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1、新闻听力常用词汇(英语专业二年级)2011. 106Topic one: Politicsprotectorate (被)保护国asylum 庇护,避难boundary negotiation 边界谈判disputed area 有争议地区consultation 磋商joint action 共同行动international waters 国际水域maritime resource 海洋资源territorial sea 领海right of residence 居留权arms dealer, merchant of death 军火商inalienability of territory

2、 领土的不可割让性refugee camp 难民营dual nationality 双重国籍non-governmental organization (NGO)非政府组织neutral state 中立国extradition引渡bilateral ties 双边关系sanction 制裁forum论坛set back 阻碍peninsula 半岛move 行动counterbalance 抗衡G8 (Group of Eight)八国集团G20 (Group of 20) 二十国集团ROK:Republic of Korea 大韩民国DPRK:Democratic Peoples Repu

3、blic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国cabinet 内阁chaos 混乱civil rights 民权civil war 内战congress 议会conspiracy 阴谋conservative 保守的deficit 赤字democracy 民主downsize 裁员minimum wage最低工资monopoly 垄断racism 种族主义scandal 丑闻secede 脱离、退出sexism 性别歧视amendment 修正案bureaucracy 官僚主义impeachment 弹劾、控告lobby 游说militant 激进分子partisan 坚定的支持者prop

4、aganda 宣传monarchy 君主制度unilateralism 单边主义militarized 军事化的call for 要求、呼吁comprehensively 广泛地separatism 分裂主义extremism 极端主义play out 进行到底rally 集会mob 暴民prompt 激起、促使shell 炮轰the General Assembly 联合国大会NATO the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北约dictator 独裁者dispel 消除Topic two: Economypickup in rice 物价上涨Feder

5、al Reserve 美联储inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷domestic currency 本国货币parent company 母公司transfer price 转让价格leverage 杠杆financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机tumble 下跌fair return 合理利润、合理收益fair dealing 公平交易Fund Manager 财务经理buying rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价on the hook 套牢dividend 股息at fire sale price

6、 超低价false accounting 伪造账目favorable balance 顺差deleverage (金融)减债UAE United Arab Emirates 阿联酋MDG Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标well-being 民生domestic demand 国内需求,内需affordable housing construction 经济适用房low-rent housing 廉租房disposable income 可支配收入economic fluctuation 经济波动economic depression 经济衰退rate o

7、f growth 增长率standard of living 生活标准purchasing/buying power 购买力scarcity 短缺underdeveloped 不发达的real estate 不动产devaluation/depreciation 减价,(货币)贬值national income 国民收入output value 产值electric energy production 发电量per capita income 人均收入joint venture 合资企业housing project for low-income families 安居工程job seeker

8、 待业人员stimulus package 刺激计划fiscal charges 财务税收reserve 准备金revenue 税收、岁入in rough shape (经济)艰难statistics 统计the better-off 富人viable 切实可行的,可实施的boost 提高,推动milestone 里程碑Topic three: Militaryterrorist 恐怖分子counterattack 反击hijack 劫持Pentagon 五角大楼camouflage 伪装,迷彩adversary 敌手,对手severe 严厉的coexistence 共存,和平共处resort

9、 to force 诉诸武力death toll 死亡数autonomy 自治rioting and looting 暴动和抢劫barracks 军营inviolable 不可侵犯的,神圣的move 行动、步骤expel 驱逐、放逐captive 俘虏weapon inspection 武器核查assemble 集合al-Qaida 基地组织embassy 大使馆vigilant 警惕的,机警的Jemaah Islamiyah 伊斯兰祈祷团resolution 决议freeze 冻结convoy 护航、护卫overthrow 推翻weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤

10、性武器comply 遵守,配合circumvent 逃避Topic four: Crimesassault 攻击、袭击blackmail 勒索burglary 入户行窃fraud 欺诈、诈骗hijacking 劫持kidnapping 绑架mugging 抢劫shoplifter 商店窃贼smuggler 走私者appeal 上诉caution 警告、告诫cell 牢房death penalty 死刑defense 辩护prison/jail 监狱imprisonment 关押、监禁innocent 无罪的judge 法官jury 陪审团justice 公正offence 罪行sentence

11、 宣判、判决break the law 犯法charge 控告、指控commit a crime 犯罪get away with 逃脱investigate 调查private detective 私家侦探alibi 不在犯罪现场,托辞capital punishment 极刑prosecution 起诉remand home (8-14岁)少年拘留所hostage 人质tactical unit 机动部队confess 供认、承认sharpshooter 狙击手extortion 敲诈、勒索dragnet-like 拉网式Topic five: Environment and Healthn

12、oise pollution 噪音污染pollutant 污染物waste management 废物处理climatic issue 气候问题global warming 全球变暖greenhouse effect 温室效应climate summit 气候峰会environmental-friendly 环保的ecological environment 生态环境deforestation rate 森林砍伐率water and soil erosion 水土流失eco-agriculture 生态农业water resource conservation zone 水资源保护区ozone

13、 layer 臭氧层deterioration 恶化census 人口调查,统计irreversible 不可逆转的run out 耗尽vegetation 植被Topic six: Disastersman-made disaster 人为灾害natural disaster 自然灾害catastrophic accident 灾难事件infectious disease 传染病explosion 爆炸tsunami 海啸snow slide 雪崩plague 瘟疫hazard 风险,冒险volcanic eruption 火山爆发vulnerability 弱点deadly 致命的adve

14、rsity 困境,逆境abandoned 被遗弃的evacuation 撤离rescue team 救援wreckage 残骸death toll 死亡人数emergency management 应急管理disaster management 灾害管理blizzard 暴风雪wildfire and bush fire 野火和森林大火tornado 龙卷风swine flu 猪流感bird flu 禽流感at a scale of 7.8 on the Richer calculations 里氏7.8级地震reactor 核反应堆radioactive debris 放射性碎片toxic 有毒的,有害的evacuate vt 疏散、撤离cancellation 取消erupt 喷发、发射shut down 熄火、熄灭landslide 泥石流engulf 吞没monsoon 雨季power line 输电线twister 旋风、卷风Topic seven: Science and Technologyspace shuttle 航天飞机unmanned spaceship/spacecraft 无人飞船c



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