高中英语第五册第一单元Great Scientists随堂练习题

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1、TEST 2: Unit 1 Great scientist book 5(50分钟 满分50分)12345678910第一部分: 单项选择 (共10题,每题1分)1. _ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin.A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed2. I feel it is your husband who _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to bl

2、ame C. is to be blamed D. should blame3. _ late in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept4 You should have thanked her before you left. I meant _, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing it5. Only by imaginin

3、g and creating _ a difference.A. can make B. you can make C. make D. can you make6. The element radium, _ in the chemistry lab, gave off a faint blue light.A. discovered B. to be discovered C. to discover D. discovering 7. What newspapers and other media have in common is that they do _ simply recor

4、d what happens.A. rather than B. more than C. not more than D. no more than8. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South AfricaAinvited Bto invite Cbeing invited Dhad been invited9. The murderer was brought in,with his hands _ be hind his back Abeing Bhaving tied Cto be tied Dtied10. Balance

5、d diet and regular exercise can _ to good healthA. contribute B. devote C. lead D. look forward第二部分:根据汉语或首字母提示拼写单词,并用合适的形式填空(共10题,每题1分)11. He put f_ a scientific approach to the problem.12.The old man was utterly _(吸引) in the book.13. We are suffering from a s_ shortage of fuel.14.The scientist ofte

6、n _(做贡献;投稿)to an academic journal(学术期刊).15. He is very s_ with his students.16. C_ the sentences in the exercise by filling in the blanks.17.The board _(拒绝)all our ideas.18.The boss is _(小心谨慎的) about making promises.19.It seemed the water was to _(责备)20. His wound became i_ with a new virus第三部分:汉英翻译

7、(共5题,每题2分)21. 不要把你的皮肤暴露在阳光下。(expose)22. 他是如此害羞,都不知道如何表达他的想法了。(so/suchthat)23. 每当我遇见他的时候,我就会想起我们之间发生过的事情。(every time)24. 他好像在撒谎。(seem)25. 她苍白的脸色说明她病了,所以她妈妈建议她去医院让医生检查一下。(suggest)第四部分:改错(共10个错误,每题1分)1)用符号( ,_ ,)在文中标出需改的部分 2)把改后的词写在后面的序号空白处。The other day I met a stranger in the street stopped and 1. _a

8、sked me the way. I offered to show him the way to a place 2. _he wanted to go to, but to my surprised, he refused my offer. I 3. _asked him why not. Finally he told me that he was afraid I 4. _would ask him for money if I helped him by this way. 5. _Money! I fell deep into thought. Is it money which

9、 comes 6. _between us? I agree that money is become more and more 7. _important in our society, so it should not be everything. We 8. _should try my best to help others and believe in each other. 9. _If everyone does so, our society will better and better. 10. _第五部分:改述(共10分)用自己的话改述第四部分的短文;不得改变原文大意;不

10、得照抄原句;字数须在50字以内答案第一部分:单项选择题 1-5 CAABD 6-10 ABADA 第二部分:单词拼写11. forward scientific 12. absorbed 13. severe 14. contributes 15.7 strict 16 Complete 17. rejected 18. cautious 19. blame 20. infected 第三部分:翻译第四部分: 改述A stranger lost his way. I offered to help him but was refused because he was afraid I would charge him. I think that we should believe in rather than suspect each other even though money is important.


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