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1、 英语写作 课程教案/讲稿教 师 姓 名: 赵红路 学院(部、中心): 外国语学院 教研室实验室: 第三英语教研室 2007 年 8 月与 课 程 有 关 的 信 息教师编号000417课程名称英语写作课程编号41053081英文课名English Writing 2总 学 时30讲授学时30实验学时0课程学分2课程性质 必修 (必修/学科专业限选/公共任选)授课方式 常规 (常规/双语/多媒体)授课对象 本科 (研究生/本科/高职/成人)上课时间 2007 / 2008 学年,第 1 学期周学时2星期 二第 1、2节,8:05至 9:50时分星期 二第 3、4节,10:15至12:00时分星

2、期 二第 5、6节,13:35至15:20时分星期 第 节, 至 时分星期 第 节, 至 时分星期 第 节, 至 时分星期 第 节, 至 时分星期 第 节, 至 时分上课地点东1号,311,420任课班级编号 061001-03学生总人数 90选用教材书名 英语写作基础教程,作者: 丁往道 出版 高等教育出版社, 1998 年 7 月出版参考书(书名、作者等出版信息)1.英语常用词入门,李冀宏,世界图书出版公司,1999年8月2.英语修辞学概论,黄任,上海外语教育出版社,1999年9月3.英语修辞与写作,英任,上海外语教育出版社,1996年6月4.英语写作,葛传,上海译文出版社,1998年8月

3、5.英语写作,孙骊,上海外语教育出版社,1999年1月与教学相关的简要记事长 春 工 业 大 学课程教学内容分配与进度计划表2007 /2008 学年第 一 学期 英语写作 课程课程编号:41053081 适用班级 061001-061003 使用教材:英语写作基础教程周次日期课次教 学 内 容 ( 章 节 )学 时 数备注讲课实验习题多媒体1234567891011121314159. of Chapter 1-4 & In

4、troduction Rhetoric & WritingChapter 6 Composing Essays(1,2)Chapter 6: Three main parts of a compositionChapter 6: Types of WritingChapter 6: 7 ways of developing a compositionChapter 6: 7 ways of developing a compositionChapter 6: 7 ways of developing a compositionChapter 6: 7 ways of developing a

5、composition Chapter 7: Practical WritingChapter 7: Practical Writing Chapter 7: Practical Writing Chapter 7: Practical WritingChapter 8: Preparing Research Papers (1,2)Chapter 8: Preparing Research Papers (3,4)222211111111122111111111教研室主任:王海云 任课教师:赵红路 任课教师编号:000417 留存:长 春 工 业 大 学 课 程 教 案讲 稿 用 纸讲 授

6、内 容教学设计备注Introduction A Sketch of English WritingSince you have finished a terms study of English writing, Id like to ask you three simple questions.1. Whats English writing?2. Whats your understanding and impression of this course?(Have you benefited a lot from this course? Is it difficult to learn

7、 this course? How to improve your attitude toward writing?) 3. Whats the purpose/ aim/ objective of this course?( to help students acquire writing awareness, idiomatic train of thought in writing, and appropriate writing skills.)The course is not everything. You cant count on it too much, hoping tha

8、t after taking this lecture, you can own a magic pen, even to be a great writer. However, you can indeed grasp useful writing principles in theory. If you can make a lot of perseverant practice, you can be an expert in this field.“Give you a fish, youll eat for a day; teach you to fish and youll eat

9、 for a life time.” Ill try to help you to find fish and the way of fishing.I. About the text book How to use the book? Its good for autonomous study in that it contains examples, detailed explanation, tasks and keys to exercises with explanation. After class you are asked to preview each chapter and

10、 in class discuss problems related to the chapter. More information will be offered in class, and more time will be left for practice.II. My requirements1. Keeping journals. Keeping journals in English will give you daily practice in expressing your own thoughts. Though it is quite usual to use inco

11、mplete and colloquial English in a journal, youd better not do so; for your object is to practice writing rather than to keep the record itself.2. Handing in your composition on time.3. When you write your composition, work carefully, neatly and clearly. Try to make as few mistakes as possible.III.

12、My presents1. “Practice makes perfect.”Practice a lot can make you perfect in writing.2. “Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.”n Francis BaconFrancis Bacon was one of the earliest English essayists, great philosopher. Of Bacons 58 essays, “Of Study” is one of t

13、he shortest but also one of the better known and the more widely read.A full man: a man with a wide knowledge of things.A ready man: a wise man who can deal with all kinds of occasions.An exact man: a man who speaks and writes with accuracy.Conference: consultation, conversation. Review of Chapter 1-4 Chapter I Manuscript Form1.1 Arrangement1/ Rules of leaving margins2/ Rules of writing the title3/ Rules of paragraphing4/ Rules of paging1.2 Word Division12 rules of word division1.3 Capitalization1/ Basic rules2/Special usage of ca


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