高三英语专项复习情态动词特殊用法大集合 (1).doc

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1、 情态动词特殊用法大集合 张老师(内部资料)情态动词除了基本的用法以外还有许多特殊之处,最基本的用法读者可以结合自己的语法书籍来适当复习,这儿就不赘述,主要略列一些特殊用法,希望对各位英语爱好者有所帮助。一、can和could Can 和 could 可以表示某人或某物一时的特点,可以翻译为“有可能,有时会”。(可理解为理论上的可能性)It can be very warm in this area.这个地区有时可能非常暖和.He can be very friendly at times.他有时会非常友好。 can表示能力时(即有某种知识和技能而能办到),可以与be able to 换用。但

2、是(1)在将来时和完成时中必须用be able to ;(2)表示经过努力而成功地办到了某个具体的事情时,只能用be able to ,不可以用can。 这种用法的be able to 相当于succeed in 或manage to do sth。(3):can not 比 cannot 更强调.Can you type ? Are you able to type ? I am sure we shall be able to get you a jop soon.(不能用can)He has been able to finish the work on time.(不可用can)Aft

3、er years of hard work he was able to win the prize.(不可以用could)He couldnt climb the mountain.(没有能力爬,因而也没有爬)He was not able to climb the mountain.(尝试爬过,但是没能爬上去)另外:be able to 强调能力,通常表示一次性的事件,一般不表示经常性的事件。I was able to pass the examination.(I succeeded in passing the examination.)我能考试及格。(考试及格了)After stud

4、ying that you will be able to solve these mathematics problems.学习完这个方法后,你能够解这些数学题了。在否定句结构中,be able to 指暂时的情况,而can可以指经常的情况。He is not able to swim today.他今天不能游泳。He cant swim at all.他根本不会游泳。I shall not be able to go to school tomorrow.我明天不能上学了。在表示“经过尝试或努力为能做到”的意思时,一般不用be able to。如对Were you able to find

5、 the pen?做否定回答应该用:No,I couldnt (find it)。不能说:No,I wasnt able to find it.could 可以用来表示过去习惯性动作的完成,而was able to 却没有这种用法。I could run after a bus and catch it twenty years ago ,I cant do that now.二十年前,我能在后面跑着追上公共汽车,现在不行了。cannot cant 与tooover()enough perfectly sufficiently 等词连用,意思是“越越”“无论怎样 也不为过”、“决不会 够(过)

6、”。You cant praise him too much.你无论怎样称赞他都不过分。You cannot be over careful.你越细心越好。I cant thank you enough.我对你感激不尽。This point cannot be overemphasized.这一点无论如何强调都不过分.注释:cant cannot too enough 等中的not ,也可以用never hardly scarcely 等代替。There can never be too much deception in war.兵不厌诈。We can hardly/scarcely pay

7、 too high a price for liberation.为了解放,我们无论付出多高的代价也不为过。cant / cannot too / enough 等后的附加疑问句的动词用肯定形式can,不用 cant。You cant praise him too much ,can you ?你无论怎样赞扬他都不为过,对吧 ?You cannot be too careful, can you? 你再小心也不为过,对吧? “cannot wait 不定式 ”意思是“be eager to 急于做”,表示强调的肯定意思.I cannot wait to read the book。我非常渴望读

8、这本书.He couldnt wait to see her。他渴望见到她.补1.cant helpstop doing sth.情不自禁地做某事。2.cannot help to do sth.不能帮忙做某事。3.do everything/all( that) one can to do sth.尽其所能去做某事,尽力做某事。注意:类似的表达还有sb. do what one can to do sth.;do/try ones best to do sth.。练习题:Please remind your grandpa to take medicine on time,for a man

9、 of his age_be very forgetful.Ashould B. must C. shall D. can You cannot be_careful when you drive a car.A. very B. so C. too D. enough The car broke down on the way, but we_get out of the desert at last.A. might B. would C. were able to D. could二、mustMust有一种含义:“偏要”“硬要”。表示说话人对句子主语所发出的动作或行为是不希望的、不满的甚

10、至是生气的。通常指令人不愉快的事情。must用于第二人称时,常常含有讽刺挖苦的意思:Why must you be so stubborn (固执)?He must come and worry her with questions ,just when she was busy cooking the dinner. If you must smoke ,at least you could use an ashtray (烟灰缸)。As I was sitting down to lunch ,the electric bell must ring.Why must you be so l

11、ate ?你为何非要这么晚来呢 ?练习题:Why _you always interrupt me ? A. can B. will C. may D. must Naturally ,after I told her what to do ,my daughter _go and do the opposite ! A. may B. can C. must D. should 另:have to 多表示习惯动作或客观条件索引出的义务;而must则用于表示一种重要或急迫的事情:We have to care for the young.(义务)She has to be at the off

12、ice before 8 every day.(习惯)You must go to the manager at once ,or you ll be dismissed.(急迫的事情)通常have to 强调客观需求,表示因客观环境或事态促使而不得不作某事;must 强调主观看法,表示主观上认为有必要做谋事。I must learn another language.(主观想法:I want to )I have to learn another language.(客观需求:身为一个外交官)(3)must 可以表示客观必然性,意思为“必然(会),总是会”,而have to 则不可以这样用。

13、All men must die.人固有一死。Competition must happen.竞争总会发生。Truth must be out.真相总会大白.Winter must be followed by spring.冬天到了,春天还会远吗 ?There must be a day for revenge.总有报仇的那一天.对must 所在句子变反意疑问句时,应注意以下习惯搭配:must 作“必须”解时,反意疑问句中重复must.All the children must respect their parents ,mustnt they ? 孩子必须尊敬父母,对吗? must 作“

14、有必要”解时,反意疑问句中用need.We must tell her the truth ,neednt we ?我们现在有必要告诉她实情,对吗?“must be ”表示推测时,反意疑问句用be 的适当形式.You must be thirsty ,arent you ?你一定渴了,是吗 ?“must have done ”表示推测时 ,附加疑问句一般用have 或 has ,但是有明确表示过去的时间壮语(before 除外)时,反意疑问句用过去时态。He must have finished the work ,hasnt he ?He must have gone abroad last

15、 week ,didnt he ?You must have been told about it that day ,werent you ?mustnt 表示“禁止,不允许”时,反意疑问句一般用may.The children mustnt play with fire,may they?也可以用must.We mustnt be late ,must / may ?我们不可以迟到,对吗?must 用于表示询问对方意向时,反意疑问句部分的动词可以与前面陈述句部分的动词不一致。 You must come tomorrow ,will you ?练习题:You mustnt tell it to your mother,_?Amus



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