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1、Uni 6 opc 1(考试时间:9分钟,满分:1分)题号第一部分第二部分第三部分总分 得分第一部分 听力 (0分).听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读一遍。(5分)( )1.( )2.( )3( )4( )5.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )6.A.Borin.g.C.Excti.( )7.A.QzwsB.Sorts sos.CCT Ne.( )8eausostprograms are bd.ecas ome rogra are nhealty.Because mostprogramare good( )A.Yes,he doe.No, dosnt.C.Mayb

2、e.( )10.ABecasethe boo is inestin.B.ase ong Zhanhi ihifaorite tr.euse he is moved bywh Hong Zanhui did.听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5分)( )1Th won watches TV wice wee.( )12.The woman wathes four hours a day.( )3.The omalike atchin mvieson T best.( )1h wmanmay not e heathybecase se wahes too much.( )15.The w

3、manwil folow the mans av.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )6.AA TV PlayBAfotball match.TV prorms( )17. A.Ye,he doesB.No, he doesnCSy,Idont kn( )1 A.A akeballgmeBA fotalla.A able tni matc.( )19. .At 21:00p.m.B.:00 a.mC.t :00 pm( )20. A.oth of tem ove wtcing foall atce.BNeither of hm likswhing fotbal mace

4、s.C.Th ialg s not apeningat ho.第二部分 基础知识运用(55分).单项选择。(10分)( )1.I eve_ yself if e i hurt by my behavior.( )2.Did yo know _ A.waid they haenB.a hpened o themC.what h happenedDwhat they ar hnig( )3Im goin toa ausmen art._ .So amI.B.o re u.C.S you are.D.So I am.( )4.What about playig oball this ftenoon,

5、 Sam ouldrter _ athme than _ ooball.t to otoutsid.A.sta; playngB.sa; playC.tsta;o payD.to ay; playing( )5.I dont nk wate water shuld b pt into th riversor lakes. _ It will casemuch aterpolltion.A.oo lck.BItsa asure.C. agree th yo.D.The ame to you.( )6.Do yo ike tcce scoolor alk to hoolI prefer _ o_.

6、 It only onekomete frommy hmto our schol.Awalk;cyl.to wal; tocyceC.walig; cyclnD.t walk; cyling( )ck, yu me a little pogesin yurwitng n reding. But yo shoud pyattntin o_nd_ A.lstning; peingB.lsten; spakC.ltened;spokeD.istns; seaks( )8.is pogra is ot suitable _childr.( )9.wantto b n ri, bu i _ littlh

7、ar.ork hrd,and_ oull uccee at st.Aayb; may be.y be; mab.maybe;maybD.ay be; ma be( )0Do you oftn gto t cinemaN, I oftn wtchmovies TV. Bu_ oo hcnma wih lfriend.ome imeDsom imes.情景交际。(5分)根据对话内容填入适当的单词,补全对话。(ae and i Tao are taling aoutlassial(古典的) msic,pp muscadth Beijing Opea.)Lin Tao: Ireally lveclas

8、ia mic. Is 11 woderfutat I isn o itevery y.Jane:What bout pop muic o ou keitLnTao: Yes, but n o much 1 clssca sic.ne: Wel, I terested in pomusic. I like it verymuh.Li Ta: D you lik Cisep muic, tooJne:Yes,ceranyLiTao: Bt do youunerstaitJae: Only a 13 ,bt i doesnt mter whtr udertahwods not. I ust njo

9、14 toitLn To:Howabout the Beijing OpeaDo you like i, tooJane: Yes,I do. ts vry beatful.Lin ao:Really ont like t at 5 . Im fraid Ill fall ase if lien to itIs mch o slow.1. _ 2. _ 13. _ 14. _ 15. _ .完形填空。(10分)Averismnts cn e seen on Ver day! me peoleloe ds,ut 6 ayhae ads, syin tht he k ourciesand coun

10、tryid lk gy. a ads e aimedpeally at tenagrs, ad so 17 see mrehan 100ds a ay.Is truehtsme ad can be 1 , tey can help o core some dferntprouc 19 you can buy the e yu eal ned. Thy caalo hepou 2 money We prces aisted, you cano tot ore wh he 21 pce. Hv, oe canbe 22 . Sets theword ud good ut donteall ell

11、you 23 about the quality of tproducts Sometime te pctures i an ad ok 4 thathe rea thigs. So yu hve to be 5 . Smetimes a all led utbuomethig you dot ned tal.theotheD.the othesC.oupepeD.lpeope( )19.A.so thatB.s . tatCi oder to( .阅读理解。(共30分)(A)Maychilde cti shw They work sveal hour very dy, o they can ot go reg hool.How do tey gean eduatoIn ollwooman TV shs re made. Abut fortyteachersgive lesons to thchildrninhe


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