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1、翻译专题精讲2四字成语I. 常见成语积累1学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司1. 年纪相仿 about ones own age2. 一事无成 achieve nothing3. 不速之客 an unexpected visitor4. 记忆所及 as far as I can remember5. 不知所措 at a loss6. 心不在焉 be absent-minded7. 与生倶来 be born with8. 大失所望 be greatly disappointed9. 井井有条 be in good order10. 身临其境 be pe

2、rsonally on the scene11. 乐于助人 be ready to help others12. 欣喜若狂 be wild with joy13. 举世闻名 be world famous14. 值得一做 be worth doing15. 牢记在心 bear/keep in mind that16. 受益匪浅 benefit a lot from17. 物以类聚 Birds of a feather block together.18. 血浓于水 Blood is thicker than water.19. 公事公办 Business is business.20. 不能自

3、已 cant control oneself21. 情不自禁 cant help doing22. 迫不及待 cant wait to23. 因果关系 cause and effect24. 寓教于乐 combine education with recreation25. 名副其实 deserve a reputation26. 英年早逝 die young27. 享有盛誉 enjoy high reputation28. 一见钟情 fall in love at first sight29. 相差甚远 far from/not nearly,30. 心安理得 feel at ease 31

4、. 吹毛求疵 find fault with32. 从头到尾 from cover to cover33. 为所欲为 get ones own way34. 半途而废 give up halfway35. 金科玉律 golden rule36. 良药苦口 Good medicine tastes bitter.37. 九死一生 have a narrow escape38. 大体了解 have a rough picture of39. 胸有成竹 have confidence in40. 别无选择 have no choice but to do41. 全心全意 heart and soul

5、42.车水马龙heavy traffic43.三言两语in a few words44.总的来说in general45.兴高釆烈in high spirits &46.众口难调It is hard to please1 all.47.无济于事It is no use doing.48.难以置信it is unbelievable that49.曰新月异keep on changing every day50.东张西望look around51.回顾历史look back into history52.坐失良机miss the golden chance53.不足为奇No wonder (th

6、at).54.显而易见obviously/it is obvious that55.转念一想on second thoughts56.美梦成真ones dream come true/realize ones dream57.坚持不懈persevere in doing58.名胜古迹places of historic interest59.熟能生巧Practice makes perfect.60.若无其事pretend as if nothing had happened61.不懂装懂pretend to know what one doesnt know62.骄兵必败Pride goes

7、 before a fall.63.孤注一掷put all ones eggs in one basket64.人云亦云repeat what others say65.平易近人sb. is easy to approach66.首屈一指second to none67.眼见为实Seeing is believing.68.同甘共苦share joys and sorrow with sb.69.安然无恙sound and safe70.不遗余力spare no effort (s) to do71.不惜工本spare no expense72.高度赞扬speak highly of73.袖手

8、旁观stand by/look on with folded arms74.固执己见stick to ones own opinion75.坚守岗位stick to ones post76.趁热打铁Strike while the iron is hot.77.不辞而别take French leave78.如释重负take a load off ones mind79.置之不理take no notice of80.焕然一新take on a new look81.不辞辛劳take trouble to do82.明辨是非tell the difference between right a

9、nd wrong83.毫无疑问There is no doubt that.84.木已成舟Things done cant be undone.85.事与愿违Things go contrary to ones wish.86.时不我待Time and tide wait for no man.87.雪中送炭timely help88.教学相长to teach is to learn89. 竭尽全力 try ones best to do90. 熟视无睹 turn a blind eye to sth.91. 充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to sth.92. 化险为夷 turn

10、danger into safety93. 悔过自新 turn over a new leaf94. 因人而异 vary from person to person/It all depends on the individual95. 消息灵通 well-informed96. 小心翼翼 with great care97. 奋不顾身 with no thought for ones own safety98. 一箭之遥within a stones throw99. 逐字逐句 word for word100. 宁死不屈would rather die than surrenderII.

11、课堂精讲1. 令人难以置信,那家银行在光天化日之下遭到抢劫。(rob)考点: 令人难以置信 Its incredible / unbelievable that 遭到抢劫be robbedIt is incredible that the bank was robbed in broad daylight.2. 那小女孩真是被惯得不像话,父母对她百依百顺。(spoil)考点:被惯得不像话be terribly / badly spoiled对某人百依百顺give sb whatever / everything he / she asks forThe little girl is terri

12、bly spoiled by her parents and they always give her whatever she asks for.3. 老师在毕业典礼上的一席话使学生们受益匪浅。(benefit)考点:在毕业典礼上at the graduating ceremony 老师的一席话what the teacher said使学生们受益匪浅benefit the students a lotWhat the teachers said at the graduating ceremony benefited the students a lot.The students bene

13、fited a lot from what the teachers said at the graduating ceremony.4. 他梦想有朝一日能亲眼看到海上日出。(dream)考点:有朝一日some day / one day梦想能亲眼看到海上日出dream of seeing the sun rising above the sea with ones own eyesHe dreams of seeing the sun rising above the sea with his own eyes some day / one day.5. 阅读习惯因人而异。(vary)Rea

14、ding habits vary from person to person.6. 他们两兴趣相投,但思维方式却大相径庭。(differ)考点:兴趣相投share the same interest 大相径庭 totally differ in sth思维方式way of thinkingThey share the same interest but totally differ in ways of thinking. 7. 缺乏合作使他们错失良机。(cost)考点:使他们错失良机cost them a good opportunity 缺乏合作lack of cooperationLack of cooperation cost them a good opportunity.8. 他忍受不了与喋喋不休的人合作。(stand)考点:忍受不了与某人合作cant stand cooperating with sb喋喋不休的人those who never stop chatting/ talking those who chat / talk withou


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