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1、飘英文读书报告Tomorrow is a New DayReading on Gone With the WindAmerican writer Margaret Mitchell wrote a work merely on the legendary place in the literacy circles of writers, her only work Gone with the Wind has become the United States best-selling works of fiction overnight .November 8th, 1900, Margare

2、t Mitchell was born in Atlanta, home of a lawyer. Since childhood, the Civil War, which happening in Atlanta, has become the topic. Of course Atlanta became the natural background of the novel. Margaret has spent ten years time to write the novel and half a year s time to cross-check fiction histori

3、cal events involved in the specific time and place.Gone with the Wind is a novel describes love. Margaret used her female fine and smooth to grasp young women s complicated psychological activities exactly when they are seeking for love ,modeling this novel s complex figure Scarlett successfully .So

4、metimes, this figure was very familiar to us ,but sometimes very strange. Sometimes we could understood her , but sometimes we thought she was unintelligible. However, we could fell she was very authentic from beginning to the end , these were this book s greatest achievements. Scarlett was young an

5、d beautiful but what she had did show her cruel and greedy. In order to re-energize her family property, she took her love and marriage asbusiness. She had three marriages, but she was not sincere at all. Finally, she found that, Ashley, the man she kept in mind constantly was weak and incompetent i

6、n character. But the man named Rhett Butler was worthwhile to be loved.From the view of appreciation of the beauty, the person who had a complicated character could not be intaken into a negative character simply. In previous novels, the author used to shape the character in a simple way. Gone with

7、the Wind has broken this descriptive method. The novel by the characters presented to us are both positive and negative of the combination.Scarlett, the leading character in the novel, impressed me the most. So I want to talk something about her. Her character was very complex. She was childish and

8、optimistic. She had a tense feeling and her feeling was apt to be revealed. In the meanwhile, she was self-willed and like a bear with a sore head. She was also quite responsible for her own action. She was not good at analyzing and introspection. These characters made her use six or seven years exp

9、eriences to realize that the unwilling love was wrong. This kind of love was just a fine kink but not real exist. From another point of view, I appreciate Scarlett s brave and strong. When she faced difficulties she would say: Tomorrow is another day. Yeah, what a reasonable sentence. If s of great

10、philosophic theory. It told us to be confident to life. When I meet diff iculty, I will tell myself: tomorrow isanother day.Gone with the Wind has a very significant position in our society. We feel America is an incredible and strange country, but Gone with the Wind uncovers her too softhearted vei

11、l, making people see many things that dirty and glorious are coexisted. It also has a special significance to adolescents. This novel became famous overnight as soon as it published. This novel which reached a length of 1000 pages shocked American. The movie Gone with the Wind was adapted from this

12、novel. The movie made the novel even more famous. It is quite worth reading.第二篇:飘读书笔记 1400字飘又名乱世佳人,是美国女作家玛格丽特 米切 尔唯一的一部作品。正是这本飘,让原本名不见经传的玛格丽特几乎一夜成名。自 19xx年问世以来,飘凭借着 它独特的魅力吸引了无数读者。这样一部优秀的作品的确有 太多值得称道的地方,然而最能感染我的,是主人公思嘉的 一句:明天又是新的一天了。 ”思嘉任性、倔强。优雅的举止只是她的表面,那是在母 亲的严厉管教下形成的,她的骨子里还是留着父亲不羁的血 液。这从她的眼睛里完完全全暴

13、露出来。那双淡绿色的眼睛 纯净得没有一丝褐色,虽然生在一张甜美的脸上,却仍然是 任性的,充满活力的。如小说中说道,思嘉并不是特别漂亮, 男人们被她吸引更多的是因为她自身的魅力而不是容貌。像思嘉奥哈拉这样的一位佳人,却不幸遭遇乱世。南北 战争打破了她平静的生活,让这位庄园主家庭的小姐一下子 失去了优渥的生活。但或许也是因为这场战争,让她迅速成 长起来。战争时期在医院里当护士救助伤员的经历让她不再 只是一个娇生惯养、自我中心的大小姐,而是学会了照顾别 人;家中的变故又让她骨子里的坚毅性格完全表现出来,明天又是新的一天了。 ”这句话虽然只出现在小说结尾 处,却始终贯穿着整本书。思嘉只说过一次,但我想

14、她一直 是这样信奉着的,这种信念让她在面对种种不幸时,仍然坚强勇敢思嘉的坚强勇敢表现在勇于面对世人的眼光;成为寡妇 之后,她仍然在舞会上翩然起舞;战争结束后,她独自在外 面办起了木材厂;烈日炎炎下,她放下小姐的架子像一个黑 奴一样在地里劳作。作为一个接受了良好家教的小姐,她的 行为在同时代的人眼里是叛逆的,然而她从不畏惧别人的流 言蜚语。思嘉的坚强勇敢还表现在她面对战争时。战争来临时她 本可以自己逃走,但她强忍住心中的恐惧留下来,为即将生 产的梅兰妮接生;黑夜里她艰难地赶着一匹瘦马,驾车带着 奄奄一息的梅兰妮和她刚出生的婴儿、一个不懂事的孩子以 及一个什么忙也帮不上的黑人小姑娘穿过纷飞的战火。

15、思 嘉奥哈拉就是这样一位乱世佳人。思嘉的坚强勇敢更表现在她遭遇不幸时。当她历经千辛 万苦回到塔拉庄园,却发现家里已经面目全非时,她紧紧握 拳,向上天发誓将决不再饥饿;本来还是在母亲怀里撒娇的 年龄,她却已经成为一个孩子的母亲,在母亲因病去世,家 中的顶梁柱父亲也倒下了时,她用柔弱的肩膀独自撑起了整 个家。许多人不喜欢思嘉,她把爱情当作玩物,从没有认真 对待过她的婚姻。正因如此,思嘉的几次婚姻都是不幸的。 她一直以为自己爱着阿希礼;当她最终明白自己的真爱时, 瑞德已经决定离她而去。在她不断失去了身边重要的人后, 她又成了孤身一人。然而即使在最爱的人也抛弃她时,思嘉 还是这样告诉自己: 明天又是新

16、的一天了。 ”有明天就仍有希望。今天想不通的事,或许明天就会豁 然开朗;今天没有办法解决的事,就交给明天去处理。或许 今天过得一塌糊涂,但明天又是新的一天了。这样的一句话 里或许也包含着思嘉的无奈,但我相信这更多的是思嘉面对 未来的勇气。是的,明天又是新的一天了。即使在经历那么多不幸, 即使只剩下自己一个人,思嘉仍然这样说道,那么我们在平 时生活中遭遇困境时是否能有这样的勇气?生活中我们不可能一帆风顺,虽然不一定会像思嘉那样 不幸,但我们难免会遇到许多困难,要经历许多历练。有的 困难很容易过去,但有的则看起来很可怕。若我们勇敢与之 战斗,或许我们就能战胜它;然而若我们惧怕它,它也可能 会把我们压垮。因此即使是面对再大的困难我们也不能放弃希望。毕竟,明天又将是新的一天了。



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