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1、Cloze - Passage 6Adults who had been fed plenty of fruit when they were children are less likely to suffer from certain types of cancer, British scientists said on Wednesday. A medical study of _1_ 4,000 men and women showed that the more fruits the adults had eaten when they were _2_the less likely

2、 they were to suffer from lung, bowel and breast cancer. This study shows that childhood fruit consumption may have a long term _3_effect on cancer risk in adulthood, Dr. Maria Maynard of the Medical Research Council in London said. All of the adults in the study had filled in a food _4_during the 1

3、930s for a research study looking into the eating habits of families in _5_and urban areas of England and Scotland. Maynard and her colleagues studied the medical records of the group up to July 2000, by which time 483 cases of cancer had been _6_. In addition to fewer cases of cancer, a high consum

4、ption of fruit was _7_with a lower death rate from all causes. Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients, which can help to prevent genetic _8_that can lead to the development of cancer. The scientists also studied the _9_of vitamins C, E and beta carotene on cancer but they

5、did not find any _10_that individual antioxidants were as protective as fruit. A) impactB) efficiencyC) associated D) insertE) protectiveF) furthermore G) decentH) diagnosedI) damage J) youngK) inventoryL) rural M) nearlyN) evidenceO) grab Cloze - Passage 7Academy Award nominees who go home empty-ha

6、nded may not have a shiny Oscar to show off, but they may turn out to be the bigger winners in the game of life. According to a study published in British Medical Journal on December 21, Oscar-winning screenwriters are more successful, more productive, and more _1_ than losing nominees; however, the

7、y die sooner by about four years. Because success is usually linked to better health, this is the first _2_ever that success is not associated with improved _3_, says Donald Redelmeier, lead author of the study.Researchers _4_down information about every person who was ever nominated for an Oscar si

8、nce the awards were first handed out 73 years ago. To explain the _5_findings, he offers two theories. The first is the work-to-death hypothesis. According to Redelmeier, screenwriters are more _6_to lead unhealthy lifestyles, meaning they smoke more, exercise less, and work a lot of late-night hour

9、s, which translates into not enough sleep. Screenwriters dont have a boss to report to, which brings into _7_Redelmeiers second explanation, the party-hearty hypothesis. When you become a successful screenwriter, you gain status without daily accountability, and as a _8_your success may lead you to

10、more alcohol, more parties, and more obesity, he says. Redelmeier hopes his study will _9_how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle. The bottom line, he says, is that greater success may _10_lead to worse health if people fail to look after themselves. A) longevityB) flourishC) apt D) sometime

11、sE) trackedF) respected G) accountH) miracleI) occupation J) puzzlingK) stressL) consequence M) internalN) fairlyO) restrained Cloze - Passage 8After intensive research, scientists have concluded that politicians lie. In a study described in Britains Observer newspaper, Glen Newey, a political scien

12、tist at Britains University of Strathclyde, concluded that lying is an important part of _1_ in the modern democracy. Politicians need to be more honest about lying, he told the newspaper. According to Newey, voters expect to be lied to in certain circumstances, and sometimes even _2_it. Politics sh

13、ould be regarded as less like an exercise in producing _3_statements and more like a poker game, he said. And there is an expectation by a poker player that you try to _4_them as part of the game. Newey said lying by politicians can occasionally be _5_justified, such as when national security is at

14、_6_, and the public even has a right to be lied to in cases where they do not expect to be told the whole truth, such as during a war. But the main cause of lying is increased _7_by the public into areas that the government would rather not discuss candidly. If voters only asked fewer questions, pol

15、iticians would tell them fewer lies. Bill Clinton _8_lied about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, while earlier philandering(追逐女人的) U.S. presidents never had to lie about their _9_, because nobody ever asked. When _10_or parliamentary colleagues start to probe at that area which the government wants to keep secret, you are more likely to be pushed further and further to


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