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1、2021-2022学年度第二学期半期学情诊断试卷九年级英语I.单词辨音(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)()1. A. teaB. readyC. heatD. lead()2. A. bloodB. bookC. tookD. look()3. A._kneeB. knockC. knowD. kilo()4. A. excuseB. cuteC. cutD. usual()5.A. acheB. achieveC. lunchD. catchII语法与情景对话(共20小题;每题1分,总分值20分)阅读以下各题,从A、B、C、口四个选项中选择一个最正确答案。()1. Look! His bi

2、ke is same as mine.A.a B. an C. theD./()2.1 cant find my pen.I need to buy a new.A. it B. one C. them D. ones()3. In our class , Darning is than any other boy.A. strong B. the strong C. stronger Blsndou D. the stronger( )4.Sam wants to be a,because he loves to watch people enjoy the food he prepares

3、.A. farmer B. doctor C. driver D. cook()5. - -Must I do the housework now? No,you.A. need B. must C. neednt D. mustn*t()6. How long you these books , Danny?-For two weeks.A. have ; borrowed B. have;kept C. did;borrow D. did ;keep()7. I dont know if it tomorrow.A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. rain()

4、8. All the students are about the good news. It makes them.A. excited; excited B. exciting ; exciting C. excite ; excite D. excited ;exciling()9. My mother tries her best my brother from drinking cola.A. stop B. stopping C. to stop D. stopped()10. Do you know the boy is over there?A. who B. which C.

5、 what D. whose()11. As a doctor , you should be with your.A. patient; patient B. patients ; patients C. patient; patients D. patients ; patient()12.great fun it is to fly in a balloon!A. What B. What a C. How a D. How()13.1 think it wrong lo a lie.A. ask B. say C. tell D. speak()14. You look tired.

6、Please tell me.A. whats wrong with youB. what happened with youC. what the matter is with you D. whats happened to you()15. -The Dragon Boat Festival falls May or June every year.-Yes , this years Dragon Boat Festival is June 3rd.A. on;inB. in;onC. on;onD. in;in()16. -Excuse me ,how can I get to the

7、 nearest bank?-Well,and you will find it.A. go along this street and turn left at the first crossingyou can go swimming on the hot afternoonC go there by taxiD. you can take a plane to the crossing()17.my father my mother like sports , so they arc very healthy.A. Not only;but also B. Both ;and C. Ei

8、ther;or D. Neither;nor()18. Tom with his friends kites in the park happily.A. fly B. arc flying C. is flying D. flown()19. She is years old today ,so today is her birthday.A. ten; tenth B. ten;ten C. tenth;tenth D. tenth:;ten()20. Which part is the VERB of the following sentence Hobo built Eddie a t

9、ent near thestream *?A.“Hobo”B.“builtC. a tent D.near”III完形填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确答案。1 newspapers has become an important part of everyday life. Some people readnewspapers as the first thing to do in the morning. 2 read newspapers as soon as theyhave free time during

10、 the day so that they can learn what 3 in the world.Sometimes we do not have enough time to read all the news 4,so we just take a quick look at the front page. At other times, we may be 5 such a hurry that we onlyhave a few minutes to look at the headlines of the passages.Newspapers 6 everywhere in

11、the world. We can 7 many differentkinds of newspapers which are published in big cities , but in some mountain villages we can see 8 newspapers.Some newspapers are published once a week, 9 most of the papers are publishedonce a day with many pages. You know different people enjoy reading different n

12、ewspapers.Some like news of the world.Others prefer short stories. They just choose 10 they areinterested in.(B.ReadingC.RcadsD.Rcadcr()2. A. OtherB. The otherC. OthersD. The others()3. A. happensB. happenedC. is happenedD.happen()4. A. quicklyB. carefullyC. exactlyD. carelessly()5. A. withB. atC. a

13、fterD. in()6. A. foundB. can be foundC. can be findD. can find()7. A. getsB.to getsC. getD. getting()8. A. fewB.a fewC. littleD. a little()9. A. soB. butC. andD. or()10. A. howB. whyC. whatD. whichIV阅读理解(共15小题海小题2分,总分值30分)AThe world is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and communication

14、mean ( 通讯设备).Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution, which means making things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it,smell it,drink it even hear it.Man has been polluting the earth. Air pollution

15、 is the most serious. Its bad for all living things in the world,but it is not the only kind of pollution. Water pollution kills fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.Many countries arc making rules lo fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city , and from putting dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by SO? is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It is mainly caused by heavy traffic.Wc arc sure that if there arc fewer people drivi



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