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1、Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks.Section A1. You should help to clean up the city parks.Clean up 意为“彻底打扫;清除 ”,是“动词+副词”结构的短语动词,后面跟名词作宾格时, 名词放在 up 前后均可,后面跟代词作宾格时,代词应当放在 up 前面。e.g. He often helps parents clean up the rooms on weekends.2. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to

2、cheer them up.Cheer up意为 变得更高兴,振奋起来”,是 动词+副词结构的短语,cheer up既可以作及物 动词短语,也可以作不及物动词短语e.g. He cheered up at once when I agreed to help him.Cheer up! The news isn t too bad.He took her to the cinema to cheer her up.【拓展】1) cheer 作不及物动词,意为 “欢呼;喝彩 ”e.g. The girls cheered as the famous singer arrived.2) cheer

3、作及物动词,意为 为欢呼,高呼”e.g. The whole village turned out to cheer the hero3) cheer 作可数名词,意为 “欢呼声,喝彩声 ”e.g. We can hear the cheers of students outside the gym.4) cheer on意为为加油”e.g. We will have a basketball game this afternoon. Would you like to come and cheer us on ? 【现学现练】He failed in the math test and lo

4、oks sad. Lets A. put him upB. set him upC. cheer him upD. clean him up3. The boy could give out food at the food bank.Give out 意为“散发,分发 ”,相当于 “hand ou,t ”是“动词+副词”的短语动词e.g. Can you give out the drinks out, please?【拓展】Give out 的不同含义:1) give out 表示 “发出(光、热、声音、气味等)e.g. The sun gives out light and heat t

5、o the earth.2) give out 表示 “用完,耗尽 ”e.g. Our food supplies began to give out.4. The girl could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids.Volunteer 动词,意为 “志愿做,义务做 ”,后可跟名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语e.g. Jenny volunteered to clean up the room after party.【拓展】Volunteer 作可数名词,意为 “志愿者 ”e.g. Can I have a vo

6、lunteer to collect the glasses?5. We can t put off making a planPut off 意为“推迟 ”,是 “动词 +副词 ”的短语动词,其后可跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语 e.g. They put off the match because of the heavy rain.Please don t put off doing your homework.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.【拓展】 由 put 构成的常见短语有:Put away将收起来put on穿上;

7、上演put down放下;记下Put out 熄灭;伸出put back 放回原处put up 张贴;搭建6. Let s make some notices, tooNotice 此处作可数名词,意为 “公告牌;通告;布告 ”e.g. There is a notice on the wall, saying“ No Parking ”I ll put up a notice about the meeting.【拓展】1) notice 作不可数名词,意为 “注意 ”e.g. Take notice of what they say.2) notice 作动词,意为 “注意到,留心,看到

8、”e.g. Did you notice Jack come in ?7. They told me stories about the past and how things used to beUsed to意为过去,曾经,后跟动词原形,表示过去常常做某事”,指表示过去和现在的对比,暗指现在已经不存在的动作或状态e.g. He used to work in the hospital.He didn t use to walk after supper.【拓展】1) be used to do sth. 意为 “被用于做某事 ”,不定式表目的e.g. The book is used to

9、 teach us how to write.2) be used for + n./ v.ing 表示被用于 ”e.g. A stamp is used for sending letters.3) get/be used to doing sth.e.g. He is used to eating out all the time.8. Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely.Lonely 是形容词,充当表语,指 “孤独的 ”,用于人时,表示一种心理状态,突出内心孤独寂 寞的感觉,侧重缺少同伴友谊而感到孤独、寂寞。含忧郁之意。e.g. He felt ve

10、ry lonely without his friends.9. ive up several hours each week to help others.Several 作形容词,意为 “几个,数个 ”,修饰可数名词复数e.g. Several days later, Grandma came to the library to borrow some books.【拓展】Several 作代词,意为 “几个,数个 ”e.g. Excuse me, have you got any books about sports?- Yes, we ve got several.Several of

11、 us went there.10. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animal get better and the look of joy on their owner faces.1) Feeling 在此用作可数名词,意为 “感觉;感触 ”e.g. I ve got a bad feeling.It was a great feeling when a wild animal shows you affection.Feel 还可用作连系动词,意为 “觉得,感觉到 ”e.g. I felt very

12、 tired after running.2) satisfaction 为不可数名词,意为 “满意,满足 ”,其反义词是 dissatisfaction.e.g. She smiled in satisfaction. 【拓展】Satisfaction (名词,满意) satisfy (动词,使满意) satisfied (形容词,满意的)1) be satisfied to do sth. 意为 “对做某事感到满意 ”e.g. He was satisfied to win the match.2) be satisfied with意为 对感到满意”e.g. She was not sa

13、tisfied with the result.3) joy 在此用作不可数名词,意为 “高兴;愉快 ”e.g. Life is always full of joy.He jumped up with joy.4) owner 可数名词,意为 “物主,主人 ”e.g. He is the owner of the car.【拓展】1) own 形容词, 意为 “自己的 ”,一般用于形容词性物主代词或名词所有格之后以加强语气。e.g. I saw it with my own eyes.2) own 及物动词,意为 “有;拥有 ”,相当于 have.e.g. He owns a big hou

14、se.3) of one s o意为 属于某人自己的”e.g. At last I ve got a big house of my own.re going o11. The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they journey with each new book.Journey 意为 “旅行;行程 ”,可数名词,一般指长途旅行e.g. Life is a long journey from birth to death.12. Our class is trying to come

15、 up with some ideas to cheer up sick children because they are often sad.Sick 形容词,意为 “生病的;有病的 ”,其反义词为 well.e.g. His sister was sick with a cold.Sick 作形容词时,还可表示 “(想)呕吐的,恶心的 ”e.g. I always feel sick when I travel by ship.The smell makes him sick.【拓展】Sick 与 ill 的辨析:Sick 指“生病 ”时主要用于英式英语,可作定语也可作表语,表示 “恶心;呕吐 ”时只用作表语 e.g. He is a sick man.He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.Ill 指 “生病 ”时,主要用于美式英语,只用作表语,一般不作定语e.g. He is ill and stays in bed.13. For example, we can make plans to visit sick childr


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