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1、7年级英语下册复习练习题5-7单元一 重点短语:1.打扫房间 _ 2.看报纸 _3.使用电脑 _ 4.洗盘子 _5.做作业_ 6.去看电影_7.谈论关于._8.在游泳池游泳_9.两条腿走路_ 10.迷路_ 11.电话上交谈_ 12.想去看_13.砍到_ 14.来自于中国_ 15.非常感谢_16.整天睡觉_17.濒临灭绝_ 18.象牙制成_19.重要的事情_20.在白天_。二所给词的适当形式填空1. Miss Li _ (like) sleeping in the day. 2. Listen! Who _ (talk) with your parents?3. The girl _ ( not

2、 dance ) on Wednesday. She dances on Friday.4. He wants _ (be) a teacher. 5. Everyone _(say) she is a good shop assistant.6. Can she _ (sing) in English? 7. Lets _ (eat) lunch together(一起).8. They like _ (read) under the tree. Look! They _ (sit) there to read.9. Look! A cat _ (run) up the tree. 10.

3、Its 6:30. My brother _ (see) a movie.11.Sam _ (go) to school at 7:00 this morning.12. Peggy _ (clean) the bedroom now. 13.- Where _ Mr. Green _ (live) ?- He _ in London.14.- _ you _ (clean) your bedroom yesterday? - No, I went to the zoo.15. - _ Nancy _ (talk) on the phone?- No, she isnt. She _ (eat

4、) lunch now.三. 独一无二( ) 1. Father usually _ his newspaper after dinner. A. read B. reads C. reading D. is reading( ) 2. Black often _ to the cinema on Saturday evenings. A. go B. goes C. is going D. are going( ) 3.Look! The boy _ with his father in the pool. A. is swimming B. is swiming C. are swimmi

5、ng D. are swiming( ) 4.- What is Tom doing in the classroom?- He _ something on the blackboard. A. draws B. draw C. is drawing D. are drawing.( ) 5.Old Tom usually _ up at six and _ sports in the garden. A. gets, dos B. gets, does C. get, does D. gets, do( ) 6. Why do you like koalas? _ they are cut

6、e and smart. A. So B. But C. Because D. And( ) 7. The waiters _ to work at five every morning.A. start B. starts C. starting D. are starting( ) 8.I _ a letter, so I cant go out with you. A. is writing B. am writing C. am writeing D. am writting( ) 9. Pandas are _cute. A. kinds of B. a kind of C. kin

7、d of D. all kinds of( )10. My mother_ soup for us every day. A. makes B. is doing C. is making D.made四. “译”展身手 1. 欢迎来到动物园!_ _ the zoo!来源:学科网ZXXK2. 让我们先看熊猫吧! _ see the pandas _!3. 你为什么想去看狮子? _ do you _ _see lions? 4. 通常他大约十点半睡觉。He usually _ to bed _ _ ten-thirty. 5. 你善长打篮球吗?Are you _ _ _ basketball?

8、6. 看,Kate正在电视上看新闻 Look, Kate _ _ news _ TV.7. 大象能走很长时间也不会迷路. Elephants can _ _ a long time and _ get lost.8. 长城是中国的标志之一。 The Great Wall _ _ _ Chinas symbols.9马可以记住有食物和水的地方。 The horses can remember the place_ food _ water.10. 狮子来自哪里?他们来自南非。-Where_lions _? They_ _ South Africa.五完形填空My parents and I li

9、ke animals. And we often go to the 1 to see them _2_ weekends. We often _3_a bus to go there because my home is 4_far from the zoo. Of all the animals, I _5_tigers best. Sometimes I want 6 some meat to 7 . 8 my parents dont let me do it. Sometimes I think animals in the zoo may want to go back to th

10、e forest. But I also think zoos are good places 9 animals. People give them 10 , so theyre not hungry every day. Do you think so? ( )1. A. library B. zoo C. park来源:Z。xx。k.Com( )2. A. on B. in C. at( )3. A. by B. take C. in( )4. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of( )5. A. meet B. like C. hope( )6. A.

11、 give B. gives C. to give( )7. A. them B. us C. you( )8. A. So B. And C. But( )9. A. on B. at C. for( )10. A. water B. food C. help一 重点短语1. 做汤_ 2.在度假_ 3.没事_4.和我一起吃晚饭_5. 喝牛奶_ 6.早上8点钟_7.其他任一学生_8.寄宿家庭_9. 思念我的父母_ 10.在电视上看球赛_ 11.美味的食物_12.希望做某事_ 13.复习考试_14.现在,此刻_15.刚才_16.给我回电话_17.5个小时_ 18.每个星期一_19.下个月_20.在乡村_ 21给我爸爸捎口信_ 22.和朋友打篮球_23.没问题_ 24.每天三个小时_ 25.在游泳池旁_ 26.适合_27.拍照_ 28.给某人写信_29.愉快地做某事_


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