奇怪的红舞鞋 2.doc

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《奇怪的红舞鞋 2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《奇怪的红舞鞋 2.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、奇怪的红舞鞋 第一场(爱伦在家里收拾旧物,找到了一个精美的音乐盒)(捧着音乐盒,轻轻打开,一个旋转的跳舞娃娃,一首好听的旋律)(目不转睛的看着跳舞娃娃脚上的那双舞鞋)爱伦 I wish I could have a beautiful pair of dancing shoes soon.(屋子里突然蓝光一闪,形成一道光环,转眼间从里面走出来了一位穿着蓝灰色袍子的仙女)蓝灰色袍子仙女(诡异地笑着) You want a pair of red dancing shoes, dont you?爱伦(惊讶,睁大眼睛) Yep,could you help me?蓝灰色袍子的仙女 Sure. (伸手

2、变出一双漂亮的红舞鞋)You will be the best dancer if you put it on, and you will dance from wime to time until you are near the Prince Charming and get his love.爱伦(欣喜若狂) Really? Wow, its amazing!(伸手要去拿鞋子)蓝灰色袍子的仙女 Wait,befor you get it, you have to agree to a condition.爱伦(睁大眼睛)whats that?蓝灰色袍子的仙女(笑) you ought t

3、o put it on wherever you go.爱伦(马上点头) No problem,I will be with it wherever I go.蓝灰色袍子的仙女 As if you didnt put it on all the time, it will be furious, then, it can be disappear. Now, its yours.爱伦(小心的接过) thank you for your gift.(蓝灰色袍子的仙女:呵呵的发出一连串诡异的笑,然后便消失了。)(爱伦双手捧着这双红舞鞋,心里美滋滋的,爱不释手。)(穿上这双红舞鞋,好神奇,爱伦竟然自

4、己跳起优美的舞来,越跳越高兴,越跳越有劲儿。)第二场精灵使者:Magic Girl, look, the girl there dances quite well. It is my first time to see the wonderful dance moves.魔法少女:Me,too, but that is because she wears the red dancing shoes.精灵使者:No wonder she is the most famous dancer, she gets the most fans, I am fallin with her. Oh dear

5、.(爱伦来到一片草地上坐下,用心爱的眼光和双手抚摸着脚上的那双红舞鞋,脸上荡漾着幸福的欢笑。)(一道银光中,出现了一个银光仙女,仙女走到爱伦跟前站定,看着她。)银光仙女:Hello, Allen? You dance well. 爱伦 thanks.银光仙女 I get the reason why you are a good dancer. What you do not know is this ed dancing shoes is the Embodiment of Evil, you will be in disasters if you wears it all the time

6、.爱伦:What are you saying? I am ok since I am with it on my feet.银光仙女(急)Trust me, please. Take it off, or you will sory for that.爱伦:Why should I listen to you? I knoe you envy me, you want to steel my shoes so that you can be the best dancer and draw the attention of the Prince Charming!银光仙女:No, Allen

7、. You misunderstand me.爱伦(站起身,生气) well,well,shut up!银光仙女上前喊了几声:Allen, Allen !第三场(爱伦在舞会上总是用眼睛看着英俊的王子,却总是说不上话。)(舞会开始了,所有的人都在优美的音乐下翩翩起舞,这时,王子朝着爱伦走了过来。)王子(来到爱伦跟前,伸出手)I know you. You are the best dancer here. May I have the honor to have a dance with you?爱伦(脸红,呼吸急促,心跳加快) My pleasure!(走路时,突然一歪,王子赶忙扶住她)爱伦:

8、sorry, I am really sorry.王子(关切) Are you OK?爱伦 Yes, I am fine,(王子牵着爱伦的手,来到舞池中央,要和爱伦一起跳舞)(刚开始跳,只见爱伦上去便踢了王子裤裆一脚)(王子大惊,爱伦大惊,所有在场的人大惊。)五子痛苦的叫:啊唔!爱伦(吃惊) oops, what am I doing? Sorry,sir. I dont mean that(上前,走到王子近前,又飞起一脚,踢在了王子的屁股上,王子哎哟一声趴在地上。)(爱伦上前)王子(大呼) you! You! Be away from me!(舞场上一片混乱,许多卫兵急忙跑了进来)舞场上人群

9、 Get her! How dare her! She hurt our Prince!爱伦(害怕) I, Your Majesty, I dont mean that.王子(被人扶起来,发怒) Catch her!(几个卫兵抓住爱伦往下拖。)国王(生气) I will get her feet tomorow, I swear.爱伦(大声呼喊) I can explain that, listen to me, please.(爱伦被拉了下去)第四场(监狱中,昏暗的星光下,一道银光闪现,银光仙女出现了)仙女(来到爱伦的跟前)Allen, Allen?(爱伦发现是银光仙女,激动的大哭起来。)仙

10、女(温柔的抱着爱伦)Im here to help you out.爱伦(哭)thank you, I do something wrong. I should not be so greedy.仙女说:No, you have no fault. Everybody has his right to pursue beauies, and always wants to perfect everything. The thing is, we should chase perfect bu our hard-working. 爱伦点着头。仙女: Here, girl, Ill take yo

11、u some place.(仙女伸手在空中划了一个圈,一道银光环出现,爱伦和仙女走了进去。)(来到圣园)爱伦: wow, how wonderful!仙女呵呵笑:Here is purest paradise.(仙女把爱伦带到一座喷池旁,让她坐下。)仙女:hey, let me do you a favor. The magic dancing shoesgive a terrible ending to every girl who wears it. It gets stronger and stronger by the Greed of human beings.(将那双红舞鞋放入了池

12、中,一层红光过后,这双鞋消失了)仙女问:Allen, do you love dancing?爱伦肯定的点头:yes, i do, dancing drives me crazy.仙女(拿着一双白色的舞鞋,送到爱伦的面前) This pair of shoes is prepared for you. You will not feel tired when you are on it.爱伦(接过)thank you very much,lady.仙女:Go, you are free now.(爱伦离开)第五场(国家的大典,王子发出号令,让天下所有的姑娘出来跳舞,只要王子看谁的舞最美,王子就

13、决定娶谁。)(这一天,成千上万的姑娘涌上街头,王子站在皇宫阁楼上向下张望,突然,他的目光被一个姑娘所吸引,她穿着一双白色的圣园鞋,那优美的舞姿像鱼儿在水里轻游,又像天鹅在水中媳戏,真是太美了。)(王子马上叫人把爱伦叫到皇宫里来,当王子见到爱伦后,差点吓尿裤子。)王子(忙躲在了卫兵身后,惊呼)Lord, why is she again?爱伦(走上前,恭敬的说) I am sorry for my behavior befor, what I wore last time was a magic pair of shoes. I was controlled by the shoes then.王子(看了看爱伦现在穿的舞鞋)Is it Ok now?爱伦笑了笑说:yes, your Prince Charming. In face, it is a pair of normal danceing shoes now, it gives people power and passion but not hurt.王子(仔细地听了爱伦的话后,便大胆的走上前去,伸出手)Well, if it is true, would you like to dance with me?爱伦:Yes,Id love to.(众人欢呼,鼓掌)


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