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1、如皋市九年级英语一轮复习(8B Unit 1 背诵讲义)一、自主复习8B Unit 1单词,自默过关。二、词形变化south-southern marry-married-marriage wife-wives factory-factories lend-lent-lentpollute-pollution throwthrew-thrown recent-recently service-servedevelop-developing-developed-development recent- recently三、英文释义1.since: from a time in the past u

2、ntil now2. realize: get to know and understand sth3.lonely: unhappy because of being alone 4. married: .having a husband or wife5.reduce: make sth less or smaller in size,price,etc6.dump: throw away sth you do not want especially in a place which is not suitable三、读背下列词组,自默过关,准备检查。1.at present=now 现在

3、2. move house/ move into/out of the town 搬家/搬进/出城镇3. in the southern part/south of town 在城镇的南部4. get married (to sb) (和某人)结婚5. in the past/last (few years) 在过去的(几年当中)6. turn the place into a park 把此地变成公园7. play Chinese chess/cards 下中国象棋/打牌8. used to dump its waste water into the river 过去常把废水倒进河里9. t

4、ake action to reduce the pollution 采取行动减少污染10.in some ways 在某些方面11.feel a bit lonely from time to time 有时感觉孤独12.throw (them/it) away 把他们/它丢掉 13.have an interview with sb 采访某人14.by the way 顺便问一下15.on ones own=alone 独自16.(ever)since then 自那时以来 17.a place of natural beauty 一处自然美景18.lend sb sth=lend sth

5、 to sb 把某物借给某人19.be in service (use) 开始启用 20.be in primary school 上小学21.have more free time to relax more 有更多的空闲时间去放松22.have the same feeling 有相同的感觉23.travel to sp by taxi 乘出租车去某地旅行24. cause many problems 产生了许多问题25.bring them a modern life 给他们带来了现代化的生活26.next to the clock tower 在钟塔的隔壁27.a new touris

6、t attraction 一处吸引游客的景点28.show you how to get to the railway station 告诉我如何去火车站29.Excuse me, I have lost my map. 对不起,我丢了我的地图。30.Things have changed a lot over the years. 在过去的几年中,事情发生了很大改变。31.Its the best model I have ever seen. 这是我曾经见过的最好的模型。如皋市九年级英语一轮复习(8BUnit 1知识点)一、重点语法:现在完成时1.结构:have/has + V过去分词2.

7、过去分词的构成:A:规则动词的过去分词与过去式相同(+ed)B:不规则见8B课本P112 3. A:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。标志:already, yet, ever, never, just, twice, before, ever before B:表示过去开始持续到现在的动作或状态,这种动作或状态还可能会延续下去。标志:for + 一段时间 since + 时间点/过去时从句 how long in/during the last/past +一段时间 (。以来)over the years (这些年来) recently so far ever since(since

8、) since then4.延续动词与短暂动词的替换(当肯定句中存在由since, for引导的时间状语或有how long 做疑问词时,谓语动词须为延续动词。) 必背内容:buy-have borrow-keep die-be dead begin-be on finish-be over fall ill-be ill fall asleep-be asleep go out-be out come into use- be in use arrive here - be here come to/go to/get to/arrive in/at sp.-be in sp. leave

9、sp.-be away (from sp.) become interested in - be interested in join the Party-be in the Party (be a Party member) marry sb/get married to sb-be married to sb turn the radio on - keep the radio on catch a cold - have a cold get to know - know begin/start to learn - learn 5.重要结构: It is/has been +一段时间+

10、since+过去时从句 = 一段时间+has passed +since+过去时从句= 主语+has/have+延续性动词+since/for引导的时间状语e.g. It is / has been five years since he came here. = Five years has passed since he came here. =He has been here since five years ago / for five years.6.区别 A:一般过去时(仅强调过去)/ 现在完成时(强调动作对现在有影响)中考链接:1)-_you _(see) the film? -

11、 Yes, I _ (see) it yesterday. 2)-When _ they _(finish) the work? -Half an hour before supper. 3) -_ he _(have) his breakfast? -Not yet but he _soonB:have/has been to sp 去过某地(常与ever, never, 次数连用) have/has gone to sp 去了某地 (表示不在这儿) have /has been in sp 一直在某地(常与since, for 等延续性时间状语连用)中考链接:1). -Where _you

12、 _? - I _(be) to the library. 2). I saw him just now, but where _ he _ now ? 3). -May I speak to John? -Sorry, he _ Japan. 4) How long _ you _ our school?C: 易混标志 1) just just now just then 2) in the past in the past few years 3) for two weeks for another two weeks for two weeks last year二、考点点拨:1.used to dump its waste into the river .used to do sth.过去常常做某事, used to be 过去曾是.be used to sth/ doing sth习惯于某事/做 .be used to do sth/for doing sth 被用来做某事 He used to do operations in the hospital,but now he is used to doing operations on planes.2. I


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