2014 情态动词中考英语.doc

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1、中考英语 之 情态动词 (为不常考知识点)1. 中考怎么考?2013荆州65. Look! Ive chosen so many things here.Do you know all these should (付款) in US dollars? (pay)2012荆州21. Shall we take a taxi? No, we _ . Its not far from here.A. cant B. mustntC, shouldnt D. neednt2011荆州 24. Whose T-shirt is this?It be Johns. Its much too small f

2、or him.A. may B. must C. cant D. shouldnt2011荆州 65. What should we do about the trash?It (65) (必须带走) when you leave. (take)2. 中考考什么?1. 情态动词的用法:情态动词后 + 动词原形例:You must finish the work.否定句:情态动词+not 例:He can not carry the box.2. can “能力,许可” 例:He can swim now. (能够)cant =cannot =can not “不能” 例: He cant sw

3、im now. (不能)could could是“can的过去式” 例:He could swim three years ago.could还可以表示“客气委婉的语气或请求”,用在疑问句中。回答时用can。例:Could Jim lend me his bike? -Yes, he can.can和be able to在表示“能力”上意思相同,差别不大。can只有现在和过去两种形式,而be able to有更多的时态形式例:No one can do it. = No one is able to do it. Im sorry I havent been able to answer yo

4、ur letter.3. may “可以,许可,” 例:May I borrow your ruler?may not “也许不” 例:Today Jim may not come to our party.01. 【2014河北】I _ follow you. Would you please repeat it? A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 02. 【2014安徽】I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours?Yes, you _.A. canB. mustC. couldD. sh

5、ould03. 【2013杭州】23.-Pauline has lost her phone. No. Its in her bag. I _ hear it.A. mustB. canC. may D. shall04. 【2013白银】37. Finish your homework first, then youll _ watch TV for an hour.A. can B. be able to C. able D could05. 【2013长沙】25. _ I have lunch now, Mom?No. You must wash your hands first. A.

6、 WouldB. MayC. Ought to 06. 【2013福建泉州】36. Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?Not yet. We _go to Qingdao . Its a good place for vacation.A. may B. need C. must07. 【2013辽宁锦州】8. you please give me a hand? The box is too heavy.A. Should B. Could C. Must D. Need4. must “必须” 例:You must

7、finish the work today.must not =mustnt “不可以,不应该” 例:You mustnt lend the book to someone else.must和have to都表示必须,must强调主观看法,have to强调客观事实需要。must只有现在和过去两种形式,而have to有更多的时态形式。例:I must finish the work.(主观上想完成)My teacher will come to my home, so I have to clean my room. (老师要来是客观原因)We will have to finish th

8、e work.(用于将来时用have to,而must则不能)5. need “必要,必定” 例:You need start the work now. neednt =need not “不必” 例:We neednt hurry.need还用作实意动词,有各种变化例:He needs to know it. (肯定句)He doesnt need to know it. (否定句)Does he need to know it? (一般疑问句)6. have to +动词原形,表示“必须做-”。 例:He has to finish his homework at first. He d

9、oesnt have to finish his homework at first.The boys have to finish their homework at first. The boys dont have to finish their homework at first.01. 【2013河南】26. Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?Yes, Im afraid we_ .Thats the traffic rule.A. can B. may C. have to D. need02. 【2014扬州】Excu

10、se me, may I keep the book a little longer?Sorry. You _ return it today.A. must B. mustnt C. can D. cant03. 【2014重庆市】Children _ sit in the front seat of a car. Its too dangerous.A. need B. neednt C. must D. mustnt04. 【2014南昌】We _ pay to get into the concert. Its free.A. cant B. mustnt C. might not D

11、. dont have to7. 情态动词的一般疑问句的回答有变化Can he swim? Yes, he can. No, he cant.May I watch TV now? Yes, you may(can).No ,you mustnt.或cant.Must I finish the work now? Yes, you must.No, you neednt. =you dont have to.01. 【2014铜仁】Must I water the flowers now, mum?No, you . You do it later.A. mustnt; must B. mus

12、tnt; may C. neednt; may D. neednt; must02. 【2014苏州】May I take this magazine out of the reading room?No, you _. You read it in here.A. mightnt B. wont C. neednt D. mustnt03. 【2013江苏淮安】9.Can I park my car in front of the building?No, you _. A. wont B. cant C. neednt D. couldnt04. 【2013贵州铜仁】30.May I pl

13、ay computer games, Mom?No, you _.A. dont B. cant C. wouldnt D. wont05. 【2013山东泰安】28. May I smoke here? No, you _. This is a no-smoking room. A. neednt B. mustnt C. couldnt D. wouldnt 8. 情态动词表示猜测情态动词推测意思mustmust + 动词原形“一定是-”may mightmaymight +动词原形“也许是-”couldcould +动词原形“可能是-”cancant + 动词原形“不可能是-”例:You

14、 must be ill. I can see it from your face. (一定是病了,表示对现在的推测)John is absent. He maymight be ill. (也许是病了,表示对现在的推测)The guitar could be Jims. (可能是,表示对现在的推测)He cant be in the room. (不可能是,表示对现在的推测)01. 【14长沙】Whos singing in the garden?It be Mr. Brown. He always practices singing at this time.A. must B. cant C. need02. 【2014黔西南州】Is


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