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1、中考英语单词拼写专练单词拼写练习(一)was a to talk with foreigners because I am so shy. m buying it as a birthday p, so please wrap it up nicely.I write my name on, above or b?think it n for the teenagers to sleep eight hours a night.we can t d with these problems on time, they will feel upset.child had a bad cough a

2、nd it rather w her.would you do if you cut yourself by a.have a big house of t own.you can not solve your problems, you will e become unhappy.think it is a great challenge for me to swim a the river.often makes mistakes in spelling, so his teacher often helps h.students in our class get used to r us

3、ed paper.cake smells awful, you d better t it awa y.is the c way to travel? I don t want to spend too much money?shoes are worn out. I need a new p.is the fourth month of the year.h his leg and couldn t move for several days.you know any differences b British English and American English?is s by the

4、 largest number of people in the world. t go out! It s good to be s at home on a night like this.thought I f my test but I just found out I passed.you mind getting out of the b? I need to take a shower.momwants meto stay at homeevery night but I don t agree with her. Yesterday I awith her about it a

5、gain.go first and I ll f you soon.in my class can be running fast e me.straight on u you come to the post office and then turn left.27. Would you mind not d litter here? sorry, I won t do it again.28. Have you finished r today s newspaper? Not yet.any warning or signs, hundreds of students e up bein

6、g buried (被埋 ) during theearthquake.30. The earthquake on May 12 k more than 60,000 people and destroyed a lot ofbuildings.31. He said he j the army after graduation.32. It is important to know the native l when you study in another country.33. My friend Chen Dan works very hard, and he a thinks mor

7、e carefully than anyoneelse.34. The students should be a to practice their hobbies as much as they want.35. I got home late last night. Oh. It s brave of you to go tthe forest alone.36. What a p that you can t go sightseeing with us!37. Could you tell me which may s best among the books on sale?38.

8、The question is simple, but n can answer it.39. December is the t month of the year.40. Tea wasn t brought to the Western world u 1610.单词拼写练习(二)is the c of china.shirt is too big. Could you give a s one?you mind not p basketball here?likes music and he likes singing English s.have heard of Bondi bea

9、ch, but have never b there before.is the t month of the year.has many fantastic sights, i the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cputers are w used in many ways.mind, b come here a little earlier next time.has a camera. I often borrow it from h. m going to b a basketball player in the future.often r my bik

10、e to school. What about you ?have to be very c when we cross the roads.father takes exercises every day, so he is very h.they are twins, there are some differences between t.didn t go to bed u12 o clock last night.English songs makes me more i in learning English .girl hurt by a traffic a on the way

11、 to school this morning.had a w time on Saturday night, we sang and danced all night.are sixty s in a minute.Yundi is talented on music. He is a f Chinese pianist.boy got lost in the forest for a month. When people found him, he was still alife.Yaping is an outstanding ping-pong player, and she got

12、many m in her sportsa balanced diet to s healthy.box is h than that one.have a toothache. I have to see a d.was fourteen last year. But today is my f birthday.What are you doing for v? I m going visiting the Great Wall during this summer.always does much housework on Saturdays. Now she s c the livin

13、g room.movie theatre has the most c seats. All seats are puter doesn t work. Could you help m repair it?is the f month of the year. m going to be a basketball p in the future.was raining when the plane l in London.Li Ming jump f than any other boy in the sports meeting?单词拼写练习(三)this mthree times a d

14、ay, and youll be OK in three days.it was raining hard, the football match still went on.has had a bad c. He isnt at school.wants to be a scie ntist in the f.mother gave her one h yuan for the Spring Festival and advised her to storeit.29th Olympic Games will be h in Beiji ng this year.are three pof

15、paper over there. You can use it.cant go to the movies this S . I have to have my pia no less on.are 1for Beiji ng for vacati on n ext week.eevery day, so she is in good health.father seems to be more stha n I thought. Im a little afraid of him.our team wthe school football match. So we were all happy.gmany flowers arou nd our house last year, so it looked very ni ce.is in nChi na. Its very cold in wi nter.did Tom do on his day o?


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