2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship课后达标检测 外研版选修6

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2021版新高考英语一轮复习 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship课后达标检测 外研版选修6_第1页
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1、Module 3 Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship (建议用时:45分钟).阅读理解A(2020福建质量检查测试)My neighbor Orlando is a paramedic(护理人员). He and his wife are some of the nicest people I have ever met. A few years back we started this sort of “favor war”, where one of us would do something for the other, such as shove

2、ling(铲) his driveway or helping him build a shed, and next time the other would try to top it with another favor.Yesterday morning there was maybe 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I remembered he shoveled my driveway for me last snowfall. So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewa

3、lks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor back. It took a while but I finished and got into my car for work. What I didnt realize was that Orlando had to work that day too.Fast forward to this morning I got a knock on my door. It was him. He immediately shook my hand and informed me tha

4、t because I shoveled his driveway and sidewalk for him, he was able to get to work earlier. As soon as he started his shift, a call came through that a young boy was in a medical emergency. Luckily he and his partner were only about 2 minutes away, but the next closest ambulance was in 10 minutes. T

5、his kid did not have 10 minutes. He barely had 2 minutes. Because my neighbor got to work sooner, the young boy got to live his life.This isnt a brag(吹嘘). This is to inform others that even the smallest favors can have the biggest impacts. It wasnt too much of trouble to shovel his driveway for him,

6、 but because I did, the young kid got to see his family again, go back to school again, talk to his friends again and live his life.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。“我”和邻居Orlando总是互相帮助,这次下雪,“我”帮助他铲除了道路上的积雪,让他能很快去上班。一个等待急救的男孩在他的及时救治下摆脱了危险。“我”的善举救了孩子一命。1What can we know about the writer and Orlando?AThey once had a con

7、flict.BThey signed a favorable agreement.CThey favor shoveling snow together.DThey are always ready to help each other.D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“A few years back we started this sort of favor war, where one of us would do something for the other, such as shoveling(铲) his driveway or helping him build a she

8、d, and next time the other would try to top it with another favor.”可知,几年前我们就开始这种“互助活动”,一个人帮助另一个人之后,下一次便由对方提供帮助;据此可知,作者和Orlando总是乐意互相帮助,故D项正确。2Who saved the boy before it was too late?AThe writer.BThe boys parents.COrlando and his wife.DOrlando and his partner.D解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第五句“Luckily he and his pa

9、rtner were only about 2 minutes away, but the next closest ambulance was in 10 minutes.”,并结合该段内容可知,Orlando和他的搭档离医院只有大约两分钟的车程,他们很快上班挽救了男孩的生命,故D项正确。3What does the writer intend to tell us?ANever ask for trouble.BNo favor is too small.COne cannot always be lucky.DDont lose heart in an emergency.B解析:写作意

10、图题。通读全文,尤其是尾段第二句“This is to inform others that even the smallest favors can have the biggest impacts.”可知,本文是为了告诉读者,即使是最小的帮助也能产生最大的影响,故B项正确。B(2020太原模拟)Fairy tales perform many functions. They entertain, encourage imagination and teach problemsolving skills. They can also provide moral lessons, highli

11、ghting the dangers of failing to follow the social codes that let human beings coexist in harmony. Such moral lessons may not mean much to a robot, but a team of researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology believes it has found a way to use the fairy tales as moral lessons that AI(artificial inte

12、lligence) can take to its cold, mechanical heart.The collected stories of different cultures teach children how to behave in socially acceptable ways with examples of proper and improper behavior in fables, novels and other literature. We believe story comprehension in robots can prevent the intelli

13、gent robots from killing humanity which was predicted and feared by some of the biggest names in technology including Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates. This system is called “Quixote”. It collects story plots from the Internet and then uses those stories to teach robots how to behave.The experiment do

14、ne by the designers involves going to a drugstore to purchase some medicine for a human who needs to get it as soon as possible. The robot has three options. It can wait in line; it can interact with the storekeeper politely and purchase the medicine with priority; or it can steal the medicine and e

15、scape. Without any further directives(指示), the robot will come to the conclusion that the most efficient means of obtaining the medicine is to steal it. But Quixote offers a reward for waiting in line and politely purchasing the medicine and a punishment for stealing it. In this way, the robot will

16、learn the moral way to behave on that occasion.Quixote would work best on a robot that has a very limited function. Its a baby step in the direction of teaching more moral lessons into robots. We believe that AI has to be trained to adopt the values of a particular society, and in doing so, it will strive to avoid unacceptable behavior. Giving robots the ability to read and understand our stories may



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