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1、九年级Unit4 Topic3 SectionA导学案主备教师: 审核人: 授课教师_备课时间:2011年12月13日 拟使用时间:第17周教师寄语:Nothing is difficult to a willing mind. 世上无难事只怕有心人。一、学习目标:1. 学习含有情态动词的被动语态。 2谈论外星人以及太空生活,学习表达可能和不可能的功能用语。3. 培养学生积极探索、热爱科学的态度。二、学习重难点:掌握重点短语的运用三、自主探究;一读2a回答下列问题。1. Does Kangkang believe there are aliens What about Maria2. What

2、 does the American scientist think about aliens3. Have you ever watched such movies4. Do you believe there are aliens ?Why?听录音,跟读,学习1a2a,并在文中找到应掌握的短语和句型:1Like与as的用法区别:like说明相似关系,即二者在形态、性质上相似,但不同等。Eg.He has done a lot of good things like Lei Feng.他像雷锋一样做了许多好事。as 说明同一关系,指身份,意为“作为,当作”。Dont treat me as

3、a child. Im 15. 别把我当小孩了,我都十五岁了2.be able to与can的意义相当,can没有将来时和完成时。因此在shall will等后面,要用be able to.He is able to cook.He can cook. Ill be able to ride a bike.3that can be done on the earth.定语从句修饰anything.谓语用的是带有情态动词的被动语态,结构是“情态动词be及物动词的过去分词”。Eg 树可以在春季栽种。Trees can be planted.in spring.4.in order to.为了,表示

4、目的,后接动词原形。5.当think believe suppose imagine expect等动词后接的宾语从句含有not等否定句,且主语为第一人称时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。Eg.I dont think it will rain tomorrow.6.notuntil直到才,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时四、归纳总结:1.视听Kangkang 和Michael 的对话,了解我国航天飞行的历程和航天技术的发展。2.进一步学习被动语态知识,学习动词不定式作定语和宾语补足语的用法。五、达标测评:(一)用所给单词适当形式填空。1.They are going to wat

5、ch a _ wonder football match tonight.2.Do you believe there are _ alien in other planets3.Everyone felt happy when they heard that _ excite news.4.Its said that there is rich oil in the desertsso some countrieshave sent experts to doscientific_search there.5._ science have made a great contribution

6、to our country.(二)单项填空1.- an elephant show in the zoo this Sunday.Would you like to go with me -Id Love to .A.There is going to have B.There will be C.There will have2._ the spaceship people _ fly to the moon. A. Havent cant B.Without able to C.Without wont3.You_ learn a foreign language well_ you s

7、tudy hard. A. w h illso t at B.willbefore ot u C.will n ntil4.Many tall buildings _ everywhere. an A. c be s een B.can see ee C.cant s5. -How hard those astronauts work Yes._ finish the flighttaskthey must keepon_every day.A.In o o rder t exercising h B.So t atexercising C. B ecauseofexercising(三)完成

8、同步练习: 完成同步练习P97。一、二、四题六作业: 完成同步练习册 第2 页九年级Unit4 Topic3 SectionB导学案教师寄语:A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。一、学习目标:1. 熟记本节单词和短语。 2. 学习含有情态动词的被动语态。3. 继续了解有关航天科技的知识。二、学习重难点:学习含有情态动词的被动语态三、自主探究:(一) 听录音,跟读1a,学习1a,并在文中找到应掌握的短语和句型:1 on TV 在电视上 on the Internet 在网上2. 发 discover v. 现(找到原本存在但末发现的东西)。 in

9、vent(动词,发明)- invention名词,发明) -inventor(发明家)find 找到(指找的结果),find out 查明3.base. on 以为根据,常用于被动语态。e.g. The book is based on teaching book. 那本书是根据教材改编的。4.decide to do sth.决定做某事。eg.They decided to go at once.他们决定马上走。(二)完成1b and 2四、归纳总结五、达标测评: (一)单项选择。( )1.-Mingmingyou cough so hard.I think your lungs_ over

10、carefully in the hospital.- Thank you.Im going i a m n inute.A.should be c hecked B.may bechecked an C. c be checked( )2.The movie Titanic is_on a true story.It moved many people.A.given B.named C.based P4 y ( )3.My M was _ on mway home yesterday.Luckily it _ b a y y u10-year-old bo j st now .A.lost

11、was f und o B.losefound o s o C. l st i f und ( )4.That old woman had no children.But she could be _by volunteers.A. c f r are o o B. l oked out a are C. t ken c of(二)完成句子1. 不要到处扔垃圾。Dont throw the rubbish _.2. 澳大利亚英语和英式英语一样吗?Is Australian English _ British English3一些植物正处于消失的危险。Some plants are_disapp

12、earing.4 为了练习语法, 我写日记。 _ practice grammar I keep a diary.5. 昨晚太嘈杂,我不能设法入睡。It is too noisy last night. I couldnt_ sleep well.单词拼写每小题1 分共10 分1.Many poor people live in the houses without _ 用电的 light.2.Trees can prevent the wind blowing the _ 泥土 away.3.We can learn from making _ 错误.4.They insisted on _

13、弹奏 the music late yesterday night.5.A lot of rich land has changed into desert _leave only sand.6.The bad air makes us feel_comfortable and sick.7.They waited and waited for the _excite moment to come.8.There is no doubt that TV is one of the greatest _invent in the world.9. Philip went into his roo

14、m and _shut the door behind him.六作业: 完成同步练习册的练习第3 页九年级Unit4 Topic3 SectionC导学案教师寄语:Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不等人。一、学习目标:1. 熟记本节单词和短语。 2. 进一步学习情态动词的被动语态3. 谈论电脑的重要性。提醒学生要合理使用电脑。二、学习重难点:进一步学习情态动词的被动语态的用法。三、自主探究:一读1a完成下列内容;1、What do you know about Mars2、What does it look like(二)听录音,跟读,学习1a,并在文中找到应掌握的词组和句型:1、name.after 以的名字给取名。be named after是被动语态。eg.The baby was named after Bruce Lee.这个婴儿的名字是以李小龙的名字取的。2 .at a distance of 相隔 at a distance在远处。eg.The moon goes around th


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