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1、学校 班级 姓名 考场 考号 座位号 密封线内不要答题装订线20122013学年度第一学期期中素质检测七年级英语试卷(考试时间:120分钟,满分120分)第一部分 :选择题 (满分:80分)一、选择题(每小题2分,共30分)1. in your English book? A picture of my sister.A.Whos B. Whats C. Wheres D. How is2. A: are these hats? B:They are black and white.A.Where BHow CWhat DWhat color3. _表示“中央电视台” A.UN B. UFO

2、C.CCTV D.UK4. -My name is Jim.-Hi, Jim. _.A. Goodbye B. Nice to meet you C. Thank youD. Im fine5. How do you spell watch? A. W-A-T-C-HB. No, its not a watch C. Its my watch D. Yes its watch6. You look very beautiful. _.A. Thats rightB. No, I dont look beautifulC. Thats all rightD. Thanks7. I need so

3、me _.A. English book B. English books C. thing D. pencil case8. 当你早上遇见同学时,你应该说:“ ”A. Fine, thanks. B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening! D. Good morning!9. -_is my pen? -Oh, its on the floor.A. WhoseB. Where C. How D. What10. Tom _healthy food very much.A. like eating B. likes to eat C. eat D. like to

4、 eat11. Thank you _the great photo_ your family.A. for; inB. for; on C. in; at D. for; of 12. What color is the T-shirt?Its _.A. an orange B. in green C. orange D. a pink 13. -Are _his pencils? -Yes, _are.A. these; theseB. those; those C. these; they D. they; those14. A:Who(谁)is that girl?B:Oh, is m

5、y friend. name is Sally.AShe, She BHer, Her CShe, Her DHer, She15. Whose radio is this? I think _.A. its Andy B. its Andys C. its Andy D. its Andys二、完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分) Hello, Do you know 16 ? My name 17 Cindy Brown. Cindy is my 18 name and Brown is my family name. I am a 19 . I am nine years old. My

6、20 is 667-1298. There are(有) 21 people in my family-my parents, my brother and I. We all like fruit and vegetables. They are 22 food. We often 23 them for lunch and dinner. I like books, but I 24 ball games. My brother, Peter Brown, likes ball games but he doesnt like books. We both(两个都) love(爱) our

7、 parents and our 25 .( )16.A.me B.I C.my D.us( )17.A.am B.are C.is D.be( )18.A.last B.Chinese C.one D.first( )19.A.boy B.girl C.daughter D.cousin( )20.A.ID card number B.watch C.answer D.telephone number( )21.A.three B.four C.five D.six( )22.A.healthy B.boring C.relaxing D.fun( )23.A.play B.have C.w

8、atch D.call( )24.A.likes B.doesnt like C. dont like D.like( )25.A.room B.school C.class D.family三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A NameTomJaneAge1212ParentsFather: a doctor Mother: a nurse Father: a teacher Mother: an office workerBreakfastAt home Some bread, two eggs, a glass of milk At home An egg, an apple, som

9、e juiceLunchAt school Rice, chicken, vegetables At home Hamburger, fish, orange juiceSupperAt home with his parentsBread, vegetables, an orange In a restaurant with her friendsdumplings, vegetables, apple juice( ) 26. Tom s father is . A. a teacher B. a doctorC. a driver D. an office worker( ) 27. J

10、ane has for breakfast. A. an egg, an apple and some juice B. some bread, two eggs and a glass of milk C. some bread, an egg and a glass of milk D. an egg, an orange and some bread( ) 28. Tom has rice, chicken and vegetables for . A. breakfast B. lunchC. supper D. dinner( ) 29. Jane has supper with h

11、er . A. classmates B. cousinsC. friends D. parents( ) 30. Tom has supper . A. at school B. in a restaurantC. in a food shop D. at homeB This is a picture of Mr Wangs family. The man in the middle is Mr Wang, the father. The woman is the mother. They have two daughters. One is Wang Fang, she is twelv

12、e, the other is Wang Li. She is thirteen. Wang Fang and Wang Li are in the same (相同的) school, but not in the same grade. Wang Fang is in Grade One. Wang Li is in Grade Two. They are good students.( )31. Mr and Mrs Wang have _.A. one boy and a girlB. two boysC. two girls D. a girl( )32. Wang Li is _ sister.A. Mr WangsB.Mrs Wangs C. Wang Fangs D. Mr. and Mrs Wangs( )33. Wang Fang is _ and Wang Li is _.A. Twelve, elevenB. twelve, thirteenC. thirteen, twelve D. thirteen, thirteen( )34. Wang Li is _.A. Grade OneB. Grade TwoC. in G


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