女汉子变女神 不化妆也美美的十大招.docx

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《女汉子变女神 不化妆也美美的十大招.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《女汉子变女神 不化妆也美美的十大招.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Ways to Look Beautiful without Makeup do exist and they are possible, for anyone. Have you ever met someone who said that they never leave the house without makeup, even if theyre just going to the grocery store? Makeup is fun, but it shouldnt be obligatory! If, for whatever reason, you cant or dont

2、 want to wear makeup, whether on certain days or at all, here are some great ways to look #beautiful without makeup you should try.不化妆也能很漂亮的,而且任何人都能做到。你身边一定有这样的人,她们只要出门就必须化妆,哪怕只是去楼下打个酱油。化妆确实能让人更漂亮,但并不是只有化妆才能变漂亮。如果什么时候你不能或不想化妆的话,下面有几个不化妆也能很漂亮的方法。1. SKINCARE1.皮肤护理If you were wearing makeup, it would b

3、e important to prepare the skin by cleansing it. The same goes for makeup-free days. Urban life can leave our skin grimy and dull, so cleanse regularly to keep your skin looking fresh if you want to be a natural beauty! This is one of the easiest and most practical ways to look beautiful with makeup

4、, just try it!如果你经常化妆,那你肯定知道清洁皮肤的重要性,但其实即使不化妆的时候也不能忽略对皮肤的清洁护理。城市生活让人们的皮肤沾满污垢、变得暗沉,所以如果你想做个素颜美人,那么保持经常清洁皮肤的好习惯能让你看起来更清爽。这是不化妆也漂亮的方法中最简单、最实用的一种,赶紧试试吧。2. GROOMING2.注重细节One tip to look beautiful without makeup is to make the most of your natural features. If, like me, you are blessed with eyebrows that

5、require constant plucking, keep them well maintained. Taking care of these details means that even without makeup, you look groomed and smart.不化妆也漂亮的另一个小建议就是,最大化利用自己的优势。如果你和我一样有一副需要经常打理的眉毛,那就要时常修整它们。注意这些细节能够让你不化妆也能很精致。3. CONFIDENCE3.自信As Ive said, makeup should be a fun tool to play with, not a mask

6、 that we hide behind. If you feel that you look terrible without your makeup, then your lack of confidence in your appearance will show. Believe that you look beautiful without makeup, and others will believe it as well.像我之前说的,化妆只是一种有趣的能让人变美丽的方法,并不是帮我们生活在面具之下。如果你觉得自己不化妆就很丑,那说明你对自己的外貌缺乏自信。如果你相信自己不化妆也

7、很漂亮,那么其他人也会这么认为的。4. SMILE4. 微笑A genuine smile really does make anyone look great. People will notice your smile rather than any flaws and they certainly wont notice that youre makeup-free. Avoid a forced grin, as that wont look at all natural.发自内心的微笑确实能让任何人看起来都很漂亮。人们会更多的被你的微笑而不是小瑕疵而吸引,也不会注意到你是否化妆。但笑

8、是不能勉强的,否则会不自然。5. NONCHALANCE5. 不要在意自己的皮肤问题I can guarantee that the only person who sees your #skin problems is you. Just dont worry about it, there really are more important #things to think about! Once again, one of the #best ways to look beautiful without makeup is to have confidence in yourself.我

9、敢肯定能看到你皮肤问题的人只有你自己。所以不要为自己的皮肤问题担心,因为你有更重要的事情需要考虑。再次提醒,不化妆也漂亮的最好方法就是保持自信。6. COOL CUT6. 合适的发型Having a fabulous haircut will definitely help you look beautiful without makeup. When you love your cut, youll look and feel great. Besides, when youve found a cut that suits you, it will become your look and

10、 you wont need cosmetics.剪一个惊艳的发型也能让你不化妆就漂亮。当你喜欢自己的发型时,你会感觉很好。另外当你发现这个发型很适合自己的时候,它就会成为你形象的一部分,你就不再需要化妆品了。7. NAPS AND NUTRITION7. 保持充足睡眠和营养Many people dont realise that the skin is our largest organ. It needs caring for both inside and out. To help it look beautiful without any makeup, feed it proper

11、ly, with lots of water and vitamins. Also ensure that you get enough sleep and dont overdo the alcoholic drinks! Taking care of yourself and your body is one of the most essential ways to look beautiful without makeup.许多人都没有意识到皮肤是我们身上最大的器官。它需要内外双重保护。要想不化妆也漂亮,那就得多喝水、多补充维生素,还要保证充足的睡眠,不要过量饮酒。优待自己和自己的身体

12、是不化妆也漂亮的基本方法之一。8. ENHANCE YOUR LASHES8. 让睫毛清晰可见No, you dont need mascara to bring out your lashes and make them look voluminous! There are actually other natural ways. One way to make your lashes #look darker, fuller and longer is by combing through with a layer of Vaseline.这并不是说你需要涂睫毛膏才可以提升睫毛的存在感更强

13、,还有其他的方法。其中一种是在睫毛上涂一层凡士林可以让你的睫毛更黑、更长、更密。9. BRING OUT YOUR EYES9. 点亮双眸You might feel like your eyes become dull and indistinguishable without any eyeliner or eyeshadow, but dont dont think that only makeup can bring our your eyes. Simply using eyes drops to wake up your whole face and make the whites

14、 of your eyes appear clearer can make the difference. You natural beauty can stand out without any artificial help!如果不化妆不凃眼影和眼线的话,你可能会觉得眼睛无神、没什么特点,但是不要以为只有化妆才能让你点亮双眸。用滴眼液也能唤醒你的面庞,让你的眼白部分看起来更清澈透亮、与众不同。无需化妆品帮助,你的自然之美便可展露无余。10.MOISTURIZE10. 保湿Cleansing your face and getting rid of skin dirt may not act

15、ually be enough to improve the condition of your skin, which is why it is important to moisturize it everyday. Even if you have oily skin, moisturizing can prevent your body from excreting excess oil and help lock in moisture to keep your the surface of your skin even and smooth. Always wanted your #skin to be as smooth as a babys bum? Start moisturizing every day!清洁面部皮肤灰尘和污垢等对提升你的皮肤状况来说并不足够,日常的保湿也很重要。如果你是油性皮肤,保湿可以防止皮肤出油、锁定皮肤水分,让皮肤看起来紧致光滑。如果你想让自己的皮肤像婴儿一样光滑,那就加强对皮肤的日常保湿吧。精彩推荐:企业英语培训 http:/


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