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1、教学资料参照参照范本高一英语上学期第二次月考试题_年_月_日_部门英语试题第一部分 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分3分)nce a ntleman atrvelng on a train He el nd gotoff a ation in earch ofer. Wh hereached eater tap (水龙头), the 2 stared.He rabck t 3 itIwasgein 4 an he decided to pend the ght athe ion. He sed h tict ofie aut the ext train an wastd t wuldb

2、e the et So he eiedto fn a place or a days 6 . H went t the nar hls task fo a rom but fn 7 .Atlas h 8 small hose. He sedthe 9 wheterhe could stay nhis oseor ady.howner immatey 10, thn srved himfood nd gv im a om tosta. 11 e didn ask nyin in return.t seven,thegtlemahad a 1 at he door. The eopened he

3、dor.hegentlean saw a mandressed in 13 ces ene he hue ad 4 theowne tp his ebts (债务)Teentlean cameto no hatthewer wa n need of 15 . Th nextonng he left a pkin tdrwer of the oo an6 .Whe the owefou tepack, hesaw that ereas 1 written t him,ich red:“You 1 me btdi o xe anythg froe. Yesterda evening eard th

4、e 19 beteen you nd thestrner nd 20 at ouwe n ned of oney.This i hat yo ned.”.Aeepy uny C. thir D.tired Apassgr Bficer Cin Dtp3. Acaug B.misd C.lot Dpsed4.A.brih Bcld C.ot D.dark 5 day Bmont C.hour week Asta Bok Cfn D.rael7. Aone B.non C.obdy D.lots8A.bl Brepaird Crach Dnjyed9A.gue Bmager Civer D.own

5、1.acceed B.are C.canged Drefuse1.A.But B CBecause Unls2.A.sound Bknock C.noise Dal.chap Bstrnge .diry Dexpnsive 4.A.invitd B.h Cproed .sed 1.Aavice Btime .mone Dwer16.A.t away B.came u Cgave in Dtad p17A.ory Bnote Cdiary D.jok18.cheated Bhled C.supported Dunrstoo1.A.convrtion .qurre Cai Ddiscussion.

6、pand B.explaind aed .hoed第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共小题;每题2分,满分30分)A have a nghor w call Happy. Ihavner senhengr a ything an nver eard her sa a hrs(难听的) wor t anone or about anone. Happya her hba Be, 70,ave ahge arde. The spentmny hapy hus togthe oko tMostf the igbors wathed inerestngyasBn obed the siz

7、e fheir gren As e sto foolibed aser anBn beans, we ll wshedwealso a such aargearn. As th res f u spen our dllar tthe aret,Hpycouldb see pickig eans in r backyar. Lt , Happyand Be invited motothe eighborhod over foran “allday food et”.We wre old tobringlove nd ae very ealyi orng.We ddntkow what asabo

8、 to ke plae. y:0am, rer nnofn th rdenpiig tomtes, beans,okra and quash.1:00 m, the ws lt of agtr. eheda lt o tres.y 5:00 pm, evrone ws a litle duromthe wine ad er.ferinne, lyedgamesAs we wre leaving,Hapy an n handedeach of usa oppin bag fill wit he unty(大量予以之物)f hey, aradacagd and ozenWha a delihtfu

9、l gift! l, thepoint wasnto uch out h oo. he true gift s of fries enoying one anotherscompany None f t woudvhappened fi dno been for Happ n Bensgarde. Nohe hae a blogabout ardning incae w dece to plant a grden. nd I asopoud f my matoplans! .W can nfer that ppy adher usband n_ . smetime uarre th each

10、herBae enerous ad warmeate coplC. lie o e fod tey grow inhir gareDot like spendin tm with hes2Acodin Paragra 2, peple wished they alohgaen so tht_ .they could sped hap hours toer wih heir famies itB ty couldgrow egetles nd selthem tthe marketC. th could invite hir nehbors and hold paries in tD.heydnthve t spnd so mu



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