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1、初步英语时态总复习人们一般把动词表达状况或动作发生的时间区别的多种形式称为时态,时态是动词的一种形式。表达行为或状态发生或存在的时间和形式。动词时态共有16种。我们初步阶段接触到的时态有四种。它们是:一般目前时;目迈进行时;一般将来时;一般过去时。一、一般目前时一般目前时重要表目前时间内和与目前时间有联系的时间内发生的动作或存在的状态。行为动词一般目前时的构成:当一般目前时的主语是单数第三人称时,谓语动词(do动词)末尾一般要加s或es。单数第三人称形式例词词尾加srkors, hephelps, ead, 以sh,h,s,x,等结尾加-eswatcwatchs, gogoe, tchteac

2、hr,y前为辅音字母,去y再加-y前为元音,则直接加-sdystuies,trtries, lyays, bubuys, 一般目前时的肯定式、否认式和疑问式以及简朴回答形式:1 行为动词构造一般目前时的肯定式、否认式和疑问式以及简朴回答形式(以动词eat为例):肯定式(o, , Th)ea.He (Sh, It)ats.否认式I(You, e, Tey)o / dnt eat.He (e, I) dos ot / oesnt eat.疑问式DoI(you, we,they)at?Dos e(she, it)et?简朴回答Ys, yo do. N, yu dt.Yes, I d N, I don

3、Yes, he (se,t)oes. o, he (she, i) oesnts,you (we, thy)do. o, you (we, thy) dont.be动词构造肯定式Iam teacr.()s teacherYou(We, Thy)ae techers否认式I am nateacerHe (She)is noateacher.You (We, Ty) areno teachers疑问式re youa teacer?Is (she) techr?Are yo (e, h) techer?简朴回答Ys,I am. No, m no., e (she)i. o, he (she)tYes

4、,we(thy) are. N, e (they) arnt.二、目迈进行时1. 构成:目迈进行时由“a (s,ar) + 动词目前分词”构成。目前分词的构成例词一般词尾加ingodoin, workwkig,sigsnging,以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去,再加-ingdncedanig, makemakin,itwrtin,iediving, 重读闭音节结尾,词尾只有一种辅音字母,双写该字母再加-ingnrunnng, swmswimmn,sititg, bginbegnnin, 2 目迈进行时的肯定式、否认式和疑问式以及简朴回答形式(以动词eat为例):肯定式Iam eatin.He(S

5、e, It) iseatin.Yu(e, Thy) re eatin.否认式I am nt eaig.He(he, t)isnot eatg.Yo (W, Th) are nteaing.疑问式m I eating?Ihe (she, t) ting?Ae yu(e, tey) atn?简朴回答Ys, u are. No, ou arenes, I m. No, ntYe, he (h ) . No, e (se, t) ist.Ys,we(you, ey)are. No, we(u, the) arn.练习一、 写出下列动词的目前分词形式。clea lay cot ritestad live

6、 om tstp eat二、 填入动词的合适形式。1. Look, Tim _ (draw) a maofCina.ane _ (hl)m.2. Jac_(b)n the ibrayo._(ad) sory book.3. Tis isu school garde. Sme ys _(sng) asmegils _(dane).4. tsht olok in t mring. The pupils _(do)moin xcses.5. Litn! I _(ran)now6. What_you _(o)no?I _(ok).7. Lo, the bs _(ome).8. ht _T _(d) n

7、ow?H_(lok) at sme pictes.9. Itsouclok. The tchers_(ha) a mtg.10. sseven oclock. Th oldan _(walk) hroughthe park三、 连词成句1. , is, To, kte,lyi_2. at,i, the, nda, srs, okig_3. are, the, bos, swimmng_4. ,T,am, at, ome, wtching_5. aying,game, er, are, Jim, nd_6. redg, Pge, chilre, Four, he, e_7. msc, to, t

8、he, teng, re, oms_8. grama, ittng, a,my, ,ca,n_9. hy,for, bs,the, wting, ae, a_10. i,wriing, her,t, May, mher_四、 根据括号内的内容回答问题1. hat aey d? (画画)_2. hat is our ahdon? (看报纸)_3. Whatare the girls doig? (看电视)_. What are T an Mary g? (下棋)_三、一般将来时1 构成一般将来时由“助动词wil+ 动词原形”构成。 I(We)用shl(wll),其他的用l。口语中,sll和ll用

9、于名词或代词后常缩写成ll。如:Il, l, hl和shell等。hal o常缩写为shat, llnot常缩写为wont。在疑问句中,主语为第一人称(I和)时,常用助动词shal。2 一般将来时的肯定式、否认式和疑问式以及简朴回答形式(以动词e为例):人称肯定式否认式疑问式第一人称 (W) shll/lla.I (We) sha/il oteat.Sall I(we) eat?第二人称Yo wileatYo wil not eat.Wllyoue?第三人称He (She, I) illetH (Se, t) will t eat.ill h(he, t)t?简朴回答Yes, u will. No, yo wont.Yes, I al/wil. , sant/wont.e, h (sh, it) wil No, he (h, it)wotYes, e shall/wi.



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