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1、第二部分探究性学习的内涵及特征。争一一、探究性学习的基本内涵二、探究性学习的基本特征第三部分探究式教学基本过程及其建构性教学功能,7第四部分高中生物探究式教学的基本策略1 1一、 高中生物新教材制约探究教学的归因分析11二、 高中生物探究教学的内容选择甲,,1三、 高中生物探究式教学基本路径的建构16(一)探究发现学习,17 (二)问题解决学习,。,一?0(三)探究实验设计,5四、高中生物探究式教学基本策略的提炼与整合 4(一)探究发现学习的教学策略34c)问题解决学习的教学策略36(三)探究实验设计的教学策略37第五部分关于高中生物探究式教学的理性思考,39一、部分探究型与完全探究型相结合介

2、-,一 39二、 未知探究型与已知探究型相结合40三、 归纳探究型与演绎探究型相结合,1四、 探究性学习与接受性学习相结合。,42参考文献,q.5在学期间发表学术论文目47,,中文摘要探究性学习是指学生在学科领域或现实生活的情境中,通过发现 问题、提出假设、调查研究、运用操作、表达与交流等实践活动,获 得知识、技能和态度与价值观,提高科学探究能力的学习方式和学习 过程。为全面提高学生的科学素养,教师必须在学科教学中采取一定 的教学策略,促进学生的探究性学习,使其主动地获取生物科学知识 体验科学过程与科学方法,形成一定的科学探究能力和科学态度与价 值观,培养创新精神和实践能力。本文前言部分从“基

3、础教育课程改革”这一宏观背景出发,论述 了倡导学生进行探究性学习的重大现实意义:能够改变课程实施过于 强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状;有利于培养学生搜集和 处理信息的能力,获取新知识的能力,分析和解决问题的能力以及交 流与合作的能力。正文部分按照从理论实践理论的思路展开论述。第一部 分通过反思传统的生物学教学,暴露其普遍存在的“过于注重知识传 授,忽视或冷漠学生主动探究”的弊端,进而提出:促进学生探究性 学习是全面提高生物科学素养,培养其创新精神和实践能力的突破口是生物学教学改革的新视角。第二部分首先追溯了探究性学习的演变轨迹,通过剖析其基本fJ 涵和核心要素,得出探究性学习并不强求学

4、生活动的全方位探究性, 从而消除对它的神秘感;通过论述假说在科学探究中的核心地位,指 明了科学探究式学习活动设计应该努力的方向:假说的提出和假说的 验证。第三部分旨在寻求支持探究性学习的理论基石,并剖析了探究式 教学基本过程及其建构性教学功能。第四部分属于探究式教学的实践环节。首先对现行高中生物新教 材制约探究性学习的因素进行归因分析,为高中生物课程建设提出建 议。然后阐明了探究内容选择的原则和范围,并以此为基础构建了高 中生物探究式教学的三条重要路径:探究发现学习、问题解决学习和探究实验设计。最后, 将高中生物探究教学的基本策略与以提炼和整J 之卜 口0第五部分是对开展高中生物探究式教学的反

5、思和理性思考。面对 高中生物教学实际状况,有效的探究式教学需要进行下列四结合:部 分探究与完全探究相结合;已知探究与未知探究相结合;归纳探究与 演绎探究相结合;接受性学习与探究性学习相结合。 关键词:中学生物学探究性学习教学策略 Research On The Senior Biology Teaching StrategyOf Promoting The StudentsInquiry LearningAbstractInquiry Learning is the approach of scientific inquiry and the study process that studen

6、ts acquire knowledge, improve skills, develop attitude, form sense of value and improve inquiry ability through the activities of finding puzzles, bringing forward a hypothesis, inquiring and studying, using and operating and communicating and expressing. In order to improve the students scientific

7、attainments, a teacher must adopt certain strategy of teaching, promote the inquiry learning of the students, making them acquire biology knowledge initiatively, experience scientific research process and technique, sequentially form some scientific academic ability, attitude and sense of value, cul

8、tivate the innovational spirit and practice skills.In the preface of this article, the realistic significance of sparkpluging the students to carry out the inquiry learning is fully dissertated, based on Elementary Edzcation Courses Reform. That is to change the actuality of passive learning, learni

9、ng by rote or training by rote, be propitious to develop the ability of searching and disposing information, the ability of obtain new knowledge, the ability of analyzing and solving problems and the ability of communicating and cooperating as well. In the text of this article, the issue (inquiry le

10、arning) is dissertated from theory to practice and then to theory.The first pact puts forward the viewpoint that promoting the inquiry learning of the students is the break that completely improves thestudents biological attainments and cultivate the innovational spirit and practice skills, and so i

11、s a new visual angle of biology teaching reform through a retrospect to the conventional biology teaching and exposure of its common disadvantage that too much importance is attached to the knowledge initiation but students initiative exploration and research is ignored or disregarded.The second par

12、t first retrospects the evolvernent history of inquiry learning, then,by anatomizing its basic connotation and core factors。 reaches a conclusion that inquiry learning doesnt force the students to explore and research in every detail and thereby removes the students mystery to it; and also by disser

13、tating the core position of the hypothesis in scientific exploration and research indicates the striving direction of scientific inquiry learning, that is to put forward the hypothesis and test the hypothesis.The third part intends to seek the theoretic supports to the inquiry learning and, anatomiz

14、es the teaching process of the inquiry learning and the constructive teaching functions as well.The forth part dissertates the teaching practice phase of inquirylearning. Firstly, it induces and analyzes the factors that restricts the inquiry learning in present senior biology textbooks. Secondly, i

15、t brings forward constructive suggestions to the senior biology courses. And then it illustrates the principles and the area to choose the contents for inquiry learning and form three ways of inquiry learning for senior biology teaching, based on it: inquiry and discovery learning, problem-settled learning and inquiry experiment design.The fifth part is on the careful thinking and rational advisement of carrying out inquiry learning in senior biology teaching. Considering the actual conditions in senior biology teaching, effective inq



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