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1、考研英语阅读材料汇编之社会类(1) 阅读是考研英语的重要题型之一,也是保障英语成绩的核心题目。因此,考研学子们要充足注重英语阅读,除了平时多多阅读英语杂志、报纸外,还需要针对阅读进行专项训练。小编整顿了有关考研英语阅读题源的系列文章考研英语阅读材料汇编之社会类(1),请参照! AS the Wters Risesworld adr m t discuss climae cane at te Uied Natons hisweek, potesersousiesemed unovncedthat dowing islan nd xpadng desets weethe plan s b

2、igest we atnmericanamentd the imerilisof thUnitdSttes.Vetnamse wth Bdhtflgs derid theirovrmnt s iety, whileemigrs ro Irandeplred ter ulersrlgious feru.Insid th uildin, cncernser alms as diffuse. methgt thmost presing aspet of climate cangews rsing sealevel; thrs, th rowing iensiy stoms and druhts;nd

3、hrshesprad of et anddsese. any oo ountries felt moe oy wasneede to addres e rol;rch nftted abt a lk of political wll andpopulaethusias. Souh fica wanted mormaistreamin fwom adyoh .Bolivia s presiet, Evo Mores, alle capitaismth wost ey ,A shek fom the it Arab Eiratess oo viorous responseto gloal armn

4、gu wec il-dpendentoomiesnd Preident eorge Bsh,not conent wit theUNevnt, held his wn eeting onlimate ag on September 2th.nthery, bohhis gathi andthNo aied o foter deate abot successorto the yoto rotcol eN sexiing eyon limat cange, whic epire n . Bttherhtorcsurruding t two delberatinswa ver diferet At

5、 the UN metig, ost veryled pke fcomo but diffentiatd espnsiiliis -jargo for the ida hat rich ountrs musct eir emssions of greouse gases,wilooroncarry o asnomalness t rich word payfor hm t cleaup theract. he Wte ouse affai, meanwhi, focsed on dsseinatg renecloy. Theipict mesaeathatbinding emssis tage

6、taeountr-poductiv, and tat ny ouon must ivole por countris sell as richs.Yvo deoer,had f te agencyhat ovrseesKoto anits prersor,heUnie NtiFrewok Convnionn Cimate Cnge, sas hegulfbweenria and the est is less wdehan it appers Athough r.Bshi no ye ead t cneate a bindin nteaionl trey hat wol liit rnhse-

7、gas emissins, he does adva plicies ht culd hl trim Amec s emissions. As it is, tats repeentiover alf of America s emissions have pledut of ome kn. Congres, meanhile,is ontemplaing seval bill that dimpose atonal cap. Autrali, the othe ih cuny hat ejctd Kyoto,is als working onaeinsreduton ln.Po cuntri

8、e, fr e mspart, areti refusngto ccet ny targs of teir own.hyargue that ich cntrieshave notade enouh use f theean Delopmet Mehasm(CM),asheme under yo thatetscounes wt emisons-rdtiontagetsmeet them i part through rjcts ipoorountris.Cub s frignminst, for oe, dismissed ric countrie effor to dte s modest

9、io: e ustioned thmoaauthorityof eadrs like Mr. Bush nimerely vowed tht ts emsos er had ouldvr xcethe evelof ihcountries,afrmla ht stil perits enrmo growth.ta few develpig outes hintd ata more eibe ance. Mxico sugested ingheaid giveno poor countries through rogrameslke e DMt their forts t comb clate

10、cangeIdonias presidet,ami moetalk o dfftited resposiilies ,sal cntries shuld tae biggerburens, and told low eders o thi oside te bo Thee wa much iusion-albitmotly the sielis-of oountriestakig on targts or emons pread, orper uni of outp incertai industres.Alti is at thehape of tngso coe. Amerca ad As

11、trla an rbabl b ticd toimit missios,epeciallyif,sxpced, otgt ewgvrment in henxtyear r two. Bute versigh andamnitrationofsu deal mgh be loser tan uder yoto,ivn America s suspicion of lobalbureaucrts oorconties migt he ndued otake o trtsf some sort, alb of lessexaing sort hn he straigtmions ut ad yich

12、 contrie. But foing ch dea uldtak an age: neer Amrca or the expct ay cnclsion borlate .Pehs hoe low-lyig isladsshould coun o sying ry.词汇注解重点单词unvinced / ,nkn inst/【文中释义】aj.不信服的【大纲全义】adj.不信服的漫无边际的;四散的,弥散的diffuse / di fju:/【文中释义】a.散开的,弥漫的【大纲全义】V.扩散;传播 ad.(文章等)冗长的,intnty /in teniti/【文中释义】n.强烈,剧烈【大纲全义】n.强烈,剧烈;强度drugh/drau【文中牌义】.干旱【大纲全义】.旱灾,干早fret /ret/【文中释义】v.烦恼,不满【大纲全义】n.烦躁,磨损,焦急 v.烦恼,不满,磨损expre /iks pai/【文中释义】v期满,失效,终结【大纲全义】v.期满,失效,(期限)终结;呼气;断气,死亡


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