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1、2022年考博英语-桂林理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Romantic love is a culture trait found primarily in industrialized societies. Elsewhere in the world, pragmatic considerations rather than flights of fancy are often used to make a choice of partner, and romantic love is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience that

2、 gets in the way of the ordinary, rational process of mate selection. Traces of this attitude persist in the American upper classes, where daughters are expected to marry “well” that is, to a male who is eligible by reason of family background and earning potential. Most Americans, however, see roma

3、ntic love as essential for a successful marriage, and tend to look askance(轻蔑地)at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.The phenomenon of romantic love occurs when two young people meet and find one another personally and physically attractive. They become mutual

4、ly absorbed, start to behave in what appears to be a flighty (充满幻想的)even irrational manner, decide that they are right for one another, and may then enter a marriage whose success is expected to be guaranteed by their enduring love. Behavior of this kind is portrayed and warmly endorsed (赞同)througho

5、ut American popular culture, by books, magazines, comics, records, popular songs, movies, and TV.Romantic love is a noble ideal, and it can certainly provide a basis for the spouses to “live happily ever after.” But a marriage can equally well be founded on much more practical considerationsas indee

6、d they have been in most societies throughout most of history. Why is romantic love of such importance in the modern world? The reason seems to be that it has some basic functions in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family(小家庭).31. Romantic love is less frequently found in many non-industr

7、ial societies because people in these societies_.32. The underlined word “eligible” in Para. 1 could best be replaced by_.33. According to the passage, most Americans_.34. What can we learn from the second paragraph about romantic love?35. The author seems to believe that_.问题1选项A.firmly believe that

8、 only money can make the world go roundB.fail to bring the imaginative power of the mind into full playC.fondly think that flights of fancy prevent them from making a correct choice of partnerD.have far more practical considerations to determine who will marry whom问题2选项A.qualifiedB.availableC.chosen

9、D.influential问题3选项A.expect their daughters to fall in love with a male at first sightB.regard romantic love as the basis for a successful marriageC.look up to those who marry for the sake of wealthD.consider romantic love to be the most desirable thing in the world问题4选项A.It is a common occurrence am

10、ong the old.B.It is primarily described by books.C.It is characterized by mutual attraction and absorption.D.It is rejected as flighty and irrational.问题5选项A.romantic love makes people unable to think clearly in the process of mate selectionB.only romantic love can make a marriage happy ever afterC.m

11、uch more practical considerations can also be the basis for a successful marriageD.romantic love plays an insignificant role in maintaining the institution of the nuclear family【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C第5题:C【解析】31.事实细节题。定位到第一段第二句话Elsewhere in the world, pragmatic considerations rather than flights of

12、 fancy are often used to make a choice of partner, and romantic love is seen as an unfortunate inconvenience that gets in the way of the ordinary, rational process of mate selection.“在世界上的其他地方,人们在选择伴侣时往往考虑务实而非异想天开,而浪漫的爱情则被视为妨碍正常、理性的择偶过程的不幸的麻烦”,所以答案选C选项“在决定谁将和谁结婚时,有更实际的考虑”。A选项“坚信只有金钱才能使世界运转”,文章没有提及,属

13、于反向干扰。B选项“不能充分发挥想象力”,见正确选项,这里只是说非工业社会的人的择偶观比较务实不是说不能发挥想象力,这里属于推理过度。D选项“天真地认为幻想妨碍了他们正确地选择伴侣”文章没有提及,属于反向干扰。32.推理判断题。第一步,句中前后信息衔接,定位到文章第一段倒数第二句Traces of this attitude persist in the American upper classes, where daughters are expected to marry “well” that is, to a male who is eligible by reason of fami

14、ly background and earning potential.“这种态度的痕迹在美国上层社会依然存在,那里的女孩被期望嫁给好的男人,也就是说,嫁给一个有家庭背景和收入潜力的合适的男人”,这里可以看出这句描述的是美国上层阶级选女婿的条件,从后面的by reason of (处于原因),这里可知合格的女婿是要家庭有背景,以及有潜力的人,所以答案选A“合格的,有资格的”。B选项“可提供的”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。C选项“选择的”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。D选项“有影响力的”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。33.事实细节题。第一步,精准定位,定位到第一段最后一句话Most Ameri

15、cans, however, see romantic love as essential for a successful marriage, and tend to look askance at anyone who marries for a more practical reason in which love plays no part.“然而,大多数美国人认为浪漫的爱情是成功婚姻的必要条件,并倾向于以怀疑的眼光看待那些因为更实际的原因而结婚的人,这些原因中没有爱情的作用”,从这里可知答案选B“认为浪漫的爱情是成功婚姻的基础”。A选项“希望自己的女儿能与男性一见钟情”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。C选项“尊敬那些为财富而结婚的人”,见正确选项解析,这里属于反向干扰。D选项“认为浪漫的爱情是世界上最令人向往的东西”,文章没有提及,属于无中生有。34.事实细节题。定位到第二段第一句话The phenomenon of romantic love occurs when two young people meet and find one another personally and physically attractive.“当两个年轻人相遇并发现彼此在个人和外表上都很有吸引力时,浪漫爱情就会发生”从这里可知答案选C选项“它的特点是相互吸引和吸收”。A选项“这在


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