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1、段落的整体性Paragraph Unity 段落写作要遵循整体性或统一性(unity)原则,这是段落写作的重要要求之一,这对任何文体的写作都极为重要。段落的整体性是指段落内容应保持一致,每个段落只能阐述一个中心思想,每一个句子都应与主题句密切相关,那些与主题无关和不能展开论证主题思想的句子应删去,从而形成一个严谨的段落内容结构。如要讨论另一个观点,就要另起一段。 阅读下面段落,并分析段落是否具有一致性。 There are few places in the world today that have not beenspoiled by industrial development and

2、pollutionThe air we breathe is more often than not polluted by the smoke from factory chimneys and the exhaust fumes of motor vehicles,while chemical waste poisons our rivers,lakes and seasAnd by covering more and more of the earths surfacewith buildings and roads,we are erecting huge barriers of co

3、ncrete betweenourselves and natureIt would appear that we are purposely cutting ourselves off from nature and destroying wildlife as we do so.这段例文中,所有的句子都是围绕着“我们生存环境被污染,生态环境被破坏”这一主题论述的,具有较好的统一性。 Another problem facing a number of elderly people is livingon a reduced incomeUpon retiring,old people ma

4、y receive a pension from their company or Social Security from the government. The amount of their monthly checks is often half the amount the checks they received when they were employedSuddenly,retirees find that they can no longer continue the life-style that they had become accustomed to, even i

5、f that life-style was a modest oneMany find, after paving their monthly bills,that there is no money left for a movie or a dinner outOf course,sometimes they can t go out because of their healthMaybe they have arthritis or rheumatism and it is painful for them to move aroundThis can also change thei

6、r life-style. Some older people,however,discover that the small amount of money they receive will not even cover their monthly billsThey realize with horror that electricity,a telephone,and nourishing food are luxuries they can no longer affordThey resort to shivering in the dark,eating cat food in

7、order to make ends meet 这个段落的主题是“another problem facing a number of elderlypeople”,中心思想是“living on a reduced income”。因此,所有的句子都应围绕这个主题。但是在这个段落中,有三个句子并没有讨论到这一特定的主题。所以,这些句子应从这个段落中删除,或应在另加一个段落中展开。它们是:(1) Of course, sometimes they cant go out because of their health.(2) Maybe they have arthritis or rheum

8、atism and it is painfulfor them to move around(3)This can also change their life-style 下面是论述同一题目的两个段落。试比较哪个段落具有整体性Paragraph 1 Progress is gradually being made in the fight against cancerInthe early 1900s,few cancer patients had any hope of long-term survivalIn the 1930s,less than one in five cancer

9、victims 1ived more than five yearsIn the 1950s,the ratio was one in fourCurrently,the ratio is down to one in threeThe gain from one in four to one in three represents about 5 8,000 lives saved each yearParagraph 2Progress is gradually being made in the fight against cancerIn the early 1900s,few can

10、cer patients had any hope of long-term survivalBut because of advances in medical technology,progress has been made so that currently one in three cancer patients survivesIt has been proven that smokingis a direct cause of lung cancerHowever,the battle has not yet been wonAlthough cures for some for

11、ms of cancer have been discovered,other forms of cancer are still increasingHeart disease is also increasing 这两个段落都是讨论关于“surviving cancer”问题的,两段的主题句相同,且均位于段首。第一段例文阐明主题句之后,用了连续直叙的方法展述,并用三个辅助句加以具体事实分别对其观点进行论证。结论句在前面展述的基础上进行总结,并与主题句相呼应。整个段落紧扣主题,结构层次清楚,具有统一性。 在第二段例文中,并不是每个句子都紧扣主题,破坏了段落内容的整体性。所以第二个段落显得缺乏

12、统一性,是不可取的。 段落的一致性是一个段落的意思是否清楚的关键。所以,段落写作要保持该段落内容的一致、思想的完整和逻辑的合理。Paragraph 1 One of the first problems that students have is learning to use a computerAll students were required to buy a computer before school startedThroughout the first semester we took a special course to teach us to use a computer

13、My notebook computer has a large memory and can do word processing and spreadsheetsIt has a hard drive and a modemMy parents were happy that I had a computer, but they were concerned about the priceTuition was high,and when they added in the price of the computer,it was almost out of reachTo offset

14、expenses,I got a part-time job in the school library. Now I am determined to overcome “computer anxiety” and to master my computer by the end of the semester这个段落缺乏统一性,没有一个统一的中心思想,整个段落不是围绕一个主题展开论述的。下面让我们来修改这个段落。在修改段落前,我们必须确定段落的主要论点到底是什么,然后再确定展开主题的句子。比较修改后的段落:Paragraph 2 One of the first problems that

15、 I had as a college student waslearning to use my computerAll first-year students were required to buy a computer before school startedThroughout the first semester,we took a special course to teach us to use the computerIn theory this system sounded fine,but in my case it was a disasterIn the first place,the closest I had ever come to a computer was the hand-held calculator I used in math classIn the second place,I could not typeAnd to make matters worse,many of the


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