for economics.I have a cla

7、ss in a few minutes. Why dont you come to see me during office hours tomorrow?When will the woman discuss her project with Prof. Davidson?14. How are you feeling?The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped. But its making me awfully drowsy.What does the woman mean? 15. Bill Smith has volunteer

8、ed to write a summary of the proposals weve agreed on.Will I have a chance to review it?What does the woman want to know?16. Why dont you wear that yellow shirt that your sister gave you for your birthday.I love that shirt. But its missing two buttons.What does the man mean?17. How many classes do y

9、ou have today?Just one. From 3 till 6.What does the man mean?18. Our football team didnt play very well.Thats true. But at least we won the game.What does the man mean?19. This has been an unusually cool summer.Uh huh! I actually had to get out my wool sweaters in August. What does the woman imply?2

10、0. I got some bad news today. The store where I work is laying off staff.Are they going to let you go?What does the woman want to know?21. Id like to pick this film up by 4 tomorrow afternoon.I can have it for you at 2 if you like.What does the woman say about the film?22. I talked to Philip today a

11、nd he said hed be coming to the party.Oh, so he can come after all.What can be inferred about Philip?23. Gary insists on buying the food for the picnic.Thats pretty generous. But shouldnt we at least offer to share the expense?What does the woman suggest they do?24. Hows the new job going?Well. Im g

12、etting used to lots of new things. But I wish the supervisor would give me some feedback.What does the woman mean?25. Did Linda ever finish that introductory chapter?Im not sure. Shes spent hours on end rewriting it.What does the man imply about Linda?26. The supermarket down the street is selling e

13、verything half price because they are going out of business.Sounds like an ideal time to stock up on coffee.What does the man mean?27. Have you heard anything about the new professor?Just that shes no pushover.What does the man say about the professor?28. I need to get a copy of my birth certificate

14、.Sorry. But we can only accept requests by mail now.What does the woman mean?29. When is the earliest flight from Washington to New York?Theres a shuttle at six. And if thats full, theres another at 7.What does the man mean? 30. How do you like to help me plan the refreshments for the astronomy club

15、 meeting tomorrow night?Sure. Lets be careful not to overdo it though. Last time we had enough for 3 clubs put together.What does the woman mean?1995年10月TOFEL听力原文1. How is your paper coming along?-My typewriter is broken.-What does the man mean?2. Have you tried Susans apple-pie?I got the last piece. And it was out of this world.What does the woman mean?3. If youre staying late, will you be sure to look up the office when you leave?Oh. I hope I wont be more than an hour.What does the man mean?4. Nancy really wants to ski on Thursday.Yes



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