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1、鄢家小学2014年春期六年级质量检测 命题人:曾师师 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: 一将所给单词的大小写字母进行转换,并写出单词的中文意思。(5分) YESTEDAY( ) fever( ) HEAD( ) thirsty( ) BIKE( ) 二根据汉语提示选择正确的字母组合成单词或短语将正确答案填入题前括号内。(7分)( )1. st chache A . ama B . oma C. cam ( )2. ho work A . ma B .me C. cm( )3. b p A . eau B . cau C. dau ( )4. Mon A . day B . cey C. bey(

2、 )5. every A . thing B . thiny C. thany ( )6. v ce A . oi B . ai C. di( )7. ph A . one B . ane C. cne( )8. t e A .ak B . ck C. fk ( )9.capi A . bal B . tal C. cal ( )10.h m A . i B . a C. b( )11. my homework A . do B . take C. at( )12.c try A . oun B . aun C. un( )13. TV A . watch B . see C. look( )

3、14. w st A . e B . i C. o三、 抄写下列句子,并翻译汉语意义。(5分)1、Did you have lots of biscuits yesterday?( )2、We were hungry and thirsty.( )四、找出不同类的一项,将正确答案的番号填入括号内。(5分)( )1. A .very B . cool C. naughty ( )2. A .was B . is C. be ( )3. A . zither B . flute C. Play( )4. A. stronger B. shorter C.mother( )5. A . Englan

4、d B. English C.China( )6. A . fever B.cold C. got ( )7. A.she B.me C . he ( )8.A .did B .hold C .had ( )9.A . looked B. played C . danced( )10.A.fell B .bought C.go五、单项选择,将正确答案的番号填入括号内。(15分)( )1. She was thin.She _fat then. A . wasnt B .was C. isnt( )2. He his bike. A . fell off B .fall off C.falled

5、 off( )3. They some books. A .buy B .bought C. buyed ( )4. Amy can play flute. A . a B . / C. the ( )5. Where is New York? It is the east of USA. A .on B .in C. at ( )6. People speak in . A . English ; England B . England ; English C. Chinese; china( )7.Now ,Sam very hungry. A . is B . are C. was( )

6、8. A: you play table tennis? B : Yes ,I did. A . did B .Did C. Do ( )9. He wasnt tall then. He was A . tall B . short C. fat ( )10. Yesterday Sam his bike. A . fall off B . fell off C. falled off( )11. I England. A . is from B . be from C. am from ( )12. DO you agreen ,Sam? A . Yes , I do. B . Yes,

7、I agreen. C. No , thank you.( )13. I fish yesterday. A . cook B . cooked C. Cooking( )14. 当你向他人介绍你的祖父母时,应该说: A . They are my parents. B . They are my grandparent C. They are my grandparents.( )15. 当你要表达:昨天大明感冒了。你应该怎样说?A、 Daming has got a headache yesterday.B、 Yestreday Daming had got a headache.C、 D

8、aming had got a c old yesterday. 六连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。(8分)1. what to your head happen (?)2. Amy a had cold yesterday (.)3. my now hair is long ( . )4.we went for bike a ride week last ( . ).5.Dad did lunch cook yesterday ( ?)七下面各题均有一处错误,将序号填入括号内,并改正。(5分)1. We was hungry and thirsty . ( ) A B C2. It is call the USA. ( ) A B C3. Today he is got a fever. ( ) A B C4. On monday, I ll do my homework. ( ) A B C5. Do you cook meat yesterday? ( ) A B C



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