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1、美联英语提供:美联英语:减掉赘肉你需要真正做的是这些!小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/ all of the hype that goes into promoting weight-loss pills, diet programs, and the miraculous benefits of bone broth, it can be easy to let weight-loss myths get in the way of what you actually need to know to drop unwanted pounds. To help trim t

2、he fat, people who have lost 50lbs or more shared the weight-loss advice that helped them reach their goals.宣传减肥药、节食餐,还有骨汤神奇效果的广告满天飞,你很容易就迷失在减肥的神话故事里,而没有去了解减掉赘肉需要真正做些什么。为了帮更多的人减重,一些成功减掉50磅(约23公斤)或更多的人分享了他们实现目标的经验和建议。Dont expect a miracle不要期待奇迹It probably took you a lifetime to reach the size you are

3、 now, and that means it might take years to become the healthiest version of yourself, says Alicia Marie, a holistic enthusiast who has dropped more than 100lbs. It may be a long time before you see physical changes - but dont let that discourage you.艾丽西亚马里耶是个彻头彻尾的减肥狂,她减掉了100多磅。她说,可能你用了一辈子的时间才达到现在的体

4、重,所以也许还要好多年才能回到最健康的状态。可能还要很久才能看到身体上的一些变化,但不要因此而气馁。Dont go on a diet不要节食Embracing an eating plan specifically designed for weight loss is a temporary measure to a permanent problem. A diet is something a person goes on, knowing there comes a time when they go off of it, says Randy Hartman, a reinvent

5、ion coach who has lost more than 80lbs. This only exacerbates the problems and ends in yo-yo weight loss. Its far better to embark on an eating plan that you can follow for the rest of your life. Consistency over the long haul is key.遵守一个专门为了减肥而设计的节食计划是在用暂时的办法解决永恒的问题。兰迪哈特曼减掉了80多磅,把自己塑造成了一个健身教练,她说:“如

6、果一个人坚持节食,那么他就知道总会迎来摆脱掉节食的那一刻。这只会使问题加剧,最终体重减了又长。如果能制定一个可以坚持一辈子的饮食计划会好很多。长时间坚持才是关键。”Dont be drastic不要太过猛烈Instead of making lots of big changes, Becky Lehman, who, after losing 100lbs, is now a certified health coach, recommends making one small change a day to move yourself closer to your health goals

7、 and avoid becoming overwhelmed. Drastic changes dont tend to stick, but the basic concepts of weight loss remain the same: move more, eat more vegetables, drink more water, she says. Drinking one extra glass of water today will not cause the scale to drop 20lbs, but those small changes can add up t

8、o huge and lasting transformations.贝基雷曼曾甩掉100磅的肉,现在已经是一名经过认证的健身教练,她建议说不要做太多太大的改变,每天做一点小小的改变就能离你的目标体重更近一点,避免被过重的任务压垮。她说:“过度的改变往往不能持久,但减肥的基本要义一直都没有变:多运动、多吃蔬菜、多喝水。今天多喝一杯水并不能减掉20磅的体重,但聚沙成塔就会形成巨大持久的改变。”Make fitness a priority, but go slowly把减肥放在首位,但要慢慢来Naomi Teeter, the blogger behind Inspire Transformat

9、ion, knew it was a priority to make working out a habit when she began her weight-loss journey - all in all, she lost 150lbs and has managed to keep 125lbs off for seven years. Yet she cautions against going too hardcore. Too many people live by the philosophy, Go hard or go home, when it comes to f

10、itness and beat themselves to the ground when they first start out, causing them to give up more easily, she explains. Your workout doesnt have to be insane to be good.内奥米迪特是“激发改变”网站的博客博主,她在开始减肥之旅的时候就知道,应该首先把健身作为一种习惯总而言之,她减掉了150磅,连续七年体重保持在125磅以下。然而她很小心,防止自己走得太极端。她解释说:“很多人减肥的时候都信奉要么努力要么回家这个理念,第一次开始的时

11、候就因任务太重把自己打倒了,这样更容易放弃。你健身不一定非要达到疯狂的地步才是好的。”Dont ban specific foods不要给具体的食物下禁令Making certain foods “off limits” can tempt you even more - and almost always leads to overindulging. According to Lehman, she eats chocolate almost every single day, yet has still managed to keep the weight off. Of course,

12、 willpower still comes into play here, but dont cut your favorite foods out of your diet completely.把某些食物设在“禁区”会带来更大的诱惑几乎总会导致暴饮暴食。据雷曼说,她“几乎每天”都吃巧克力而依然保持着体重。“当然,意志力在这里依然很重要,但不要把你最喜欢的食物从饮食中完全删掉。”Recruit someone who will hold you accountable找个对你负责的人An accountability buddy doesnt necessarily need to be

13、a workout buddy, but they do need to be someone you can talk to when youre feeling unmotivated and who can remind you of your original goal, says Kelsey Byers, lifestyle coach and fitness blogger behind Good Morning Fit, who has lost 50lbs. Byers husband helped her stick to her goals; social media c

14、an also help you find a supportive community if you dont feel like theres anyone nearby who can help you as you try to drop weight.凯尔茜拜尔斯曾减掉50磅体重,现在是生活方式指导教练和“早安,健身”网站的健身博主,她说,一个对你负责的朋友并不一定必须是与你一起健身的人,但是他们确实得是你可以倾诉的对象,在你丧失斗志的时候鼓励你,提醒你不要忘了最初的目标。拜尔斯的丈夫帮助她坚持实现了目标;如果你觉得身边没有人能帮助你减肥,社交媒体也可以帮你找一帮人支持你。Stop

15、buying food products.不要再买加工食品了 and start buying whole foods. That means no more things in boxes, simple frozen meals, foods mushed into bar form, and so on, Marie says. Walk around the outside of the grocery store and dont mess with the inner isles. With the exception of dried beans and coffee, ther

16、es really not much you need in those aisles.开始买天然食品吧。也就是说不要买盒子包装的食品,简单的速冻食品,压成条状的食品等等,马里耶说。在杂货店的外围走一走就行了,不要挤进货架里面,那儿也就有干豆子和咖啡可以买,别的你都不怎么需要。Manage your emotions管理你的情绪Emotions can ruin your day, and subsequently any healthy progress youve made, Teeter warns. One bad day at work can lead to binge eating and drinking in front of the TV in



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