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1、学校代码 10530 学 号 201330040781 分 类 号 D924 密 级 硕 士 学 位 论 文上访索财行为的定性研究学 位 申 请 人 指 导 教 师 学 院 名 称 法学院 学 科 专 业 法律(法学) 研 究 方 向 中国刑事法 二零一六年六月二日The Qualitative Analysis of Rope Wealth Behavior for PetitionCandidate Lin Qi Supervisor Associate Prof. Fan Dengfeng College Faculty of Law Program Law Specialization

2、 Criminal Law Degree Master of Law University Xiangtan University Date June 2nd, 2016 摘要近年来,上访人“敲诈”政府的事件频频出现在我们的视野里,司法实践对此类行为的处理方式也不尽相同。上访索财行为是指上访人认为自己的权益受到侵害或者应得利益没有得到满足时,实施非正常上访行为向政府机关施压,要求该政府机关给予财物的行为。行为具有以下特征:行为主体的特定性、行为对象的特殊性、行为的有因性以及行为的违法性。目前对上访索财行为定性的学说主要有以下四种:“无罪说”、“寻衅滋事罪说”、“敲诈勒索罪说”以及“增设罪名说”



5、么依照想象竞合理论,从一重罪论处即可。其他的上访索财行为不构成与财产有关的犯罪,但是不排除行为人的非正常上访行为会构成其他犯罪的可能。关键词:上访;索财行为;威胁;强拿硬要AbstractIt is frequently seen that petitioners “blackmail” governments in recent years. In response to such acts, judicial practice handles them differently. Rope Wealth Behavior for petition refers to the act that

6、 petitioners, who think their legal rights are infringed or deserved to be met, demand a large amount of property given by governments. The characteristics of the behavior are the specific subject, special object, the reason of behavior and illegal behavior.Four principal points of view about Rope W

7、ealth Behavior for petition have been enumerated so far, including innocence, crime of Defiance and Affray, crime of Extortion and Additive Crime. Innocence holds the view that it is citizens legal right to demand property from governments and such act doesnt constitute a crime. The crime of Defianc

8、e and Affray regards such rope wealth behavior as an act to forcibly take or demand public and private property from government organs and should be committed to the crime of Defiance and Affray. Crime of Extortion asserts the act belongs to extortion because petitioners impose pressure on governmen

9、ts through non-normal petition to obtain financial belongings. Additive Crime proposes to add this behavior to crime of coercion for the act is coercive at some extent. The above qualitative explanations of Rope Wealth Behavior for petition are based on their own viewpoints, unavoidably leading to s

10、ome inadequacy. In order to define Rope Wealth Behavior for petition qualitatively, some theoretical issues should be clarified first, including the definition of threat or coercion in crime of Extortion, illegal possession and forcibly taking or demanding in the crime of Defiance and Affray. As for

11、 defining the Rope Wealth Behavior for petition, it should analyze to distinguish different levels of objective acts and subjective attempts. When it comes to a legitimate petition performed by a non-normal petition act to impose pressure on governments to obtain extra property beyond their rights,

12、the means of extorting property probably constitute a crime, although the attempt of demanding property itself is legal. As to extorting property without lawful basis, it can be considered that the attempt of extorting property is illegal. Furthermore, when the petitioners disturb social order and e

13、ndanger public safety to achieve the attempt of extorting property, the behavior belongs to forcibly taking or demanding thus constitutes to a crime of Defiance and Affray. Meanwhile, this non-normal petition act is consistent to Article 293 in Criminal Law of Peoples Republic of China. When the pet

14、itioners implement threat to government organs and their staffs personal security, the act can be sentenced as crime of Extortion. If the act of extorting property for petition meets the provisions in both crime of Extortion and crime of Defiance and Affray, a heavier punishment shall be taken according to an


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