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1、Unit 3 Text 1 姓名_ 成绩_Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans needs, but not every mans greed. CLIMATE CHANGE REQUIRES THE WORLDS ATTENTION We have known about climate change for decades. _is little doubt_ Earth is getting warmer and warmer (see the graph). A warming ocean and atmosphere along wi

2、th melting ice and rising sea levels provide evidence of a dramatic change in the global climate. In 2013, a lot of people were _(shock) by a news photo of a dead polar bear _ was found on Norways Arctic island of Svalbard. According to the scientists who found its dead body, all _ remained of the p

3、olar bear was skin and bones . An expert who has studied polar bears for many years said that from the position of its _(die) body, the bear appeared to have starved and died. Experts claimed that low sea-ice levels caused by climate change _(mean) that the bear could not hunt seals as before, so it

4、 had to travel greater distances in order to find food. This alarming case showed how the increase_ temperature had an impact _ Earths ecology. Then what is causing the increase in the global average surface temperature? Climate scientists often mention a key climate process _(call) the greenhouse e

5、ffect which has two common meanings: the natural greenhouse effect and the man-made greenhouse effect. The natural greenhouse effect refers to the fact _(引导_从句) heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earths surface as short-wave radiation. The heat _(release) back into space at longer wav

6、e _(long; high的名词_). Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as methane and carbon dioxide, trap some of the heat,_( keep) Earths climate warm and habitable. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life. However, the man-made greenhouse effect has now become a big problem. When people produce

7、 huge amounts of extra greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, more heat energy _(trap) in the atmosphere and causes Earths surface temperature_( rise) . There is strong and comprehensive evidence _ (引导_从句)the rise in temperature has _(lead) to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters

8、worldwide, not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives. Climate scientists have warned that if we do not take appropriate actions, this warming trend will probably continue and there will be a higher price to pay. In fact, news reports are frequently _(broadcast ) about extreme rai

9、nstorms and heatwaves causing deaths and economic losses. Continued greenhouse gas emissions will result in further warming and long-lasting changes to the global climate. This requires the attention of people all over the world. Governments need to consider_( make) _(policy) and taking appropriate

10、actions and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We as individuals can also reduce our carbon footprint by restricting the amount of carbon dioxide our lifestyles produce. It is our _(responsible) to seize every opportunity to educate everyone about global warming, along with its causes and

11、impacts, because this is the most serious issue_( affect) all of us on this planet. So what will you do to help?Unit 3 Text 2 姓名 _ 成绩_ The beautiful Li River and its amazing surrounding scenery is one of the most well-known tourist_( destination 含义_) in Chinas Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It at

12、tracts _(million) of domestic and foreign visitors each year. However, its reputation _ a top destination has had negative effects _the rivers water quality. This report looks _the problem of water pollution and some actions that have been taken to deal with it. Previously, water quality in the Li R

13、iver had suffered greatly_ an _(increase) volume of tourists, many of_ frequently threw garbage into the river. Many tour boats contributed to the problem too. Kitchens_ board were using lots of oil, which _ often _(throw) into the water. The _(grow) in tourism also meant the local population _(rise

14、) rapidly, as well as the number of commercial and industrial enterprises. Water pollution levels increased, with more household and commercial waste ending up in the river. In order to feed more people, more chemicals were used to increase crop production. These chemicals _(lead) to severe water qu

15、ality issues, causing a decrease in the number of fish species. Local officials were concerned that the pollution was damaging the natural environment and _(feel) that urgent steps should be taken to restore the rivers original beauty A comprehensive initiative was started, with a number of measures that addressed the issues. The construction of waste water treatment facilities improved the water quality and water conservation. The collection and transport of household wa



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