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1、 .进出口业务课程标准一、课程概述进出口业务课程是外语系商务英语专业的专业课程。该课程经过近年来的发展和完善,课程容、课程体系和教学方法逐步合理与规。该课程的教学宗旨是构建学生“英语+贸易”的复合型知识结构,并培养学生经贸专业英语技能和用英语进行进出口业务实战的能力。进出口业务的综合业务流程分为4大环节,分别是贸易前的准备工作,合约的签订,履约过程和贸易完成后的善后工作。本门课程核心在于进出口业务实务知识的掌握、合约的签订和履约这三大领域,每一领域又分成若干个学习情境,并将职业行动领域的工作过程融合在学习情境训练中。学生以学习小组为单位通过共同完成学习情境的讨论,英文案例的分析等工作过程,培养



4、域与项目载体子领域项目编号学习情境进出口业务的基础理论知识讲解P1进出口业务的基本专业知识介绍P2商品的名称、品质、数量和包装P3进出口业务术语P4进出口商品价格P5国际货物运输P6国际货物运输保险P7国际货款的收付P8商品的检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁签订合同P9贸易磋商P10合同的签订履行合同P11出口合同的履行P12进口合同的履行2. 课程项目结构与学时分配本学习领域课程安排货币资金的核算等16个学习情境,每个学习情境的主要教学容、学习目标、参考学时等见表12表12 课程结构子领域编号项目名称主要教学容学习目标课实践学时进出口业务实务的基础理论知识讲解P1进出口业务的基本专业知识介绍1.

5、the important of foreign trade for a nation2. a view on chinas foreign trade3. the classification of international trade4. the analysis of international trade for a nation5. international organizations involved in international trade6. institutions involved in foreign trade transaction7. laws and re

6、gulations governing international trade1. An adequate understanding of basic concepts in international trade2. Data and facts which adequately support the points made3. good logic of exposition4P2商品的名称、品质、数量和包装1. name of commodity2. quality of commodity3. quantity of commodity4. packing5. marking1.

7、a clear understanding of clauses of quality , quantity, packing or packaging and marking in a contract 2. a coherent understanding of the different fuctions served by outer packing and inner packaging3. sample clauses or cases to illustrate points made4. good examples of packing clauses 5. justifict

8、ion of arguments and conclusions drawn6P3进出口业务术语1. intredution to incoterms2. use of incoterms3. organition of incoterms4. mode of transport consideration5. notes on incoterms6. FOB,CIF,CFR,FCA,CIP,CPT1. a coherent understanding of the different obligations of the seller and buyer under FOB and CIF.

9、2. a coherent understanding of the different rights of the seller and buyer under FOB and CIF.进出口业务术语的选用10P4进出口商品价格1. importance of export pricing2. pricing considerations3. costing4. export pricing5. quotation6. pro forma invoice7. price clause8. some equation1. a coherent understanding of the impo

10、rtance of export pricing2. a coherent understanding of various pricing consideration3. a good identification of the items in export costing6P5国际货物运输1. modes of trasport2. shipping3. transport clause4. ocean bill of lading5. sample of ocean B/L6. containerization1. a coherent understanding of diferen

11、t modes of transportation2. a coherent understanding of the basics for ocean shipping3. a coherent understanding of the fuction, type and contents of a bill of lading4. Making the bill of lading6P6国际货物运输保险1. basic concepts in insurance2. different risks3. different losses4. the different ocean marin

12、e insurance under C.I.C5. commencement and termination of different insurance coverage6. export and import insurance practice7. insurance claims8. insurance clauses in a sales contract1. a coherent understanding of the different risks,losses and insurance coverage in marine transportation2. a cohere

13、nt understanding of the principles of cargo transport insurance3. no mistake in completing the insurance polcy6P7国际货款的收付1. payment instruments2. payment methods3. L/C1. a coherent understanding of the different instruments of payment2. a coherent understanding of different payment methods3. making a

14、 bill of exchange with a sample of L/C国际货款收付流程8P8商品的检验、索赔、不可抗力和仲裁1. commodity inspection2. claims and settlement of claims3. force majeure4. arbitration1. a coherent understanding of the clauses of inspection, claims, force majeure and arbitration in a contract2. an adequate number of sample clauses

15、 have been collected3. careful analysis and comparison of the sample clauses4. a reasonable conclusion has been reached4签订合同P9贸易磋商1. form and contents of contract negotiation2. procedures of contract negotiation1. a tidy recording of the negotiation process签订合同8P10合同签订1. conclusion of a written contract2. contents of a contract1. a coh


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