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1、 2022新加坡留学MBA专业申请书 新加坡留学MBA专业申请书 Dear _, The most important element of my classroom, my office, or my home is a personal relationship. I have figured this out on examination of my activities in high school (youth group regional president), college (telephone crisis counselor, resident advisor), or p

2、rofession (teacher). As a teacher I made a point of getting to know every student in my classes personally. It quickly became my experience that students were more willing to learn, work, and excel when they were appreciated as individuals and when they knew that the adult in the classroom genuinely

3、 liked them. After a few years experience teaching seniors, I accepted a teaching job at the middle school with the freshman class that had just learned they would not physically be moving to the high school. How would I motivate and get to know these kids? Everything that I had ever heard about or

4、remembered about 9th grade made me want to turn and run. But what convinced me to take this job was technology. In my interview I learned that instead of the library, I was to use the Internet (the what?). I was told that I would receive a laptop computer (arent those the things that people with rea

5、l jobs used?) and that the kids could teach me anything I needed to know. Computers became my thing. Immediately I began to learn how to surf the Internet from 8th and 9th graders (Sanj and Judy said I was teachers pet). My kids opened up and set aside their raging adolescence to use technology to h

6、elp me and help each other. As the year with the freshmen continued, I was overjoyed. First, my kids and I had the best rapport in years (gosh Miss Glazer, are all of your PowerPoint slides gonna look the same?). Second, my creativity in teaching increased as new doors were opened to me and in turn

7、to my students (conspiracy takes on a whole new meaning when the Internet is your primary source). Third, I was learning new and exciting things. I had finally found a combination of skills that affected my students in such a positive way that I knew I had to share my findings. I have since taken my

8、 computer knowledge, instructional design ideas, plus my emphasis on personal relationships and applied it to teachers and students in my district and other districts in the North Texas area. Through the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Stanford University I hope to continue on the route

9、that started for me at the middle school. I know that I will learn new things and have an opportunity to apply them to educational settings. I also know that I will be able to establish relationships with colleagues, professors, and other students. Although a masters degree is the short term goal, I

10、 believe that my long term goal remains the same as when I began using technology in my classroom three years ago: to see students better educated through a curriculum infused with technology by teachers who do not lose sight of the personal relationships that benefit all kids. This long-term goal m

11、ay be achieved by working in a single school, a school district, or an educational center. It may be reached by teaching new teachers on the university level, by instructing at-risk students in a county after-school program, or by designing a terrific new classroom model and implementing it through

12、a regional education lab with a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Whatever the job, my aim remains the same and as it did years ago with my freshmen, I feel certain that I will use any situation to fulfill my goal to benefit students (can you say optimistic, or is it opportunistic?). Your

13、s sincerely, xuexila 新加坡留学MBA专业申请条件 一、新加坡留学申请MBA条件 申请新加坡公立大学MBA专业留学,学历方面申请学生需是国内211或985大学(毕业)生并供应在校期间成绩,平均成绩达80分以上;英语要求上需要雅思成绩6.5分以上。 申请新加坡私立大学MBA专业课程留学的学生,学历方面申请学生持有国内大学本科毕业证书文凭,供应在校期间的平均成绩,成绩达75分以上,新加坡私立大学MBA专业留学申请学生的语言成绩,雅思6.5左右即可。 二、新加坡大学MBA申请条件 PSB学院MBA专业的申请 1、纽卡斯尔大学的硕士:这个专业的MBA允许大专生来就读,但是需要先读预

14、科四个月的时间。假如是本科的学生可以直接就读到,但课程只有12个月。不过不管是专科还是本科的申请学生,都需要是商科的学生,而且雅思需要有6.5。 2、爱丁堡龙比亚的硕士:大专的学校要申请这个院校的硕士,需要是已经毕业。并且已经工作了两年以上。已经是有相关的(阅历),可以让学校进展评估。假如是这样的话就不需要再读预科了。 英华美学院MBA专业大专课程 国内的专科生要申请这个院校的MBA课程,那么工作阅历就是必需要有的一个条件,这个院校的MBA课程是英国的,大学所联合创办的。所以这个专业的含金量还是很高的,就业上也比拟简单。 1、这个学院要就读MBA课程的话,语言需要有6.5。或者参与这个学院的英

15、语课程也可以。 2、它的MBA课程假如是专科生要申请的话。那么这个工作阅历就得有三年。另外语言也是有条件的,需要6.5的雅思。 三、新加坡MBA就业前景 新加坡MBA就业前景进展还是不错的,依据(训练)部就业指导中心统计的就业方向状况,MBA毕业生的就业率区间在85%至90%之间。新加坡MBA课程主要培育能够胜任工商企业和经济治理部门高层治理工作需要的务实型、复合型和应用型高层次治理人才,特殊强调在把握现代治理理论和(方法)的根底上,培育学生的实际问题分析和操作技能,更具有职业竞争的实力。所以总的来说,新加坡MBA就业进展还是特别有前景的。有一个适宜的MBA文凭,会是一块很好的敲门砖,在就业形势如此严峻的今日,对将来的(职业规划)大有好处。 新加坡适合什么人群留学呢? 1、追求有实践的训练 同学们在到了大学后,就不单单是要学(文化)的学问了,更多的是要学一些具有实践,以及将来能在(职场)上有帮忙的学问。而在国内可能大家所能接触到的,都是一些理论上的学问,却没什么能够实践的时机。在新加坡这里,学生就是不但需要学习理论,还要去进展实践,在实践的过程中得到技能这里的教师也会鼓舞学生多去做试验。另外,这些大学的全部学生都要到一些企业去实习过之后,才能够毕业。 2、追求更远的视野 新加


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