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1、小学六年级英语毕业考试复习资料五粮春希望小学陈冰整理 Book1-4册复习重点一、词汇:水果名词:fruit水果,apple苹果,banana香蕉,orange橘子,pear梨 动物:animal动物,elephant大象,monkey猴子,panda熊猫,lion狮子, tiger老虎,bird鸟,dog狗, fish鱼食物:food食物,milk牛奶, rice米饭,noodles面条,fish鱼肉,meat肉,cake蛋糕,bread面包,sweets糖果,peanuts花生Dumplings饺子,球类:ball球,basketball篮球,football足球,volleyball排球

2、, table tennis兵乓球三餐:breakfast早餐,lunch午餐,supper/dinner晚餐四季:spring春天,summer夏天,autumn秋天,winter冬天星期: Monday星期一,Tuesday星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六 ,Sunday星期日月份: 一月 January 二月 February 三月 Marcy 四月 April 五月 May 六月 June 七月 July 八月 August 九月 September 十月 October 十一月 November 十二月 Decemb

3、er家庭成员: family家庭,grandfather/grandpa祖父外祖父,grandmother/grandma祖母外祖母,father/dad父亲,mother/mum母亲,son儿子,daughter女儿,sister姐妹 brother兄弟,cousin表兄弟姐妹堂兄弟姐妹数词:number数字one(1), two(2), three(3), four(4), five(5), six(6), seven(7), eight(8), nine(9), ten(10), eleven(11), twelve(12), thirteen(13), fourteen(14), fi

4、fteen(15), sixteen(16), seventeen(17), eighteen(18), nineteen(19), twenty(20)天气:weather天气sunny晴朗的阳光充足的,rain下雨,snow下雪,windy有风的,warm暖和的,cold寒冷的,hot热的,cool凉爽的,cloudy多云的科目:subject科目Art 美术Science 科学Chinese 语文English 英语maths 数学Music 音乐PE 体育颜色:colour颜色,red 红色,blue蓝色,yellow 黄色,green绿色,black 黑色,orange橙色,purp

5、le 紫色,white 白色,pink 粉红,brown棕色, grey 灰色交通工具:bus 公共汽车,train 火车, plane 飞机,bike 自行车,ship轮船,boat船,taxi出租车,car小汽车文具:pencil 铅笔, pen 钢笔 , book 书,bag 书包,desk 书桌, chair 椅子, blackboard 黑板, chalk 粉笔, eraser 橡皮 ,ruler 尺子,knife 小刀服饰: clothes 衣服服装,cap 帽子(棒球帽),hat 帽子(礼帽),T-shirt T恤,coat 外套,dress 连衣裙女装,sweater 毛衣,s

6、kirt裙子衬裙,trousers 裤子,shoe 鞋,glove 手套,jacket 夹克身体部位:body身体,头head,面部face, 眼eye,耳ear,鼻nose,口mouth,牙tooth(teeth), 颈脖子neck, 肩shoulder, 胳膊arm, 手hand,手指finger, 背back, 腿leg, 膝knee,足foot(feet),脚趾:toe反义词:big大的small 小的, tall高的short矮的, long长的short 短的, fat胖的thin瘦的, new新的old旧的 Old年老的young年轻的, yes是no不 this这个that 那

7、个 二、短语: from 来自Im from China, come in 进来,come on 加油,do housework 做家务,do homework 做作业,do morning exercises 晨练,read a book/books 读书,draw a picture/pictures 画画,drink water 喝水,row a boat 划船,go fishing 去钓鱼,go home 回家,go shopping 去购物,go straight on 直走,go swimming 去游泳,go to bed/sleep 去睡觉,go to school ,去上学g

8、o to work 去上班, go to the park去公园,have Chinese上语文课,have a cold 感冒,have a fever 发烧,have a headache 头痛 , have a stomachache 胃痛,have a picnic 举行野餐活动, have breakfast 吃早餐,have lunch 吃午饭,have supper/dinner 吃晚饭,have(eat)peanuts吃花生,have got/has got拥有,listen to music 听音乐,play basketball 打篮球,play football 踢足球

9、,play table tennis 打乒乓球,play tennis 打网球,play the guitar 弹吉他,play the piano 弹钢琴,plan the erhu拉二胡,Play computer game 玩电子游戏,ride a bike 骑自行车,take photos/pictures 照相, wash clothes 洗衣服, watch TV 看电视,write a letter 写信,make a cake/cakes做蛋糕,fly a kite/kites放风筝,get up起床,sing a song/songs唱歌,dance跳舞,go straigh

10、t on直着走,turn left向左转,turn right向右转其它:North北方,south南方,east东方,west西方,In在里面,on在上面,under在下面Up向上,down向下,Beautiful美丽的,famous著名的,nice好的友善的,cool酷的,shy害羞的,celver聪明的 Today今天,yesterday昨天,tomorrow明天, New Year新年, Christmas圣诞节缩写:it is=its它是, he is=hes他是,she is=shes她是, I am=Im我是,you are=youre你/你们是,we are=were我们是,t

11、hey are=therre他们/她们/它们是is not=isnt不是,are not=arent不是do not=dont不做,does not=doesnt不做,用于三单,what is=whats是什么,where is=wheres在哪里,句型:1.My favourite toy is a car. 我最喜爱的玩具是小汽车。2.I like football.我喜欢踢足球。 I dont like basketball.我不喜欢打篮球。 3.Do you like meat?你喜欢吃肉吗? Yes,I do/No,I dont. 是的,我喜欢/不,我不喜欢。Does he like

12、 oranges? 他喜欢吃橘子吗?Yes,he does/No,he doesnt.是的,他喜欢/不,他不喜欢。4. Its warm in spring.春天天是暖和的Its hot in summer.夏天是炎热的Its cool in autumn.秋天是凉爽的Its cold in winter.冬天是寒冷热的5.What are you doing? 你正在干什么?I am listening to music.我正在听音乐。6.Whats Tom doing? Tom 正在干什么?He is playing football.他正在踢足球。7.Can I /you run fas

13、t?我/你能跑得快吗? Yes, I can./No,Icant是的,我能/不,我不能。8.I get up at seven oclock.我在七点钟起床。9.What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?Its red.他是红色的。10.Whats this/that?这/那是什么?Its a/an这/那是一个注意:除字母外,所有单词,句型只要求能准确认读和听懂。建议按单词、句型分类复习。 附 外研社小学英语三年级起第二册复习提纲Module 1 Alphabet词汇:doll, ship, car, song, favourite, toy句子:Whats your favorit

14、e song? Its the ABC song. My name is My favourite toy /colour is Module 2 Zoo词汇:tiger, lion, elephant, monkey;tall, short, big, small, fat, thin,zoo, tree, they, look at句子:Whats this? Its a Its What are they? Theyre Module 3 Playground词汇:football, basketball, table tennis, riding bikes, swimming, sk

15、ipping, like句子: I like football. I dont like riding bikes.Module 4 Food词汇:pass, mum, rice, meat, noodles, fish, milk;banana, pear, orange, apple;句子:Do you like meat? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does Daming like bananas? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt Module 5 Time词汇: get up, go to school, have lunch, go home, watch TV, go to bed, at, oclock, time, half, past, have breakfast, have dinner句子:I get up/go to school/have lunch/go home/watch TV/go to bed at seven oclock. Whats the time, please? Its half past five.Module 6 Activities词汇:do



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