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1、Module 1When I arrived, it was early morning and it was raining. I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a path. In the east, the sky was becoming light, but beside the path, it was still very dark. I knew it was there, but there was nothing to see. After about a kilometer, a stra

2、nger appeared in front of me. “Am I going the right way?” I asked. He knew where I was going. “yes,” he replied, “youll get there in five minutes.” Finally, I came to some rock, and stopped. I looked carefully over them, but it was still too dark to see anything. Suddenly, the clouds cleared and the

3、 rain stopped. The sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. I saw that the ground fell away and down to a river, far below me. I was on the edge of the Grand Canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world.I looked down to the Colorado River about 2,000 metres below me. If you put the three tallest

4、buildings in the world at the bottom of the canyon, they still wont reach the top. Then I looked across to the other side of the canyon. How far is it? Its 20 kilometres, maybe more. Finally, I looked to my left and to my right, and on both sides the canyon disappeared into the distance.over 400 kil

5、ometres long. The Grand Canyon is not just big. Its huge! That morning on the edge of the canyon, I asked myself a question. Its not “how deep is it? ” or “how wide is it? ”or “how long is it? ” but “Is the Grand Canyon the greatest wonder anywhere in the natural world? ” I know the answer. But what

6、 do you think?自然界最伟大的奇观我到达的时候是一大早,天正在下雨。我走出汽车,穿过一个门口,沿着一条小路前行。在东方,天空正在变亮,但路边仍然很黑。我知道,它就在那里,但什么也看不见。大约过了1000米,一个陌生人出现在我面前。我问:“我走的路对吗?他知道我要去哪里。他回答:“对,5分钟后你就会到那里。”最后,我来到一些岩石旁边停下。我仔细地从这些岩石上面看,但是天仍然太黑,我看不见任何东西。突然,云散了,雨停了。太阳从我身后升起,它离那些岩石很远。我看见地面沉降到下面深谷中的一条河里,离我特别遥远。我站在自然界的奇观之一 大峡谷的边缘。我俯视着距我大约2000米之遥的科罗拉多河

7、。如果你把世界上最高的三座建筑物放在峡谷的底部,它们也不能达到顶部。然后,我眺望峡谷的另一边,它多远?20000米或许更远。最后,我向左右遥望,在两边,大峡谷消失在远方400多千米长。大峡谷不仅是大。它是巨大!那天早上在大峡谷的边缘,我问了自己一个问题。它不是“它多深?”或者“它多宽?”或者“它多长?”而是“大峡谷是自然界最伟大的奇观吗?”我知道答案。但是你怎样认为?Module 2My favourite great book is the adventures of tom sawyer by mark twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in the

8、 quiet streets of St Petersburg, Missouri. Hes a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures. He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for days. With Huck he goes looking for treasure, with Becky he ge

9、ts lost in a cave, and finally, they find a box of gold. My favourite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to his own funeral. He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears. Everyone is surprised to see him but theyre also pleased to see him alive.

10、Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joe is Toms best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man of the story. The themes of the story are to do with children growing up and becoming more

11、serious. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom, social rules and how people are punished for bad behaviour. Why do I think Tom Sawyer is a great book? Mark Twain wrote the story in 1876, but its still read and loved by people all over the worl

12、d today. And although its only a story, Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today its thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature. Go on-read it! I know youll enjoy it, too.名著:汤姆索亚历险记我们每月关于最喜欢的名著的文章。


14、姆最好的朋友,印第安乔是故事里的坏人。故事的主题和孩子们的成长以及变得更加成熟稳重有关。它描述了在美国的小城镇陌生人是怎样被看见。最后,它谈论自由,社会规章制度和人们是怎样因为做坏事而被惩罚。为什么我认为汤姆索亚历险记是名著?马克吐温是在1876年写的这个故事,但它今天仍被全世界的人们阅读和喜爱。虽然它仅仅是个故事,但是马克吐温用19世纪美国南部各州的日常英语写成,所以它听起来非常真实。今天它被认为是美国文学中最伟大的著作之一。去读它吧,我知道你会喜欢它的。Module 3For liu Xiang, life as a sporting hero has just begun. First

15、of all, hell be invited to competitions around the world. Hell be chosen to represent China at the Olympic Games. Hes a symbol of Chinas international sporting success. And now that hes well known all over the world, liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to rec

16、ord music. But his coach Sun Haiping is making sure that he trains regularly. Liu Xiang will be advised by his coach how to be a great sportsman, and by his manager how to be a star. Liu Xiang is not an overnight success. He was born in Shanghai on July 13, 1983 and like many Olympic sports stars, he stared training when he was very young. In Grade Four, he went to the Junior Sp



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