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1、SHANDONG毕业论文浅论我国城市管理综合行政执法存在的问题与对策学 院: 法学院 专 业: 政治学与行政学 学生姓名: 学 号: 1112242070 指导教师: 2014 年 6 月目 录摘 要 ABSTRACT(英文摘要) 浅论我国城市管理综合行政执法存在的问题与对策 1一、城市管理综合行政执法的现状1(一)城市管理综合行政执法的法律基础1(二)城市管理综合行政执法的主要内容21、城管执法的定义22、城管执法的权利范围33、城管执法的基本现状 3二、城市管理综合行政执法目前存在的问题4(一) 立法滞后,执法依据尚不明确 4 (二)体制混乱,执法工作推进缓慢 5 1、机构设置不够规范52

2、、协调机制尚不顺畅53、管理体制仍不健全6 (三)观念有误,城市管理理念滞后6(四) 暴力执法,队伍素质有待提高6(五)历史遗留,执法环境仍旧艰难7三、改善城市管理综合行政执法的对策7(一)建立和完善城管执法相应的法律法规8 (二)推进体制改革,适应发展需要8 (三)要疏堵结合,实行人性化管理9(四)严格执法程序,建立监督机制9(五)鼓励创新思路,改善执法环境10四、结语10参考文献11谢辞13 摘 要 我国城市管理是社会管理的重要组成部分,同时也是集政治、经济、文化、教育等在内的一个系统工程。在当代城市转型时期,我国城市管理行政执法问题颇多,已经成为社会的热点之一,随着城市化建设的不断推进,


4、管理型向服务型转变;城市管理模式正在由管理社区向治理社区转变;行政执法责任制的广泛推广。而我国城市管理行政执法存在的问题主要有:立法滞后,执法依据尚不明确;体制混乱,执法工作推进缓慢;观念有误,城市管理理念滞后;暴力执法,队伍素质有待提高;历史遗留,执法环境仍旧艰难。针对以上问题,完善我国城市管理行政执法应该选择以下对策,即建立和完善城管执法相应的法律法规;推进体制改革,适应发展需要;要疏堵结合,实行人性化管理;严格执法程序,建立监督机制;鼓励创新思路,改善执法环境。关键词:城市管理行政执法;现状;问题;对策 Abstract Chinas city management is an impo

5、rtant part of social management, a system engineering is also a set of political, economic, cultural, educational.Transformation in the contemporary city period, a lot of city management of administrative law enforcement problems in China, has become the focus ofsociety, with the city development, t

6、he administrative law enforcement of city management reflects the degree of civilization of a city in a certain extent,reflect the local government for the city management and city construction idea and attitude, city management integrated administrative law enforcement is an effective measure to th

7、e administrative organ specification order of the city,but also the focus and difficulty in city management. Since the reform and opening up, city management of administrative law enforcement has become the main problem of research, research results are very rich. A breakthrough in theoretical resea

8、rch, but along with the new changes in social development and city, such as unemployment, population flow, city management is faced with new tasks. Administrative law enforcement had to adjust again. In the background of constructing a harmonious society, in the administrative law enforcement idea o

9、f people-oriented guidance, sort out the main problems existing in Chinas city management is the key, and then put forward the policysuggestion more practical. This study is then carried out. Under the new situation, the administrative law enforcement of city management of our country appeared some

10、new changes: changes in the law enforcement idea from management to service; city management pattern are managed by thecommunity to the governance of community change; popularization of administrative law enforcement responsibility system. And the existence ofadministrative law enforcement of city m

11、anagement of Chinas major problems:the legislation lags behind, the law enforcement basis is not clear; system is chaotic, the law enforcement work advancing slowly ; the idea is wrong, citymanagement lags behind ; violence law enforcement, personnel quality should be improved; historical legacy, th

12、e law enforcement environment is still difficult. In view of the above problems, improve the administrative law enforcement in city management in China should choose the following countermeasures, such as establishing and improving laws and regulations, urban management and law enforcement related;

13、promoting the reform of system, the need to adapt to the development; to combined dredge, thehumanization management; strict law enforcement procedures, establish themechanism of supervision; encourage innovation idea, improve law enforcement environment .Key Words: city management of administrative

14、 law enforcement; present situation; problems; countermeasures 浅论我国城市管理综合行政执法存在的问题与对策 我国城市管理是社会管理的重要组成部分,同时也是集政治、经济、文化、教育等在内的一个系统工程。在当代城市转型时期,我国城市管理行政执法问题颇多,已经成为社会的热点之一,随着城市化建设的不断推进,城市管理行政执法在一定程度上体现了一座城市的文明程度,更体现了当地政府对于城市管理和城市建设的理念和态度,城市管理综合行政执法是行政机关规范城市秩序的有效措施,却也是城市管理中的焦点和难点。近十多年来,城市管理管暴力执法的负面报道不断地成为新闻媒体追逐的对象,使得政府的形象在很大程度上受到了影响,城市管理综合行政执法把现代化过程中的城市变成了新的战场。 现如今,无论大中小城市中,有关城管执法中出现的问题成为新闻报道不足为奇,城管队员不文明执法、暴力执法、被执法者暴力抗法、城管打城管、等等案例屡见不鲜。由这些案例可见,城市管理综合行政执法工作中仍旧存在一系列突出矛盾问题,如城市管理执 法 地 位 不 够 明 确 、管 理 网 络



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