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1、太傻超级论坛TOEFL备考专版2004年10月TOEFL试题PART ONE Listening1. (A) She likes the view of the mountains in winter. (B) She has never been in Montana. (C) The man should take a winter vacation. (D) The man would not enjoy living in Montana all year.2. (A) He plans to go to the dance. (B) He does not enjoy dancing

2、. (C) He has something else to do tonight. (D) He plans to go to the next dance.3. (A) The woman should go to the game with him tonight. (B) The game will not be on television. (C) The results of the game were announced in the newspaper.(D) The woman can find the information about the game in the ne

3、wspaper.4. (A) She just finished studying for the exam. (B) She is not certain what material will be covered on the exam. (C) She needs to prepare a little more for the exam.(D) She is willing to help the man study for the exam.5. (A) Go out to eat with her parents (B) Find a place to live near the

4、harbor (C) Get a job at a restaurant (D) Introduce him to her parents6. (A) Let his boss know that he plans to quit (B) Ask his boss to give him more time off (C) Recommend the woman for a promotion (D) Reconsider his decision about his job7. (A) She is going to start a new experiment. (B) She is pl

5、anning to start the experiment on Friday. (C) She received additional time to finish the experiment. (D) She does not plan to finish the experiment.8. (A) She thinks the man is funny. (B) She will meet the man for dinner tonight. (C) She got sick from last nights dinner. (D) She feels better than sh

6、e did last night.9. (A) He has already spoken to Professor Odell. (B) Professor Odell will probably excuse his absence. (C) He has never missed Professor Odells class.(D) Professor Odell was not in class today.10. (A) Ask her brother for a ride to the conference (B) Find a different hotel (C) Pay fo

7、r the conference in advance (D) Cancel his hotel reservation11. (A) He forgot to phone Amy earlier today. (B) He does not know Amys new phone number. (C) Amys phone number has not changed. (D) The woman should ask Amy tbr the phone number.12. (A) The store will have more shirts tomorrow.(B) The stor

8、e will not be selling blue shirts anymore.(C) The man should check other stores for the shirt.(D) The shirts will be less expensive after the game.13. (A) He likes to give parties. (B) He does not like to attend parties. (C) He does not work on Fridays.(D) People enjoy his company.14. (A) His class

9、lasted longer than usual. (B) He got lost on the way to the movie. (C) He did not know what time the movie started.(D) He did not pay attention to the time.15. (A) He is much less patient thanNancy. (B) The woman should play tennis with Nancy. (C) Nancy will go play tennis soon. (D) Nancy should pic

10、k up her racket at the post office.16. (A) His grade was not as good as the womans grade. (B) He thinks the course was easy. (C) He expected to get a good grade.(D) He did not expect to like the course.17. (A) The man looks very nice in a suit and tie. (B) The man did not need to change clothes. (C)

11、 She likes the sweater the man is wearing.(D) She does not think jeans are appropriate.18. (A) He has been spending too much time doing sports. (B) He is already a member of several social organizations. (C) His classes already involve a lot of community work.(D) He is very busy with his academic wo

12、rk.19. (A) Study her notes over the weekend (B) Give the man her notes until Monday (C) Take the quiz before the man does(D) Ask to have the quiz postponed20. (A) He cannot walk because his foot is broken. (B) He will have to see the doctor again. (C) He needs to take some medicine. (D) He feels rel

13、ieved about his injury.21. (A) He does not want to continue on the project today. (B) He will work on the project without the woman. (C) He does not know when the project is due.(D) It will take five hours to finish the project.22. (A) Look for another job (B) Talk to his boss about his schedule (C)

14、 Start work later in the day(D) Ask his boss for a raise in pay23. (A) He thinks Betsy should take a business class. (B) He got angry with Betsy at the meeting. (C) He admires Betsy for expressing her opinion.(D) He did not understand what Betsy said.24. (A) He cannot afford to buy a computer. (B) H

15、e was the last person to leave the computer lab. (C) He is worried about turning his paper in late.(D) He used a typewriter for his paper.25. (A) Gather more information from other students they know (B) Help each other with the assignment (C) Ask a professor to help them (D) Take some time off to rest26. (A) The drivers reaction was un



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