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1、1前 言随着我国对外开放步伐的加快和国际交流与合作的进一步发展,银行的经营格局和经营环境发生了巨大的变化,银行间的竞争更趋激烈,为国外客户办理金融业务的数量也日益增加。从现实和发展的角度来看,银行网点人员学好银行英语会话,对提高服务水平十分重要。为此,我们编写了银行网点实用英语口语(2008年版)一书,供各网点业务人员学习与培训使用,以提高网点业务人员的英语水平和服务能力。在本书的编写中,我们充分考虑到银行网点业务人员的英语水平现状以及未来业务对英语的需求,因此在内容编排上尽可能地突出实用性与针对性。本书由大堂经理对话篇客户经理对话篇和临柜人员对话篇三部分组成,分别按照不同岗位的类别提供了多个

2、对话范本和常用句型,并汇编了一些常用的词汇与短语,供学习者模仿练习与参考。由于编者水平有限,此书难免存在不足,敬请读者提出宝贵意见。编 者 2008年11月 Contents 目 录Dialogues for Bank Duty Managers 大堂经理英语对话1Part One Giving Advices and Identifying VIP Customers1Part Two Distributing Customers6Part Three Marketing Agency Business14Dialogues for Customer Managers 客户经理英语对话21P

3、art One Getting in Touch with Customers21Part Two Marketing Banking Products and Business26Part Three Customer Relationship Management31Dialogues for Bank Clerk 临柜人员英语对话38Part One Daily Reception38Part Two Savings Business48Part Three Lending Business60Part Four Money Exchange66Part Five Remittance7

4、5Part Six Credit Cards80Appendix 附 录96Referrence Books 参考书目102后 记Dialogues for Bank Duty Managers 大堂经理英语对话Part One Giving Advices and Identifying VIP Customers向客户提出建议及识别高端客户Section One Dialogues Giving Advices to Customers Background: A bank duty manager is advising a customer with a large amount of

5、 deposit in a bank outlet of ICBC, Lt. to make a right decision.Manager*在“Dialogues for Bank Duty Managers”部分中,对话人“Manager”特指大堂经理,英文翻译为“Bank Duty Manager”。: Can I help you, sir?Customer: I want to cash my undue large-amount deposit certificate.Manager: Why? Youll lose your interest.Customer: I want

6、to buy a set of furniture, but I havent got enough money for it.Manager: You can get a personal consumer loan for it from our bank.Customer: Thats a good idea.Manager: How much money do you want?Customer: About 20 000 yuan.Manager: Your certificate with higher interest rate is falling due in less th

7、an 2 months. You can get the loan with your certificate pledged.Customer: Is it a lot of trouble?Manager: Just a little. Let me introduce you to our customer manager and hell give you the details.Customer: Thats very kind of you. 向客户提出建议 大堂经理:我能为您帮忙吗?客户:我想支取未到期的存款。大堂经理:为什么?这样您会损失利息收入。客户:我想买套家具,但钱不够。

8、大堂经理:您可以在我行办理个人消费贷款。客户:这是个好主意。大堂经理:您需要多少钱?客户:大约2万元。大堂经理:您的存单利率较高,还有不到2个月就到期。您可以用存单做抵押来贷款。客户:手续麻烦吗?大堂经理:不麻烦。我把您介绍给客户经理,让他来详细介绍。客户:太感谢您了。 Identifying VIP Customer Manager: Good Morning, Sir. Can I help you?Customer: Ive come to check my balance. Can you do it for me?Manager: Sure. Please wait a moment

9、. Oh, youve got a large deposit balance in your account. Ive an advice for you, sir. Would you like to listen to me?Customer: Yes, please.Manager: Now, youre maintaining a balance of ¥300 000 in your savings account, so you can apply for “Elite Club” account. With this account, our bank will offer y

10、ou an Elite Club card. You may enjoy some preferential services when you make deposits, withdraw your money or make money transfer at any business offices of our bank. Customer: Any differences with other accounts?Manager:“Elite Club” has the feature of “one account with multi-functions” . It has th

11、ree functions including deposit account, loan account and investment account, which can meet the diversified money management requirements of the clients. Customer: Does it mean that I can get loans by this account?Manager: Yes, you can apply for all the existing loans for individual consumption, in

12、cluding loans for automobile consumption, comprehensive consumption, short-term credit and hypothecation. When dealing with these loans, you can enjoy the favorable VIP service like being first served, being first approved and the mailing of check sheet as required.Customer: What other privileges ca

13、n I have?Manager: Youll have the privileges of 3P services which are characterized by Preferential, Professional and Private. For example, you may enjoy service fee waivers on collection, loss reporting, inward remittance, Travelers Cheques, deposit proof and monthly check-sheet, etc; and preferenti

14、al rates on Remittance Express or money management suggestion and so forth. Customer: Sounds good. Can I buy bonds and funds through this account?Manager: Of course, you can, sir. Elite Club account is also an investment account. Your can buy bonds and funds with priority. Customer: There seems no r

15、eason to refuse it. All right. Ill have it. 识别高端客户 大堂经理:先生,早上好!请问有什么我可以为您服务的?客户:我来查余额,您能帮我查一下吗?大堂经理:当然可以,请稍等。您账户里有一大笔金额。我有个建议,先生,您愿意听听吗?客户:请说吧。大堂经理:现在您的账户有30万存款,这样您可以申请我行的理财金账户,有了这个账户,我行会发给您一个金账户卡,您在存取款或转账时可享受许多优惠条件。客户:这个账户与其他账户有不同之处吗?大堂经理:是的,理财金账户的特色是“一个账户,多种功能”,其功能包括三个:存款账户、贷款账户和投资账户,可以满足客户不同的资金管理需求。客户:就是说,我也可以通过该账户申请贷款啦?大堂经理:是的。您可以申请我行现有的各种贷款用于个人消费,包括汽车贷款、综合消费贷款、短期贷款及抵押担保等。在办理贷款时,您可以享有优先服务、优先批准及按您的要求邮寄账单的贵宾服务。



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