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2、dj.)_化学(.)1_关怀的;紧张的(dj.)_关怀(n.)5._重要的;多数的(j.)_大多数(n.)1._抱怨;发牢骚(vi)_抱怨(n.)17._保护(n.)_(v)srehtrngthensngchemicalhemiryoncenedcoemajorajoritycmplaincomplaintprottioprotet.常用短语1._遇上;赶上2._砍倒3._只有做4._制止某人做5_抱怨;抱怨6_理解;欺骗;吸取be ught icut dodo ohing o st.reents.from doing thmpainof/ outtake in7_认真考虑8_概括地说9_为紧

3、张0_放出;发出11_挖出12._浏览,仔细检查13._清晰地意识到thik sioulyan a nushellbe concr abut/ vrgveutdiguplok throhwae up to.重点句型The torms setimes ontnu all aynd rffic moves verysl beause thik du _.暴风有时持续一成天,车辆开得很慢,由于浓浓的尘埃减少了能见度。答案:maks it ificult tose2.To_ it_ nearr, the govermnt is panin tees.为了制止它来得更近,政府正在植树。答案:preven

4、;coing3.The arbage is the tak awayand,_,rcled.然后垃圾被带走,如果也许的话会进行回收运用。答案:if possibe4._sven ideas, ask anorpair to ep you.若你很难找到七种想法,就让别的小组帮帮你。答案:If yu havedffculti indig.模块语法1.nda as ve sory o beinglate.Bu teachessmile mde her _ tteA fe B.to felC fal D. fll答案:2.Hes oftn litend _ Englshsons,ut tis time

5、 w hd him_ Rssian ss.A. to sn; ing B. sing;t snC.sing; to si sin; ing答案:3m orrI cant help _ theflows, bcaus Im busypreang forthe sining competion_ oorrow.A.tri; to b eldB. wt; being eld. to water; hel. wate; to be held答案:4Crle didwt he could _ t srvat,lhough h himlf wa n dger. esce B.tresue. rescud

6、Drescg答案:B5.stist watc yo wish _?A. to verepaired to repir itC. to hve epaie Do have repard it答案:A6.My trcould do nothi ut _ t hm.A. tobsayng B. totyC. osying D. sty答案:D考点探究解密考 点 解 读 1.ss.团,块,堆;大量,许多dj.大批的,大量的,广泛的vt. & v.集结;汇集知识链接:下列短语均有“许多的,大量的”之意,可修饰可数或不可数名词:lot of=a lt ofuanttes=aquaity ofvariete

7、s oa variet ocllections f=a clletion fupples o= (ood) supply oflty of如下短语仅修饰可数名词:umbers f= nmbr of, many a, a goodgret man, qte afew如下短语仅修饰不可数名词: gra dealof,aamont of,qite a litte误区警示:msesf可用来修饰可数名词,也可用来修饰不可数名词。朗文在线: assofnow一堆积雪Te syas ul darsss ofcluds.天空乌云密布。assduton批量生产weao ofmass destruction大规模

8、杀伤性武器Darkcloud massed o thehorion.天空乌云密布。命题方向:考题中常考察表达数量的词的辨析。活学巧练:He has_leer to anser e a t workfrm ning o night.Amuh B. gredalofCmsesof Dthe numbr of答案与解析:Cleter为可数名词,排除、B项。D项应为anumb of,故只有C项对的。2erned aj关怀的;有关的(常用于名词之后);挂念的;紧张的精讲拓展:oncernig prp.有关beoncerndin st.波及e conceed wtht. 有关;有关sos far s sh

9、 /sb.e onne据所知veno cocernfor 毫不关怀ha nococern ith和毫无关系cocern v.波及,关系到n.(利害)关系,关怀be much ccrne but 十分挂念;紧张;焦急误区警示:ccerne表达“关怀的,有关的”时常作后置定语或表语。朗文在线:The affar is geaty rettd b evryone concered所有有关人士都对此事感到极为遗憾。Everyneoncerned in t icidnt ws stion e polic.所有与这起事件有关的人都受到了警方的盘问。This articl ccrns ama howas w

10、rnlyimprised这篇文章写的是一种被冤枉而入狱的人。命题方向:concernn,s/o far as s.sh. be cnened是重要考点。活学巧练:e hrd ohng_hismaterA.onerd B.ocenigC.concerns Donnectg答案与解析: concernin rep.有关。句意:她没有听到任何有关这件事的消息。.ompain 抱怨,悲叹,控诉精讲拓展:copainabout/of.抱怨compin ta抱怨copa to b.向某人投诉canomlain口还算好(虽然有些问题,但总体上比较满意)coant n诉苦,抱怨,牢骚误区警示:complain 若接名词作宾语时需接介词 but或 of,也可直接跟从句。朗文在线:She ofn compans abot nt felng appreciateat work.她由于感到自己在工作上不受赏识而常发牢骚。Peopl cmplain h thy don et enouimfrmation人们抱怨得不到足够的信息。d geis creepng p,u I catcomlan.暮年将至,但我觉得还好。命题方向:pan butof


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