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1、与“评断事物的方式”有关in ones opinion 依某人看来关键词opinion n.意见、见解In my opinion,you should discuss this with others before you make the decision.就我看来,你应该在下决定前跟大家讨论。常见用语in ones view依某人看来In my fathers view,he thinks we do it too recklessly.在我爸看来,我们做事太莽撞了。from a different angle 从不同的观点、立场关键词different a.不同的/angle n.角度、

2、观点A different person will look at things from a different angle.不同的人看事情的角度不同。Photography allows me to see the world from a different angle.摄影让我用不同的观点看世界。“见风转舵的人。”He is the Vicar of Bray. A : Hank got promoted to a position of assistant manager.B: Well, I have to say he is the Vicar of Bray type pers

3、on. I am not surprised that he got promoted.A:汉克被升职到副经理的位置。B:我必须说,他是一位懂得见风转舵的人,我并不意外他被升职。Vicar 指“牧师”,Bray是英国伦敦西北的一个地名。该牧师因亨利国王的关系改信天主教,但是等玛莉皇后一上任,国教改为新教,牧师又变成新教徒;伊莉莎白一世上位后,国教更改,牧师又改变了信仰。此用语以后就成为了见风转舵的人的代名词。in ones shoes 站在某人的立场关键词shoes pl.n.鞋子My therapist said we could have more sympathy by being in

4、 somebody elses shoes.我的心理医生说,我们可以通过站在别人的立场,来增加我们的同理心。常见用语in sbs place 在某人的立场Maybe youll have a different thought if youre in my place.如果你站在我的立场的话,或许会有不同的想法。put in ones place 使人站在别人的立场想关键词put v.放置、给予/place n.位置、地方If you put yourself in his place, you wouldnt doubt his decision.你站在他的立场想的话,就不会质疑他的决定。I

5、f you want to make the right decision, try to put yourself in others place first.如果想要做出正确的决定,先站在别人的角度想吧。walk a mile in sbs shoes 站在某人的角度想关键词walk v.走/mile n.里Owen must have some reason for quitting his job. We should walk a mile in his shoes.欧文一定是因为某些事情而辞职的,我们应该站在他的角度想。You should judge me after you r

6、eally walk a mile in my shoes.在你批评我之前,应该先站在我的角度想想。in substance 本质上、实质上关键词substance n.本质、实质The ideas in these two paragraphs are the same in substance.实质上,两个段落中说的都是同一个理念。常见用语the substance of a speech 讲话的要旨I failed to get the substance of the speech.我没有抓到那篇演讲的重点。as a matter of fact事实上关键词 matter n.事情、问

7、题/fact n.事As a matter of fact, people seldom go to church on the weekend now.事实上,人们现在很少在周末去教堂做礼拜了。常见用语in fact 事实上In fact,Joey is not my blood relative.事实上,乔伊并不是我的血亲。in principle 原则上关键词 principle n.原则、主义This idea is doable in principle,but may meet many obstacles when put into practice.这个理念在原则上可行,但实际

8、执行上会遇到很多困难。常见用语against ones principle 违反某人的原则Im afraid this proposal is against our principle of running this organic store.这项提议恐怕违反了我们开这家有机食品商店的原则。in theory 理论上关键词 theory n.理论Your proposition sounds fine in theory, but not in practice.你的建议理论上听起来不错,但是在实践中却行不通。常见用语the theory of relativity 相对论The theo

9、ry of relativity is a huge breakthrough in science.相对论是科学上的一大突破。in addition to 除了关键词addition n.加、附加In addition to piano, she has to learn trombone.除了钢琴外,她还得学长号。常见用语with the addition of 外加The total is 60 US dollars with the addition of tips.加了小费后,总额是六十美元。apart from 除了之外关键词 apart ad.散开地、除了Apart from t

10、he great mountain view,this village is also famous for its amazing coast line.除了美丽的山景之外,这座村庄也以令人惊艳的海岸线出名。常见用语except for 除了之外No one can enter the bar except for people with ID.除了有身份证的人之外,没人可以进入这间酒吧。in consequence of由于关键词consequence n.后果、结果/of prep.之于的In consequence of many peoples absence, we have to

11、 cancel the meeting.由于很多人缺席,我们只得取消这次会议。常见用语 face the consequences of 自食其Thomas needs to work 50 hours a day to face the consequences of his extravagance.托马斯一周得工作50个小时,才能应付他浪费的结果。by virtue of 由于关键词 by prep.通过、由于/virtue n.功效、优点He was promoted by virtue of his ability.他能够升迁是由于自身的才能。The athlete won by v

12、irtue of his effort.这位运动员通过自己的努力赢得比赛。by reason of 由于关键词by prep.通过、由于/reason n.理由、原因The company went bankrupt by reason of financial difficulty.这家公司因为财务困难而宣告破产。常见用语have reason有道理Your point of view seems to have reason.你的观点似乎有道理。owe to 由于关键词owe v.归功于、应给予His success is owed to his perseverance.他的成功应当归功

13、于他的毅力。常见用语own up 坦白Lets own up to each other.I dont want to fake it anymore.我们向彼此坦白吧,我不想再装下去了。according to 根据关键词according a.相应的、相符的According to the report, no journalist was injured in Haiti.据报道,在海地无记者伤亡。常见用语according as 根据而The prices of these artworks are different according as the time the artist

14、spent.根据画家花的时间不同,每幅艺术品的价格也不同。by appearance 根据外表关键词 by prep.通过、由于/appearance n. 外表、表象Its said they hire secretaries only by appearance.听说他们都根据外表录取秘书。常见用语at first appearance乍看之下I cant tell the difference between the real painting and the imitation at first appearance.乍看之下,我没办法分辨真的画和仿制品。result in 导致关键词

15、 result n.结果The strike ahead resulted in a traffic jam.前方的罢工引发了交通堵塞。常见用语lead to 导致The blossom in spring leads to my allergy.春天盛开的花朵导致了我的过敏。set the scene for 导致关键词set v.设置、设定/scene n.场景、事件The unjust treaty set the scene for the war.不平等条约导致了这场战争。The biased statement set the scene for the fight.偏颇的发言导致了这场争执。lead to 导致、导向关键词lead v.带领、导向/to prep.去、This road doesnt lead to the Royal Hotel you mentioned.这条路不通往你说的那个皇家酒店。常见用语lead to nowhere 徒劳无功The discussion will lead


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